Thats putting words in my mouth. Just because I dont reply to every point doesnt mean I agree.
I didnt say they are more or less stable than us. I said we are not really any more stable then them and cannot claim the moral high ground of "we have nukes for a deterent".
We are much more stable than Iran. If you are going to blatantly ignore the 2009 Iranian Revolution as just a minor fluke then I have nothing to say. You don't see that scale of protests in the United States.
Now, let us carefully analyse the issues at hand. We can split it into two:
A) Nuclear Deterrence as a whole
B) Whether the West is trustworthy to handle Nukes.
Nukes are bad, get rid of them. When we can turn around and say "we have no nukes, so neither can you" then I might actually support any politician or government.
Governments have been trying to do this for decades, Reagan, Gorbachev, Bush, Khrushchev, all to no avail. They're decreasing in numbers already, but it's not possible to suddenly dismantle all of them.
Sadly millions around the world think their own governments have the only moral right to such power.
Possessing nukes is not a moral issue. Using nukes is also not a moral issue. Having the conditions to possess them is also not based on moral ground, but practical reasons; of which stability ranks amongst the first.
Go read some proper history. Start with Noam Chomsky, he has important things to say regarding the cold war, vietnal, cuba and current issues.
Care to list what ''important'' things he has said that would be related here?