I'm not a Republican, or right-wing, but I still say anyone who chooses to be.... *that* should accept the consequences. If they don't like that,. they can live *NORMAL* lives.
I could tell a slave the same thing. He needs to suck it up, pick tobacco, and accept that he must live a normal life.
Listen, we live in a reality where philosophy and natural law are not one in the same. That being said, we, in a sense, create our reality. To say it is natural for marriage to be between only a man and a women is to ignore the fact that marriage is not natural, it is merely a concept that can be melded by man. In short, marriage is what one makes it.
Homosexuality is disgusting to me. Call me a bigot or whatever you want. Its disgusting. A lot of homosexuals are perverts.
Define the word "
ervert", because if you're suggesting that homosexuals like sex, then your point is inconsistent because heterosexuals also love sex.
Don't even get me started on the perverse dressing up in the opposite sex's clothes.
1. Not all homosexuals are cross dressers. In fact, most aren't.
2. How ANYONE dresses is up to the individual.
-For example: I HATE how teenagers walk around in skin tight jeans, wearing a belt, and yet their pants still manage to sag. I think it's disgusting and that anyone who wears their sister's pants should stop and switch to pants that don't suffocate their balls. Despite my absolute hate towards said style, it's THEIR right to dress that way, whether I like it or not. It's not about what one wants from others, but what everyone wants from themselves.
And why is it that these teen homosexuals start dressing oddly and talk with a lisp?
Not all homosexuals talk with a lisp. Even if all homosexuals did talk with a lisp, it's THEIR decision to talk however they wish to talk. You can't advocate a country built on FREEDOM if you're going to punish people for how they talk.
Homosexuality is perverse. I'm getting sick of people telling us that its not. Moral decline has been growing and along with that is the growing state of homosexuality.
I'm going to assume that you're talking about homosexuals that sleep with children. Do you forget that there are also heterosexuals who sleep with children? In stead of saying "there are bad homosexuals, therefore all homosexuals should lose their rights", why don't you say "there are bad homosexuals, so let's take away the rights of the bad homosexuals"?
My point is that you can't outlaw one thing, to prevent an illegal action elsewhere. You can't prevent gay marriage as a way to discourage homosexuality to prevent ****. You can only make **** illegal, otherwise you are treating innocent people as criminals. There are many laws out there that treat innocent people as criminals, such as laws against teens driving around with alcohol in their cars who aren't even drinking (a completely different rant).
How long will it be before people start saying having sex with animals is fine because a group starts pushing it as "OK behavior?" That is what this is. Small steps to a greater demoralization.
This is like suggesting that we make alcohol illegal so that less people smoke weed, or experiment with meth. This is like saying we should make it illegal to watch porn of consenting adults as a way to prevent child pornography from being exchanged. This is like saying we should outlaw ALL video games so that there's no chance in legalizing violent video games which will desensitize children. This is like saying we should outlaw apple juice so that nobody drinks wine.
If you think homosexuality is okay, but must remain illegal because it might encourage other behaviors, then you need to stop suggesting that we treat INNOCENT people like criminals "just in case".
If you think homosexuality is wrong, then don't even use the slippery slope fallacy because it's utter bull****.
Lastly, I believe homosexuals should not be allowed to be wed by the government. I believe heterosexuals should not be allowed to be wed by the government. We should get government out of marriage completely. Anyone should be able to marry whoever they want and however many people they want without the government getting involved AT ALL.