The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
A piece of cake.
Why did the cloud vanish?
Because it ran out of batteries.
What does glue stand for?
Glue. Lue. Ue. E.
what does L.I.F.E. stand for?
No, spa-ghe-tti.
Why are walls hard to break?
Because they are portals leading to another dimension.
How do I access the plane of shadows? I forgot it! D:
You buy a ticket and wait at the airport.
How are mirrors real?
Our eyes aren't.
Where do we go after Earth?
Because it's tasty!
Why are some clouds grey? Are they sad?
oh darling, they are the only ones who know the great tears of our earth.
Can you halp?
I Have lots of money.
Why not?
what's Unown?
What? When? Why? Where? Who?
bananas, now, the monkeys are invading, my house, me
why is envelope glue so tasty?
dear, the envelope wouldn't be tasty if you hadn't tasted it.
Why would anyone play such a mindless game?
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