I want all of you to post your thoughts of bullying, and get all of your pains of being bullied out right here. It is time that these forums actually do something good. Getting all of it out actually helps, a lot. I myself am bullied, and i know that it is not fun. Get it out here, we're all ears, and at this time, it is important to be in good spirits. Who knows, this thread could change somebody's life. If you can post anything, i would be grateful for your time.
U got a problem with the way I write english? Guess what? As long as U people can understand what i am saying, I dont care.
Yes, I do have a problem with the way you type english. Call me OCD, but on a debate forum, you use english that is in the dictionary, not on a cell phone text. It makes you look childish to use "words" like "U," or "l8r" just to give another example.
Yes, I do have a problem with the way you type english. Call me OCD, but on a debate forum, you use english that is in the dictionary, not on a cell phone text. It makes you look childish to use "words" like "U," or "l8r" just to give another example.
zakyman has every right to be angry with you. this forum has put a lot of effort into establishing that you don't text talk in the debates. any serious debater puts effort into the paragraph he types, but those who aren't really serious in a debate will do exactly what you are doing right now. it's annoying, and not everyone can understand what you are posting.
for the sake of all of us, and for the sake of your credibility as a debater (if any) stop text talking.
now that my rant is done, may we get back to the subject at hand?
Please, use proper grammar in a forum debate setting. That is all that I'm going to say on that topic, now back to the real subject. My View
Personally I used to take abuse from certain people, then I came to a realization. Does it really matter? These bullies are just people that are taunting you because it entertains them and they have nothing else to do. If they have a problem with who you are then it's their loss. In the end, are you really going to look back at your life and say, "Man, I was a jerk to that kid, I feel so awesome about that I made someone feel terrible." What if that kid could have been your best friend if you would have just gotten over yourself and gotten to know him? The Solution?
Honestly, if some kid is bullying you look him right in the eyes and laugh then walk away. It works every time, no matter what that person says laugh and say, "Well I'm sorry that you feel that way, that sucks" For those of you that need it I encourage you to try it.
As long as U people can understand what i am saying, I dont care.
Well half the time I can't. I know it's biased, but somehow, with each grammatical error in an argument, that argument loses credibility.
And before you complain that English is not your first language, guess what? Cen is Danish, but his English is top notch. Sen is Serbian, but his English is excellent too.
i hate bullies i had a ROUGH time with them my entire time of middle school years and im a senior in high school now and havent really had trouble with bullies sense i started high school but their really annoying and caused SOOO MANY SUICIDES cause im pretty sure that they dont wanna be considered a murderer for bullying someone so badly that the vistim hanged them-self or shot them-self or even jumped off a high platform
Well I can say bullying is no new thing for me. I have been bullied from an early age, be it strangers or family. It is sumthing very hard to ignore and overcome, sumtimes suicide seems like a better option than to live with the demons that torment us. But I believe that bullies arise mostly because they were bullied themselves and they have the belief its their turn to do it onto sum1 else now and become dominant, i know this because i have been through that 'dominance' phase. These days i avoid such conflicts and try to help others that are being bullied.
I used to get bullied because i was asian, short, smart, not smart enough, physically unable, my voice, etc. sumtimes people just look for a reason to pick on u because they hav nothing better to do.
The best method i found to overcome the issue is to laugh it off nd ignore them but dnt ignore with a sad face but with a smiling face nd that will get rid of them, all they are looking for is a reaction nd wen they dnt get it they giv up on u because it stops being fun for them. I hope this helps sum of the bullied out here.
i hate bullies i had a ROUGH time with them my entire time of middle school years and im a senior in high school now and havent really had trouble with bullies sense i started high school but their really annoying and caused SOOO MANY SUICIDES cause im pretty sure that they dont wanna be considered a murderer for bullying someone so badly that the vistim hanged them-self or shot them-self or even jumped off a high platform
I'm not going to lie, I had a hard time reading it due to the lack of punctuation. but I think I got what you were saying. the suicide rates may be growing, but as long as you practice reason and logic, you yourself won't have to worry.
But I believe that bullies arise mostly because they were bullied themselves and they have the belief its their turn to do it onto sum1 else now and become dominant, i know this because i have been through that 'dominance' phase. These days i avoid such conflicts and try to help others that are being bullied.
that isn't always the case. it could easily be something that stems from our most basic human instincts: the quest for self preservation.
Before you say,"but blade, that doesn't make any sense! they don't need it to stay alive!" self preservation is an umbrella term that can include anything from keeping alive, to eliminating threats. the bully can easily see you as a threat, and is therefore compelled by his basic instincts to eliminate it before it has a chance to eliminate him.
The best method i found to overcome the issue is to laugh it off nd ignore them but dnt ignore with a sad face but with a smiling face nd that will get rid of them, all they are looking for is a reaction nd wen they dnt get it they giv up on u because it stops being fun for them. I hope this helps sum of the bullied out here.
I'm going to go off on my knowledge of chemistry here and say this: "if a substance doesn't react with a reagent, use a diferent type of reagent." the verbal aspect may lose its effect, but the bully (if truly bold enough) can try another way to torment you via cyber, or physical. just be prepared if that bully decides he no longer likes that grin, and decides to knock some holes in it.
once again, there is my analysis. feel free to oppose it if you wish.
hate bullies i had a ROUGH time with them my entire time of middle school years and im a senior in high school now and havent really had trouble with bullies sense i started high school but their really annoying and caused SOOO MANY SUICIDES cause im pretty sure that they dont wanna be considered a murderer for bullying someone so badly that the vistim hanged them-self or shot them-self or even jumped off a high platform
I'm not going to lie, I had a hard time reading it due to the lack of punctuation
I was just reading my book and when I get going I get very vivid images of what I'm reading. I felt out of breath reading that post >.>
Also from a human nature standpoint, this could easily be seen as asserting dominance. The "alpha male" so to speak, although in a more modern context parents and teachers and those most around such bullying need to be aware and do what they can to prevent/stop it.
The "alpha-male" role I agree happens. But saying that it could be self-preservation I'm not quite so sure of. Many people that get bullied I just could never envision being a threat to that person, such as myself.
although in a more modern context parents and teachers and those most around such bullying need to be aware and do what they can to prevent/stop it.
They are aware of it somewhat, and, at least in my school, guidance counselors come in a do lessons on bulling. However, I feel there needs to be a bit more active role in this. Lessons are good, but really, for a lot of people, it just goes in one ear and comes out the other.
Honestly, in my experience, while certainly not condoning bullying, I've found that the only people who get bullied are the ones who give off the signals. You know, they way you dress, they way you act, even the way you walk or talk. In most cases, it's your fault that you're getting bullied; if you just act normal a bully will always find weaker prey.
In most cases, it's your fault that you're getting bullied; if you just act normal a bully will always find weaker prey.
It's not the person's fault to have a different skin colour, to be of a certain weight/height, to dress in dorky clothes, to have certain ''inferior'' hobbies, or to be smarter. Sure, he/she gives off ''signals'', but the onus to change lies not on them in the Land of the Free, but on the despicable bullies.
Honestly, in my experience, while certainly not condoning bullying, I've found that the only people who get bullied are the ones who give off the signals. You know, they way you dress, they way you act, even the way you walk or talk. In most cases, it's your fault that you're getting bullied; if you just act normal a bully will always find weaker prey.
so you think we should all be normal and the same? well thats imposibble. first of all you have the freedom to be yourself. and in reality, not everyone are the same. just like nicho said. its not my fault that i am underweight and have a more quiet personality. so you think that my solution is to start working out to gain muscles, cut my long hair down, and change my personality into a confident macho? yes, that is much better then being bullied. at least the person who doesnt change gets bullied AND has friends that are actually his and not his alter ego.
things were always difficult for me and there were always bullies (my looks is a very unusual one). and i am a REALLY weak person. yet, i wasnt weak enough to actually change things about myself just because of getting bullied. and you know what? alongside the few bullies, i found close friends. and eventually, all of my classmates liked me when they tried to get to know me. you know what was the result? 2 bullies against a bunch of mafya-ish cool guys XD. so even though i had almost not bond with most classmates, most of them liked me and acted like kind of guardians when they felt i needed help.
so in a way, the unusual things about me made people get interested, and by that also want to protect me.