ForumsWEPRIs killing a enemy soilder a sin when a soilder?

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I have asked this question many times and never gotten an answer. Is it considered a Sin if a soldier kills a terrorist. As the terrorists are following there religion, when preforming sucide bombings or so I'm told. I would like to know the answer to this question, as I am a Christian and hope to be a soldier when I'm 18. But overall people who kill the enemy are just soldiers who are following orders.

What is your verdict on this?

  • 97 Replies
213 posts

I believe that a soldier will not (or should not) be punished for killing another soldier in the heat of battle. When it is your life against someone else's, even the most kind and thoughtful of us would choose ourselves, its just in the human nature. Think of what war was like say, 200 years ago, during the American Revolution and other wars that time period. A man would pick up his huntiong rifle and shoot at the enemy to protect his home and family.

Today, we have a lot more technology, but in a way, it is still the same. Soldiers go to war to protect their homes, families, rights, way of life or even their religion. Once they are in battle, even if they attacked first, they are still fighting a defensive battle. They are fighting for their lives, and their beliefs. This is only in fair war.

Their are times when it is condidered sinful, at least to me. When decides to hand out justice himself, is when it becomes wrong. If they go against orders, and, lets say, beat a prisoner of war just because he is there, is bad. If a soldier is unarmed, and trying to surrender, it is wrong. If a soldier is injured, and you are acting out of spite, and not out of mercy, it is wrong.

I once heard a saying that all soldiers go to Heaven. I'm not saying that they all do, and I'm not saying that Heaven actually exists, but I'm also Christian, and, as a person, have the right to state my opinions. There is some truth in this statement, however. All soldiers must be firm in their beliefs to endure the hardships of war. They are brave for doing what they do, and following their beliefs until the very end.

I'm not sure about the rest, but that is my opinion on the first question.

9,439 posts

If a Christian ever says it's wrong to kill an enemy soldier (if it is for a just cause or you're defending your homeland) tell him 'what about the crusades? 'I am defending my country and fighting for what I think is right, if you don't like it that's ok you're not fighting this war.'

That's like when a muslim says they believe in peace, someone says 'what about the Taliban/AlQueda?' In the instances of the crusades and terrorists, Religion was/is just used as an excuse and the true motive is greed (land and power).

When it is your life against someone else's, even the most kind and thoughtful of us would choose ourselves, its just in the human nature.

That's why, according to the bible (Jesus telling Peter to put his blade away when Jesus was being arrested), you should never resort to violence, no matter what's happening or how mad or desperate you are. If you're confident enough in your faith, then you won't feel the need to kill at all because God will make everything right in the end.
454 posts

well i do not think it is a sin to kill an enemy soldier when your in the army because it is your job it is not your fault

9,439 posts

Because it is your job it is not your fault.

The SS troops at Auschwitz were only following orders too. Dosen't make it right.
1,810 posts

The SS troops at Auschwitz were only following orders too. Dosen't make it right.

The Jews weren't soldiers though. They were civilians. And that was torture, not just killing. And the SS boys were more of an elite police than actual soldiers.
454 posts

I was mostly referring to the US army

1,606 posts

You kill one person, you're a murdere, you kill thousands of people, you're a conquerer, if you kill the world, you're a god.

Anyways. It doesn't really matter about the sin, it's your justification that counts. For example:
"For honour and glory" Is a-O.K...
"For home and country" Is alright...
"He started it!" Is alright...
"I wanna see fear in your eyes as you meet Death!!" Really depends on you.....
"What's that red stuff coming out of your face?!" Is wrong.
"I've always wanted to do that!" Is wrong.
"IN Giod's name I take your life from you! Gimme!" is Wrawng....

Get the idea? It's all ni the reasoning.

54 posts

well, i think (according to my religion too) killing enemies when you are a soldier isn't a sin. and even, if you die defending your people and your religion, no matter what religion you believe in, you are going to heaven.

158 posts

if you die defending your people and your religion, no matter what religion you believe in, you are going to heaven.

Was that trolling or an honest opinion?
23 posts

The reaction to shoot could just be instinctive, as your body is just trying to protect itself, as your instincts are that "The ends justify the Means"

7 posts

ScouseWarrior maybe I can be of some help to you. From the looks of things you do not fully understand that the Islam extremists are not following the the biblical or quranic laws. They are an extreme party of so called religion that sits on the far right of Muslim culture. Once you can understand the difference between Jihad/extremeists; then can one truly recognize whether or not they are following religious views, or enforced cult views.

I am a Christian and I have always been raised with the values and morals of Christianity. I enlisted in the army last year. 91 Bravo Airborne. I am a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic with airborne and basic infantry training. So I am a soldier in the US Army and a trained Mechanic. I have yet to deploy for active as I have just returned from basic training. I do not feel that killing another person is sin. Back in the biblical days, you read of holy crusades, to uphold and keep the bible alive. Just how I feel about it.

162 posts

But we (Christians) killed people for ages think of the Crusades or even further back, Cain and Abel.

Technically Cain and Abel weren't Christians since Christ hadn't been around yet.
7 posts

Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's sons. Where Cain committed mankind's first murder of his brother Abel. I do not see how you're saying they are not considered religious figures?

We should get back on track. This; as usual, is turning out to be an unnecessarily drawn out conversation of religious politics and antics.

9,462 posts

I do not feel that killing another person is sin. Back in the biblical days, you read of holy crusades, to uphold and keep the bible alive. Just how I feel about it.

How do you interpret the commandment to not kill then?

Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's sons. Where Cain committed mankind's first murder of his brother Abel. I do not see how you're saying they are not considered religious figures?

He didn't say they weren't religious figures, he said they weren't Christians.
5,340 posts

He didn't say they weren't religious figures, he said they weren't Christians.

lol exactly. i could say they were jewish and another could say they were muslims (they believe in them dont they?).

i dont think anyone was religios until they were banished.
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