ForumsWEPRPremarital Sex

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I apologize if it's in the wrong section, wasn't 100% sure where to put it.

Anyways, what are your opinions on premarital sex? (and please, if you're christian, don't base your opinion on what 'God said', Your personal opinion would be most thankful)

I think it's perfectly fine for 14+ year olds to have sex, but only if they do it smartly. If my son/daughter came to me and said 'Dad would you mind if I had sex?' I'd probably say something between the lines of being smart and using contraceptives. I myself lost my virginity at age 16, it's really not a big deal, just be smart about it, and avoid children (unless financially and mentally prepared for a child) and especially STD's.

  • 102 Replies
370 posts

Yes I'm aware of this, whoever I have to wonder who is being abused?
The drawn images of course! This Supreme Court ruling just shows how out of touch with the general population the Court is.

And how does that work
I dunno ask the Supreme Court I'm just stating what they ruled against.
3,085 posts

As much as I hate to say this, and I do so with a terrible taste in my mouth, it is possible that drawn porn containing minors might act a sort of catharsis that keeps those people with such interests away from abusing actual children. Of course, inversely, it could also act to stir up such feelings in people who would otherwise not have had them or it could increase the desires of someone who was mildly interested.

158 posts

I'm totally against pornography. It warps your view of what sex is supposed to be about and generally becomes an addiction. I myself have been heavily affected by pornography and such and am disgusted with myself to this day but I most certainly do not support the production and use of pornography.

It is much less likely that the average Joe will act on his/her desires IRL if they have an outlet somewhere else.

No... it's more likely... More than about 80% of convicted sex offenders admit to abusing pornography. Please, don't just say its an outlet. That's just stupid.
3,085 posts

...Sex is supposed to be about something? I mean, from a genetic standpoint, it's about reproduction. Humans haven't really stuck with that though, even before the advent of pornography. I really don't believe that anyone can become 'addicted' to pornography, it's not like a drug, you don't see people selling their cars to get their fix.

158 posts

You don't seem to know what addicted means. Addiction is the need to have something over and over and of course there are people who are willing to ruin their relationships because they need porn.

154 posts

No... it's more likely... More than about 80% of convicted sex offenders admit to abusing pornography. Please, don't just say its an outlet. That's just stupid.

You do realize that argument has no bearing whatsoever on what I said? Because I'm talking about the rest who aren't sex offenders. Here's what you should have read in the continuation of my post:

[...]it's better if there's some sort of outlet for these people. And the ones who do take the next step and kidnap a child, well, they were gonna do it anyway.

So please, either find an argument with worth, or don't waste my time.

And let me take apart the rest of your post, while I'm at it.

I'm totally against pornography. It warps your view of what sex is supposed to be about and generally becomes an addiction.

Okay, so you're against it. No problems there, I can dig different opinions. But it doesn't warp your view of sex as long as you're aware that what these people do is acting. That's the main psychological reason why minors shouldn't watch porn - they can't differentiate between what is real and what is only faked for entertainment, particularly in topics such as sex, which sadly parents still largely refuse to discuss with their children.

Porn becomes an addiction. Right. So can games. So can television. And so on and so forth. All these people who are addicted to something (and please no one misunderstand, I'm not talking about drugs which create a physical addiction), they're missing something essential in their lives. It's a problem of their own psyche, not whatever it is they're addicted to. The same goes for pornography.

I myself have been heavily affected by pornography and such and am disgusted with myself to this day but I most certainly do not support the production and use of pornography.

And therein lies the crux of the problem. If your age is what it says on your profile page, you shouldn't have been watching porn anyway. Especially if your family is not open minded enough to have discussed sex and sexuality with you in more detailed terms, instead of the broad "It's great but don't do it" way.

Watching (and making, might I add, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms) pornography is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not unnatural or wrong, so long as it's in moderate amounts. It might not be attractive to some people, but that doesn't mean it should be banned. It can be a healthy outlet, in moderation.
158 posts

Since I don't agree with anything you're saying, and you won't listen to my line of reason and I yours, I bid you good day! There is no reason to argue if there is no headway. Have fun.

3,085 posts

Which basically translates into English as "I can see that I'm losing and I don't like that".

You could at least try to counter what Agatha is saying although, personally, I think she raised some very strong points and I have to doubt your debating skills.

197 posts

Really? You're linking to a site that says this:

Oh, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't read the site thoroughly.
Either way, I hope my point was clear enough. ;P
370 posts

No... it's more likely... More than about 80% of convicted sex offenders admit to abusing pornography. Please, don't just say its an outlet. That's just stupid.
Those people OBVIOUSLY have something wrong with them in the first place aside to being addicted to pornography or whatever. A normal person with normal urges can watch porn without being addicted to it.
8 posts

OK, back to premarital sex, which was the original question posted.

In my opinion, there isn't anything wrong with premarital sex. There can be problems that arise from promiscuity, and problems that arise from exploring sexuality at too young an age, but neither of these are necessarily linked to having premarital sex.

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