"What's the point". That's exactly what the Russian "Dead Hand" system is based on. If a second power were to launch nukes at them, well, like it or not, leadership or not, that second power would be obliterated. It's deterrence, and a very powerful one, because unless you know exactly where the Dead Hand bunker is, you can't prevent it. So, you just don't nuke that country. Now, if every country had something like that...
guys this article states that usa gave them nuclear power
The second sentence from that wiki page.
The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Iranian Revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran.
so u mean as long as their shah followed usa nuclear energy was not a problem and now it is
The reason why the USA was ok with it was because Iran was an excellent Cold War ally for the USA up till 1979 (Seeing Iran actually borders the USSR, having an ally right next to your arch nemesis is always a good idea.)
In the context of regional turmoil and the Cold War, the Shah established himself as an indispensable ally of the West. Domestically, he advocated reform policies, culminating in the 1963 program known as the White Revolution, which included land reform, extension of voting rights to women, and the elimination of illiteracy. Major plans to build Iran's infrastructure were undertaken, a new middle class began flourishing and in less than two decades Iran became the indisputable major economic and military power of the Middle East.
After the Iranian Hostage incident, I'm not going to blame the USA for having sour relations with Iran. It is a problem because the government has proven itself capable of massacring thousands ''olitical prisoners'' (read, ex-monarchists) and crushing democratic movements. If a government can do such a thing to its own people, I won't trust it with anything.
so it have nothing to do with world peace bcoz no matter how much iran says that it is not making nukes as long as usa and israel feel a very slight danger iran is a threat to world peace
so it have nothing to do with world peace bcoz no matter how much iran says that it is not making nukes as long as usa and israel feel a very slight danger iran is a threat to world peace
That actually remains to be seen, seeing how new evidence has come to light.
so it have nothing to do with world peace bcoz no matter how much iran says that it is not making nukes as long as usa and israel feel a very slight danger iran is a threat to world peace
I beg your pardon. Every country in the region will feel threatened if Iran has nukes. Iraq fought bloody wars with Iran just three decades ago, such wounds don't heal fast. It is a matter of world peace.
that iran iraq conflict is long gone as main character i.e Saddam (saddam also means bumper in arabic) is dead. so this is not a matter of world peace.
that iran iraq conflict is long gone as main character i.e Saddam (saddam also means bumper in arabic) is dead. so this is not a matter of world peace.
A nuclear-armed Iran poses a threat to America's closest allies in the Middle East. Israel is most at risk as Iran's leaders have repeatedly declared that that Israel should "be wiped from the map." America's moderate Arab allies, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and others are already alarmed at Iran's aggressive regional policy and would feel increasingly threatened by a nuclear-armed Iran.
A nuclear-armed Iran would likely embolden Iran's already aggressive foreign policy, resulting in greater confrontations with the international community and support for extremists. Iran is already one of the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism through its financial and operational support for groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and others. Iran could potentially share its nuclear technology and know-how with extremist groups hostile to the United States and the West.