The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because we like it
Why do we like it?
Because your brain is telling you to like it
Why don't human have a tail?
Because we don't deserve the freedom of being animals
Why it isn't Friday yet?
Because there is no Friday. Why do I have this account?
Because all the other accounts aren't available
Why am I so slow?
Because you slowness is not relative. Why am I posting?
Because you are being forced to?
Why did I created an account here?
Because your mind told so. Should I study today?
My best attribute is knowing when not to answer stupid questions.
? Why do I get angry so easily?
Become you are all beast. Am I too lucky?
Luck is never too much!
Should I play Minecraft today?
Not today, not forever. Should I eat puliogare today?
No, because it's not on the menu should i throw away my trash now or wait just a little bit longer
give it to someone instead - because one she/he's trash is another he/she's treasure
why am i not' tired after i just got back from sleeping?
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