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53 posts

I want all of you to post your thoughts of bullying, and get all of your pains of being bullied out right here. It is time that these forums actually do something good. Getting all of it out actually helps, a lot. I myself am bullied, and i know that it is not fun. Get it out here, we're all ears, and at this time, it is important to be in good spirits. Who knows, this thread could change somebody's life. If you can post anything, i would be grateful for your time.

  • 139 Replies
1,826 posts

A funny thing
Me and two of my friend were called Three Idiots collectively.
We very unsual combination
One f us was very skinny and very very flexible.
Other was like 300 lbs 6 feet 8(often called Bigshow)
Then there was me The average joe kind of guy(except for class record of weight lifting)
The only time we had a group fight was when a new comer dared my bigshow friend which ended with a bloody nose of opponent and a broken teeth of mine.
Other then that once a guy disrespected our little friends sis
So we locked him in a shop on a holiday.
they spent * hours their and then shop owner came to set them free.

5,340 posts

you did that... because of direspect... not sure if other people think so as well but i think this time the bully is on the other side

1,826 posts

you did that... because of direspect... not sure if other people think so as well but i think this time the bully is on the other side

Its a cultural thing you wont under stand.
5,340 posts

the fact its a culture doesnt make it right but meh... i already know your point of view on hurting on other people. so ok

1,826 posts

In our culture you dont let some one just walk away after insulting your sis.
BTW are you a pacifist?

5,129 posts

insults are words. they don't hurt.
a fist is a action. they do hurt.

i simply don't find it logical to take action while the other only said something.

1,826 posts

insults are words. they don't hurt.
a fist is a action. they do hurt.

we did not hit them, just locked them up.
5,340 posts

BTW are you a pacifist?

you say it like its a bad thing? but no i dont think i am. a pacifist wouldnt hit to defend himself or others if im not wrong.

i would say i use logic though. its a really great tool in our lives
1,826 posts

you say it like its a bad thing? but no i dont think i am. a pacifist wouldnt hit to defend himself or others if im not wrong.

i would say i use logic though. its a really great tool in our lives

Its kind of nice thing but you sounded like one.
5,340 posts

being against hurting other people because they say things doesnt make me a pacifist if im not wrong

3,025 posts

In our culture you dont let some one just walk away after insulting your sis.

Culture isn't a justification, although being as most people are aware of how people would react it is in itself an elaboration on their stupidity. Doesn't mean I agree though.

i simply don't find it logical to take action while the other only said something.

It depends on their intention really.

Its kind of nice thing but you sounded like one.

He sounds genuinely intelligent -- he didn't condone an aggressive action you did because of a trivial matter that accounts for very little. At this point though there isn't a lot of detail on what actually happened... so... :/

your school sounds big and fun. with many groups too. how many students were in your class? and how many paralel classes did you have? also was there a relationship between the paralel classes?

What? :P
5 Classes in my year I think, I'm in one of the worst quite frankly, but it doesn't bother me that much since most classes are done in sets and not in classes -- where I'm in Set 1 (the top set) for any subject that has that. The GSCE lesssons I picked aren't the same as others in my class generally, Business + Law, Information Tech and Additional Science.

Relationship in &quotarallel" classes? Well... it's not something I look at like that, being as they're all interconnected you can only really do it by the groups of people, not the forms they're in.

If I'm being confronted aggressively, I'm quite a sweet talker when I want to be (I wanna try and work on that even more) and for some reason I've got a talent of being able to say what I want in a way that does not get me a punch in the face... it's pretty darn useful really since I've intricately avoided some pretty narrow situations ^^

If there was no real way out of it? Don't know how I'd react, although before my style would be a berserker rage kind of thing, and my pain tolerance as everyone says at my school is very high... that and I tend to always think somewhat well so I feel like I'm in league in those respects. In terms of my actual physical condition I plan on working on that

I'm not overweight, not underweight either but I don't consider myself healthy -- certainly not as healthy I want to be. I am very flexible however -- thepunisher, how did you know your friend was flexible and furthermore what could he do?

- H
5,340 posts

If I'm being confronted aggressively, I'm quite a sweet talker when I want to be (I wanna try and work on that even more) and for some reason I've got a talent of being able to say what I want in a way that does not get me a punch in the face... it's pretty darn useful really since I've intricately avoided some pretty narrow situations ^^

yes im a good talker when i have to as well XD

i remember i got bullied by a girl (yes... :/ but she WAS 2 years older then me [4th grade and 6th grade]) and i just looked at her with the saddest look and said: "why are you doing this? i never hurt you... or did i?"

she gave me a shocked look, didnt respond and just left. never heard of her again XD

my school was like this:

last year we had like 7 paralel classes. every class consisted of students of different learning groups. you choose your group in 10th grade (and if you have a good enough grade you get there). i was in the group in which you need the highest grade to be in. my specific school couldnt give you as many groups or other things that other schools give though. so we didnt even have any clubs or anything social like that. because of that we didnt really have many social groups. its a very small school so even though we had alot of paralel classes almost all of us knew eachother. only 2 classes got to choose certain subjects so those subjects + math and english (those 2 had levels) so except for these we wouldnt see students from other classes during class.

since there werent any social activities and our town is small (my highschool is the ONLY highschool in my town) our groups pretty much consisted of those who knew eachother before highschool. of course some groups got higher grades while others were better at sports. i got along with pretty much any group (they even got used to me and stopped cursing me everything i made a stupid fail in a sport game during PE XD). so in highschool i never really got bullied and we were all pretty much together
2,413 posts

so in highschool i never really got bullied and we were all pretty much together
You're very lucky. I always get the burning end of the stick when it comes to bullying. Also, the guy who said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," obviously didn't hear my bullies. I'm this close to punching them and telling the teacher they threatened me with a knife. That way they wouldn't bother me anymore.
3,025 posts

Same happens here really bro -- except we all can pick two additional subjects and it works a bit like this:
If not enough people don't pick a subject it won't run.
If too many people pick a subject then the subject teachers choose who they take -- I'm pretty sure at this point I could've gotten into any of the subjects I'd have wanted to, which would include History and Geography -- but sadly I couldn't take them since I was taking I.T and Additional Science.

We do however a huge huge amount of sports activities after school -- it does sadden me however how underrated academic capabilities seem to be in school, I've high levels but it's never put to use really -- only talking wtih the teachers lets me show what I know, but in itself is rewarding for both people.

That said, there is supposed to be a Business Enterprise going on this year -- takes about 3 hours and it's every Wednesday, I'm told it's for the high-aspiring guys and it's pretty darn hardcore.
I didn't get in this year since it was too late but I was told I'm nearly guaranteed a spot for the next year... very happy about that

- H

5,129 posts

we did not hit them, just locked them up.

i bet they didn't agree to be locked up. there had to be some force.
Showing 91-105 of 139