ForumsWEPRWhy iran must not have nukes?

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1,826 posts

Title says it all.

  • 204 Replies
1,826 posts

Perhaps I should explain a little better, I realise that my previous one won't result in much sound if followed exactly...

Hit the palm of your hand with your fingers, keep them flat and together. Almost like making a fist, but not "quite."

it sounds like something bad

with to point to s word as a joke
Well the fuss is if someone were to get their hands on them who was not afraid of Mutually Assured Destruction, aka, a Religious Terrorist. I don't think many people believe that the government will just start launching them willy-nilly, however, they are afraid that due to the instability of the government, if it were to collapse or have such nut-balls in it, those nuclear weapons could easily be sold/stolen into the wrong hands and used by terrorists.

there are crazy people in every nation remember the guy from oklaham bombing?
If this should b made the base to shut down irans nukes than whole world should shut down their nukes too.
personally i think iran should have kept it secret until completion
5,552 posts

there are crazy people in every nation remember the guy from oklaham bombing?

Yes, there are. However, most governments with nuclear weapons (Excluding North Korea) are stable and have their nuclear weapons under tight lock and key. No random civilian is going to get his hands on a nuclear warhead.

If this should b made the base to shut down irans nukes than whole world should shut down their nukes too.

Most of the countries with nuclear weapons are disposing of a large majority of theirs, or keeping them inactive or some other thing, not too sure on this point.

personally i think iran should have kept it secret until completion

Perhaps, although it's very hard to keep something like that a secret. There's not much Uranium/plutonium in the world and what has been found has a very tight eye kept on it by many governments. The knowledge to make nuclear bombs is out there, the problem for terrorists is that they can't get the materials/facilities to make them, and procuring an already produced one is neigh impossible because they are under heavy security.
1,826 posts

Yes, there are. However, most governments with nuclear weapons (Excluding North Korea) are stable and have their nuclear weapons under tight lock and key. No random civilian is going to get his hands on a nuclear warhead.

so what makes you think iranian government will not keep their nukes safe(remember the only nation to lose a nuke is USA)
5,552 posts

so what makes you think iranian government will not keep their nukes safe(remember the only nation to lose a nuke is USA)

Lose or use? Simply because their government has shown to not be very stable. It may not happen, but it's a pretty big risk if it does.
1,714 posts

so what makes you think iranian government will not keep their nukes safe

The instability of the government? Their connection to terrorist groups? The hatred the government has for the rest of the world? Take your pick.
8,257 posts

so what makes you think iranian government will not keep their nukes safe(remember the only nation to lose a nuke is USA)

Personally, I don't think Iran will launch or sell their bomb as soon as they get one, but they strike me as rather aggressive and I absolutely don't like Ahmadinedschad; knowing that they had a bomb in their locked would make me feel extremely unsure. Especially in regard to the obvious animosity between Iran and Israel.
1,826 posts

will b back after watching the simpsons

1,826 posts

i meant lose the nuke.

The instability of the government? Their connection to terrorist groups? The hatred the government has for the rest of the world? Take your pick.

usa supports a lot of militant groups itself if you dont
know USA once promoted mujahideen (which now are classified as terrorists)
Haterd for other governments?
an example plz
5,552 posts

i meant lose the nuke.

They didn't lose track of it, it accidentally exploded due to an accident it would appear. Not a nuclear explosion though.

usa supports a lot of militant groups itself if you dont
know USA once promoted mujahideen (which now are classified as terrorists)

Supported. That was mostly during the height of the Cold War, where they tried to use these groups to their own ends.
1,826 posts

they were very lucky to find it. It went missing for 80 days

1,036 posts

Is it ok if I say the land shouldn't belong to anyone? I mean originally before anyone claimed religiously Israel who owned it?

1,826 posts

b4 moses took israelis in desert (that is many thousand years b4 christ) israeli nation came into being as a nation.
than until prophet danial came israelis owend the palestine(b4 them palestine was of original palestinians who were pagans at that time) andat the time of prophet danial israelis were taken to babylon.
(THis is what i know to the best of my knowledge.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Yes, there are. However, most governments with nuclear weapons (Excluding North Korea) are stable and have their nuclear weapons under tight lock and key. No random civilian is going to get his hands on a nuclear warhead.

Even NK keeps it under tight state control as well. The problem with Iran is not that it will launch nukes, but that it might pass on nuclaer technology and weapons to its various funded terrorists groups.

What a happy coincidence that I was researching on Spain a few days ago and its anti nuclear stance.

Now let's rip apart your argument Punisher.

Which is:
A) USA has lost nukes before.
B) Hence it can't be trusted.
C) Hence we can see untrusted nations can also have nukes, example Iran.

Now let me explain the example you gave. The plane carrying the bomb was refuelling in mid air and an accident occurred. An accident caused the planes to collide and release the bombs, not a deliberate action. Furthermore the navy found 3 out of 4 bombs within 24 hours, the last was not found because the parachute blew it out to sea.

Now in Iran's case, we have stated earlier and given enough evidence to show that Iran wants to wipe out Israel and indirectly the USA. It has a stated end and purpose for launching nukes. It does so by funding terrorists groups, and will stoop to any means to do so.

Now do you get why your two examples don't add up? Because what it proves to the USA after it lost its bomb is that it needed better safety precautions, not that it should not have nukes.
9,439 posts

(remember the only nation to lose a nuke is USA)

What about the ones Russia didn't keep track of? They can't even account for how many they've lost due to poor recordkeeping.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

What about the ones Russia didn't keep track of? They can't even account for how many they've lost due to poor recordkeeping.

Technically the USSR broke up hence the loss of nukes. Russia is but one of the fifteen ex-Soviet republics so we can't blame just Russia.
Showing 136-150 of 204