I apologize if it's in the wrong section, wasn't 100% sure where to put it.
Anyways, what are your opinions on premarital sex? (and please, if you're christian, don't base your opinion on what 'God said', Your personal opinion would be most thankful)
I think it's perfectly fine for 14+ year olds to have sex, but only if they do it smartly. If my son/daughter came to me and said 'Dad would you mind if I had sex?' I'd probably say something between the lines of being smart and using contraceptives. I myself lost my virginity at age 16, it's really not a big deal, just be smart about it, and avoid children (unless financially and mentally prepared for a child) and especially STD's.
I just love that in some US states, gay/lesbian sex is illegal...so much for progress. Although I'm assuming these laws are the same condition as those anti-sodomy / anti-fellatio laws that are still in existence from the 1600s. At least I hope they are.
I do not think highly of premarital sex. To me, sex is the ultimate act of love with a partner, not just a rush and endorphin high.
Now obviously I can't, nor shouldn't, stop anybody. It's your choice.
I just hope that no children are conceived. I think it's very unfair for a child to be born into this world with either one parent, out of wedlock, etc.
Tch, I can see why you'd be a little unhappy about the lone parent families thing (although lots of lone parents are very good), but what's wrong with out of wedlock? Seriously, marriage is an outdated institution and a lot of couples choose not to marry because they don't find it necessary or because they're planning on leaving each other at some point.
I can agree with the one parent thing, especially because it would probably be incredibly difficult to provide an income and care for a child all by yourself, but as Avorne said, why the out of wedlock issue?
So you think two people can't feel that way unless they are married?
I think he means that after you have had a lasting relationship that is proven through marriage, and not just some teenage dramatic "he said, she said" crap.
I've heard of younger.
I'm almost afraid to ask how young, but how young was she?
I'd say, no, I do not think that people should have premarital sex. Premarital sex is a really, really easy way to damage the relationships you have with the people around you. Even if you are being "smart" about it, it really is a ridiculous thing to mess up your life over. Just because you have a strong desire to do something, definitely doesn't mean you should.
I'd say, no, I do not think that people should have premarital sex. Premarital sex is a really, really easy way to damage the relationships you have with the people around you. Even if you are being "smart" about it, it really is a ridiculous thing to mess up your life over. Just because you have a strong desire to do something, definitely doesn't mean you should.
I don't think premarital sex relates to ruining your life. You could be married and have a baby by accident. And you could not be married and have a baby on purpose. Either way, I don't see what not being married has to do with ruining your life.
I don't think premarital sex relates to ruining your life. You could be married and have a baby by accident. And you could not be married and have a baby on purpose. Either way, I don't see what not being married has to do with ruining your life.
I think he means the repercussions if you broke up with the one you made love to. it may very well ruin your life at the moment, and you might accidentally get an std if it was a one-night stand.
I would say it all depends on your relationship. Don;t go out and have sex merely for the fact of having sex. If you are and have been in a relationship for some time and are ready to make the next step and truly make love to someone then by all means go forth and have sex. Be smart, and safe! I lost my virginity at the age of 16 and still to this day at 19 have only had 4 partners. Sex is only special if you make it special. otherwise it is just a physical past time activity :/
Oh, I don't know... I'd say more than 90% of the time..? There's a senior at my school who was expelled and removed by his parents from his family's house after he got his girlfriend pregnant. Now he has to raise his family on money from part-time jobs without support from his family. He'll probably go on to have a broken family and nothing good will come of it. But you know, I'm sure it was worth it to have sex and all. (sarcasm)