Monopoly? Scrabble? Boggle? Connect 4? Chess? Checkers? Chutes and Ladders? Candy Land? Sorry? Battleship? Operation? Something else? What's your favorite game and why? Any good memories from your childhood related to it?
My favorite are those games where you just talk or something. (e.g. mind games, or guess what I'm thinking of.) Mind Games Including Black Magic, In My World. Sorry If you haven't heard these games 'cause I'm too lazy to explain them. Blah!jkfld;sajfkldsj;fkjsdflkjdsa
The games I really like to play are chess, checkers, backgammon, tic-tac-toe, and you could say card games of all sorts.
On a further note, has anyone tried the board game The Settles of Catan, or something like that is? Is it like the same thing as the video games series The Settlers or Die Siedler series? (Excuse my German)
Life...loved it since I was a little kid. But other than that I really love checkers and connect four. I'm not one for board games (I never have been) but I can sit and play Life for
I never liked Life compared to, say, Monopoly. I don't like how you can't go back to the beginning of the board and fix everything you screwed up the first time around.
I'm into Settlers of Catan because I'm a giant nerd, but my favorite is The Barbie Game: Queen of the Prom. ****'s so cash.
Scrabble has always been my favorite. I used to play a lot with my aunt when I was 11-13 yo (in French & English). It really helped with my vocabulary and I discovered so many words in my dictionary because of it.