ForumsWEPRSenate Democrats move to repeal DOMA

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How do you feel about the Defense of Marriage Act?
Do you think it should be upheld or overruled?

Post your thoughts here.

  • 44 Replies
1,627 posts

While I believe that DOMA fails the Lemon Test (Google it), it will remain in law because the "righteous" right-winged Republicans won't be able to stand if gays and lesbians were afforded equal rights.

1,606 posts

I'm not a Republican, or right-wing, but I still say anyone who chooses to be.... *that* should accept the consequences. If they don't like that,. they can live *NORMAL* lives.

I have no words to describe how I feel about that disgusting malpractice of "human rights".

Actually, yes I do ---> Intestinal Flu <---
Look it up.

3,085 posts

Nobody chooses to be gay, one doesn't just wake up one morning and think "y'know what, I like people who're the same gender as me", what you're saying is completely stupid.

9,504 posts

they can live *NORMAL* lives.

How much more must we continue to say that homosexuality is just as normal as heterosexuality for those against it to finally understand? Philosophically, nothing is normal, just under a majority.

I have no words to describe how I feel about that disgusting malpractice of "human rights".

How the hell is this against human rights? It's against human rights to PROHIBIT these sexual acts, because they are consensual--between two willing participants.

Actually, yes I do ---> Intestinal Flu <---
Look it up.

I see nothing about Intestinal Flu in Wiki, but have something on Gastroenteritis. But then I searched more and found "intestinal flu" in Better Medicine. Where in two of these pages describes "that disgusting malpractice of 'human rights'"? It would be nice to point it out so I can provide more rebuttal.
197 posts

I'm not a Republican, or right-wing, but I still say anyone who chooses to be.... *that* should accept the consequences. If they don't like that,. they can live *NORMAL* lives.

If they really could choose their sexuality, why wouldn't they choose to live so-called "normal lives?" It's because they can't choose to be heterosexuals any more than you can choose to be a homosexual.

And even if it was a choice, who are the people supporting DOMA to decide what other people can and can't do in this instance? Why should they decide the "consequences" for them? If two people want to get married, they should have the right, whether strangers who it will not affect approve of it or not.
317 posts

Homosexuality is disgusting to me. Call me a bigot or whatever you want. Its disgusting. A lot of homosexuals are perverts. NAMBLA is a perfect example. Don't even get me started on the perverse dressing up in the opposite sex's clothes.
And why is it that these teen homosexuals start dressing oddly and talk with a lisp?
Homosexuality is perverse. I'm getting sick of people telling us that its not. Moral decline has been growing and along with that is the growing state of homosexuality.
*Here's the asterisks.*
Not ALL homosexuals are bad people. A lot of them live normal lives. And most people don't care or even know. But its the flaming perverse ones that are giving everyone the bad rap.

How long will it be before people start saying having sex with animals is fine because a group starts pushing it as "OK behavior?" That is what this is. Small steps to a greater demoralization.

3,085 posts


Also, you're a bigot, a disgusting bigot - why is it that most bigots are from the southern part of the USA and talk with a cowboy accent and bash their bibles to buggery? Stop making sweeping generalizations and stop associating homosexuality with things such as crossdressing - there is overlap but they're not synonymous. I don't have a problem with cross-dressing either but that's a separate issue.

317 posts

You totally missed my point there buddy.
I won't continue to argue it because you obviously missed the point.

You are a bigot, a disgusting bigot - for stereotyping "southerners", "cowboys", and "accents."

Again, please stop telling everyone that an act of perverse nature is O.K. and should be accepted. Homosexuality is gross and sick. That is my opinion. And now you are raging because someone else has an opinion that differs from yours. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Also, people do wake up and decide they are gay.

This shows that a lot of it is just a choice....unless you are going to argue because of brain damage that his wires were crossed? If it proves anything, that its NOT in the genes.
However, I have that feeling that he was already gay and looking for a way to come out.

3,085 posts

You are a bigot, a disgusting bigot - for stereotyping "southerners", "cowboys", and "accents."

I was only doing the same thing as you were doing with homosexuals - you were stereotyping even more than I was.

Again, please stop telling everyone that an act of perverse nature is O.K. and should be accepted. Homosexuality is gross and sick.

How is it perverse? How is it any more 'gross' or 'sick' than heterosexuality?

That is my opinion. And now you are raging because someone else has an opinion that differs from yours.

I'm not raging because you have an opinion that's different from mine - I'm raging because your opinion is bigoted, cruel, stupid, outdated and intolerant.
317 posts

Well I very much feel that your opinion is bigoted, outdated, and intolerant. I guess that gives me the right to rage as well?
And just how are you weighing who is stereotyping more?

I don't need to defend myself and my opinion. Nor will I fold and say that homosexuality needs to be accepted.
The topic is getting far off the line. I'm not going to debate the entirety of homosexuality.

To stay on topic, I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Homosexuality is unnatural and that's one case against it. Please, don't start with the animals humping other animals when that issue has been clearly resolved as dominance and not sexuality.
If homosexuality wasn't wrong, then why is it such a huge issue? If it was right, then it wouldn't need support holding the argument up.

1,627 posts

PauseBreak, no one wakes up in the morning and says to themselves, "I'm going to be gay/lesbian/bisexual for the rest of my life." They are literally born that way. If and when you have children, and one of them turns out to be a homosexual, you will have gotten what you deserve for bashing the practice of homosexuality. I honestly don't see the problem if two consenting adults who want to have sexual intercourse, are either straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, or whatever. As long as ANYONE keeps their relations in the bedroom, or somewhere private, they can have sex all they want, I just don't want to see it. If two straight people started making love in the street, would you be disgusted by it? That is because it is an obscenely private act.

Honestly, I wish that you are put into the event sometime in your life where you are forced to look down homosexuality in the face, and accept it as something that is there, not become homosexual, but just recognize that it is perfectly normal, and that some people are just "born this way."

5,043 posts

I'm not a Republican, or right-wing, but I still say anyone who chooses to be.... *that* should accept the consequences. If they don't like that,. they can live *NORMAL* lives.

I could tell a slave the same thing. He needs to suck it up, pick tobacco, and accept that he must live a normal life.

Listen, we live in a reality where philosophy and natural law are not one in the same. That being said, we, in a sense, create our reality. To say it is natural for marriage to be between only a man and a women is to ignore the fact that marriage is not natural, it is merely a concept that can be melded by man. In short, marriage is what one makes it.

Homosexuality is disgusting to me. Call me a bigot or whatever you want. Its disgusting. A lot of homosexuals are perverts.

Define the word &quotervert", because if you're suggesting that homosexuals like sex, then your point is inconsistent because heterosexuals also love sex.

Don't even get me started on the perverse dressing up in the opposite sex's clothes.

1. Not all homosexuals are cross dressers. In fact, most aren't.
2. How ANYONE dresses is up to the individual.
-For example: I HATE how teenagers walk around in skin tight jeans, wearing a belt, and yet their pants still manage to sag. I think it's disgusting and that anyone who wears their sister's pants should stop and switch to pants that don't suffocate their balls. Despite my absolute hate towards said style, it's THEIR right to dress that way, whether I like it or not. It's not about what one wants from others, but what everyone wants from themselves.

And why is it that these teen homosexuals start dressing oddly and talk with a lisp?

Not all homosexuals talk with a lisp. Even if all homosexuals did talk with a lisp, it's THEIR decision to talk however they wish to talk. You can't advocate a country built on FREEDOM if you're going to punish people for how they talk.

Homosexuality is perverse. I'm getting sick of people telling us that its not. Moral decline has been growing and along with that is the growing state of homosexuality.

I'm going to assume that you're talking about homosexuals that sleep with children. Do you forget that there are also heterosexuals who sleep with children? In stead of saying "there are bad homosexuals, therefore all homosexuals should lose their rights", why don't you say "there are bad homosexuals, so let's take away the rights of the bad homosexuals"?

My point is that you can't outlaw one thing, to prevent an illegal action elsewhere. You can't prevent gay marriage as a way to discourage homosexuality to prevent ****. You can only make **** illegal, otherwise you are treating innocent people as criminals. There are many laws out there that treat innocent people as criminals, such as laws against teens driving around with alcohol in their cars who aren't even drinking (a completely different rant).

How long will it be before people start saying having sex with animals is fine because a group starts pushing it as "OK behavior?" That is what this is. Small steps to a greater demoralization.

This is like suggesting that we make alcohol illegal so that less people smoke weed, or experiment with meth. This is like saying we should make it illegal to watch porn of consenting adults as a way to prevent child pornography from being exchanged. This is like saying we should outlaw ALL video games so that there's no chance in legalizing violent video games which will desensitize children. This is like saying we should outlaw apple juice so that nobody drinks wine.

If you think homosexuality is okay, but must remain illegal because it might encourage other behaviors, then you need to stop suggesting that we treat INNOCENT people like criminals "just in case".

If you think homosexuality is wrong, then don't even use the slippery slope fallacy because it's utter bull****.

Lastly, I believe homosexuals should not be allowed to be wed by the government. I believe heterosexuals should not be allowed to be wed by the government. We should get government out of marriage completely. Anyone should be able to marry whoever they want and however many people they want without the government getting involved AT ALL.
1,627 posts

Well I very much feel that your opinion is bigoted, outdated, and intolerant. I guess that gives me the right to rage as well?

How is the acceptance of homosexuals outdated? If anything, clinging to the belief of something that was supposedly told to people thousands of years ago that homosexuals should be killed is outdated! People like you who refuse to accept other people the way they are, and accept homosexuality as something that is natural, you people are the main reason that wars exist, genocide occurs, and other crimes are committed because YOU CAN'T SEE PAST YOUR OWN NOSE THAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE BORN DIFFERENT THAN YOU ARE!

The topic is getting far off the line. I'm not going to debate the entirety of homosexuality.
Homosexuality is unnatural and that's one case against it.

Way to contradict yourself in consecutive sentences. You are the one continuing the debate on whether or not homosexuality is an "unnatural" act or not. So just stand down, and go take your biased, selfish, bigoted, and outrageous opinions elsewhere, to a gay-bashing forum where they will be welcome.
5,043 posts

To stay on topic, I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Homosexuality is unnatural and that's one case against it. Please, don't start with the animals humping other animals when that issue has been clearly resolved as dominance and not sexuality.

Whether something is natural or not is NOT grounds for deciding whether something is moral or not. Even if homosexuality is unnatural, gays should be allowed to marry one another. It's unnatural to gag your wife, cuff her to the bed, and **** her with her consent, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal. If it's natural for male animals to hump each other according to dominance, that doesn't mean humans should be able to **** reach other to show off their dominance, regardless of how natural it is.

How natural homosexuality is has NO place in this debate, because it doesn't matter.

If homosexuality wasn't wrong, then why is it such a huge issue? If it was right, then it wouldn't need support holding the argument up.

There's a huge debate over whether homosexuality is wrong or not. This doesn't, however, mean that homosexuality is wrong. All it proves is that there's a debate as to whether it's wrong or not. Therefore, this argument is invalid.
317 posts

Zakyman, good post. But not on topic of the DOMA. Its more debating what I said, but that's ok. I will respond.

PauseBreak, no one wakes up in the morning and says to themselves, "I'm going to be gay/lesbian/bisexual for the rest of my life." They are literally born that way.

There really isn't any evidence that someone is born gay. Nor is there evidence that its in the genes. Its decided in their life, usually years later that they "find out" that they are gay.
A lot of times they go straight, change their minds, and might change their minds again. (and yes, I know someone who has done that)
The previous link I posted before really shows how homosexuality is in the head. Its seems that its a physiological issue rather than a mortal manifestation. However, I really shouldn't use that argument (the man waking up gay) because I really feel that the individual was looking for a way to 'come out'.

If and when you have children, and one of them turns out to be a homosexual, you will have gotten what you deserve for bashing the practice of homosexuality

So you basically wished a homosexual child on me as a form punishment? Wow, I suppose that's another form of child abuse that you have fashioned. Its like wishing a crippled child on me and having to "DEAL WITH IT". Kind of sick...

you will have gotten what you deserve for bashing the practice of homosexuality

Actually, I don't go out calling people 'queers' and beating every homosexual I see. In fact, my opinion isn't violent at all. It states that I feel its wrong. I do not tolerate it. But I don't go belittling them as it seems the most of you fight your arguments with name calling.

I just don't want to see it. If two straight people started making love in the street, would you be disgusted by it?

I totally agree with you. I don't think sexual acts should be public. It should stay private.
Like I mentioned before. No one really cares about sexual origination so long as it stays private. But there are a lot of perverse homosexuals out there, the "flamming" type, that ruin it for themselves and everyone else.

but just recognize that it is perfectly normal, and that some people are just "born this way."

Its not normal and I will not suffocate myself in the delusion that it is. And you are mistaken. People DO wake up and say, "I am gay". They usually decide this later in their lives.

Final thought on this post. When and if I do have children, I will teach them that homosexuality is wrong. And should one of them, or all of them decide to be gay I am not going to disown them. They would still be my children and I would love them regardless of the choices they make. Children do a lot of things wrong: lie, cheat, steal, etc. But parents regardless still have unconditional love for their children.
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