ForumsWEPRIs killing a enemy soilder a sin when a soilder?

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I have asked this question many times and never gotten an answer. Is it considered a Sin if a soldier kills a terrorist. As the terrorists are following there religion, when preforming sucide bombings or so I'm told. I would like to know the answer to this question, as I am a Christian and hope to be a soldier when I'm 18. But overall people who kill the enemy are just soldiers who are following orders.

What is your verdict on this?

  • 97 Replies
9,462 posts

I couldn't help myself from laughter from this. Their religion has nothing to do with suicide bombing, that's like saying that the Bible tells priests to molest children (Yes they do this, my sources are messed up today, I'll share as soon as I find it). It's just... Racist to say the least.

There are a number of passages in the Qur'an that mentions killing infidels that could be interpreted to justify such actions. Since they believe they are dying doing what their God commands, they believe this justifies their actions and leaves them believing they will be going to heaven.

i know that in judaism it wouldnt be a sin and im pretty sure its not a sin in islam to... so are you speaking as a christian?

Again I have to wonder how Judaism is interpreting the part about not killing?
5,340 posts

ill just guess what you want me to say since i couldnt understand that XP

well first of all there this sentence "do not kill". its pretty literal.

but in the bible there are many rules about killing, killing by mistake etc.

as i said somewhere before, from what i know pretty much anyone who killed in the bible not trying to protect someone or ditn participate in a war got punished.

so i believe that as long as you are protecting someone it is not a sin (and im pretty sure the more religios jews believe in that too but i cant say for sure).

i can tell you that in judaism life is the most important thing that mortals have to respect, even life of a non-jewish person.

9,439 posts

Also, I believe EmperorPalpatine is Christian but I'm not 100% sure.

I'm agnostic with a Christian background. Just trying to explain that right or wrong in your eyes, killing even in defense is considered a sin in any case by the bible and by jesus's teachings, as that's what the title question is asking.
1,627 posts

Again I have to wonder how Judaism is interpreting the part about not killing?

By not killing, the Torah is interpreted to state, "Do not murder," rather than "Killing is forbidden in all situations." When one is in war, it is necessary to kill, or you become killed. That is an unavoidable fact. So rather than tying a soldier's hands behind their back by restricting what they are supposed to do, the "Do not kill" is more for civilians and peacetime soldiers.
9,439 posts

considered a sin in any case by the bible and by jesus's teachings

To defend myself early from the expected heckling due to the many cases of justified murder in the bible, omit the bible part from my post. The goal of a Christian should be to be Christ-like.
158 posts

The thing is, war can rarely fully protect citizens of either side of a war and really, it is all about personal gain (either rights, land, money, resources, or protection). You can't tell me that land, resources, a money aren't selfish reasons for war, can you? Thus some forms of war can be justified and other forms of war can not. All war is sinful but some war can be justified, but not be put into the category of non-sinful since selfishness is sinful in its self.
Taking another's life instead of your own can be justified logically but it is still as selfish as anything else. Why should you get to live and the other person not?You may have a narrow-minded point of view on who's right and who's wrong, but no matter the point of view, when it comes down to it, it is selfish.

5,340 posts

i dont think it is selfish to protect your life. it will be selfish if you have to decide between you and another innocent person and you choose yourself but its not when someone attacks you. i could also say its selfish if you kill someone who is trying to kill your friend because you will be sad if he dies.

so you should do nothing because that is your friend? because you wouldnt be that sad if the person is a stranger. so in other words, its ok to save a stranger but wrong to save your friend.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

i could also say its selfish if you kill someone who is trying to kill your friend because you will be sad if he dies.

It's a choice of killing a total stranger vs having your friend killed. Rationally I would pick the choice of wiping off an unwarranted attacker to save the life of someone I care for.

so you should do nothing because that is your friend? because you wouldnt be that sad if the person is a stranger. so in other words, its ok to save a stranger but wrong to save your friend.

On a moral level, what happened to helping and caring for your friend? On a more rational level, read above.

it will be selfish if you have to decide between you and another innocent person and you choose yourself but its not when someone attacks you.

Why is this the case? Nature has built us in such a way to take care of ourselves first before helping others. It's only our narrow societal values that shame us if we happen to choose ourselves over others that somehow make this ''sinful''.
158 posts

It is selfish, which is the point I'm trying to get across. If you look at what you've just said, your saying that you and your friends are more important than another person, which is a completely selfish reason to kill someone you don't know.
Also, saying the word "nature" or calling something "natural instinct" pretty much enforces that it is a sinful thing. I'm coming from a biblical viewpoint though, so you probably don't agree.

6 posts

"according to the LDS, killing is only acceptable when doing so as a soldier. nothing else will justify it."

In a wide sense, I guess you're right. But it's more a question of morality. WHY are you killing this person? Are you defending you're country? (soldier) In self defense? Or are you killing someone to "get gain"?

5 posts

This is just one of those grey areas. It's up to you. If you feel like it's wrong, then don't do it. Nobody is going to accuse you of being a murderer for fighting in a war. Think about how you personally feel.

9,462 posts

In a wide sense, I guess you're right. But it's more a question of morality. WHY are you killing this person? Are you defending you're country? (soldier) In self defense? Or are you killing someone to "get gain"?

This may be justified by these reasons and I would imagine validly so in many cases, but as a solder your killing because you were told too.
5,340 posts

Iron - Serf


It is selfish, which is the point I'm trying to get across. If you look at what you've just said, your saying that you and your friends are more important than another person, which is a completely selfish reason to kill someone you don't know.
Also, saying the word "nature" or calling something "natural instinct" pretty much enforces that it is a sinful thing. I'm coming from a biblical viewpoint though, so you probably don't agree

choosing your/your friends life over a stranger who tries to kill you is not selfish. choosing your/your friends life over a stranger who is innocent is selfish. if you look at it in the most objective way, all life is equal. and if a person is trying to take ones life then it is ok to defend yourself and even kill him

and nicho you read my comment in the wrong tone. i was responding to cablecar. i didnt think my comment would start a new page
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

It is selfish, which is the point I'm trying to get across. If you look at what you've just said, your saying that you and your friends are more important than another person, which is a completely selfish reason to kill someone you don't know.

Yes, to me my friends are more important than the stranger. Perhaps you misunderstood what I said. What I meant was, if an enemy soldier was just going to club my friend, I would shoot him dead because a) My friend's life makes it worthwhile to me and b) I would kill anyone would launches unwarranted attacks on anyone just to protect them.

Also, saying the word "nature" or calling something "natural instinct" pretty much enforces that it is a sinful thing. I'm coming from a biblical viewpoint though, so you probably don't agree.

I definitely don't. Because having something as ''natural'' makes it involuntary and in built into our system. My main gripe with Christianity is how it always forces such ''natural instincts'' into the mould of sin.

And perhaps you didn't understand my last point. Sin is just a perception of a community, what is a sin is determined by a community, and is all an artificial perception.
53 posts

just to state my opinion, it is a sin. We can only take life in self defense. If we take a terrorists life and he is not trying to take ours, we are disrespecting his dignity.

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