ForumsWEPRHeaven or Hell

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I saw somebody say this on a thread a while back, and just remembered it, "It would be better to reign in hell that serve in heaven."

That's not word for word, and I don't remember who said it, but that is the just of it.

This seems ridiculous to me for several reasons. First, no one will reign in hell, not even Satan himself after God casts him back to hell permanently in the second coming. In hell, you will not have any other human contact, and be forever tortured with the worst pain imaginable, and every second will feel like an hour, and every day like a year.
In heaven, you will be a servant of God, but you will want to serve Him. It will not be like being a slave, heaven will be perfect, everything you've ever wanted times ten, with no pain, sadness, or boredom.

In my opinion, that statement is horribly false, but what do you guys think?

  • 130 Replies
5,552 posts

but is there any chance you have sources or can explain (in whatever detail) how people are born gay?

As far as I know, there is no definitive thing yet, although if I remember correctly one speculation is that it's something to do with the mother's hormones during a stage in the pregnancy. I don't have any sources on it though.

Examples please.

If I had to guess I'd say some people who have been "reformed" by the church or some other group reverted back to their original sexuality because they were just faking the heterosexual one.
9,462 posts

Examples please.

Sorry for just pulling a wiki page but you can follow the citations.
8,257 posts

-- what is actually wrong with homosexuality?

Uh, nothing. Did I say something that made you think I think it's wrong? 0.o It's not a choice, therefore there's no reason to discriminate them.
1,606 posts


OKay, let's say it isn't a choice. Some people are just born with sick, twisted, animalistic minds that can't quite comprihend being STRAIGHT. Everybody happy? Great! Nwo take this discussion to the thread on it.

I'd easily choose Reign in hell. KNow why? 'Cause I don't wanna spend all ****ing eternity praising someone. I wanna make my OWn choices. Jeez.

But! I do not condemn Christianity. The way I see it, it's the bestn religion out there. Anyways. Good discussion.

8,257 posts

Some people are just born with sick, twisted, animalistic minds that can't quite comprihend being STRAIGHT.

While you and I are born with sick, twisted, animalistic minds that can't quite comprehend being gay. Exactly.

I wanna make my OWn choices. Jeez.

Interesting argument. But! do you think you'll have choices in hell? Depends on the very concept of hell I suppose, but most often I don't think it involves a lot of liberty
3,025 posts

You, crazyape, appear to be the most ignorant, pathetic and misunderstanding idiots on the planet... quite simply put.

The simplest way to put it I would think is you trying to do what was previously mentioned -- being attracted to your own gender. Can YOU comprehend that? No? Your rediculously absent-minded... what can be described as hate towards homosexuality is already too much for you to even bother the attempt.

You are disgusting, and you need to gain perspective before you tarnish the already bad name of what I've found to be generally good people, just like heterosexuals.

I'd easily choose Reign in hell. KNow why? 'Cause I don't wanna spend all ****ing eternity praising someone. I wanna make my OWn choices. Jeez.

... *facepalm*
Even here you appear ignorant. Say God was benevolant -- you would live there and it would be YOUR paradise, you need not worship him, although given how awesome he is made out to be you'd kind of be a ****** because of it -- he is also not someone, but rather a thing really. Does he have gender? Don't know, but he apparently made everything so trying to put him on the level of being another being is quite rediculous in itself.

Enter the topic with at LEAST an iota of sensitivity, moreso humbleness and moreso general politeness.

- H
3 posts

God has a reason for everything, and as I suppose you know, can not make mistakes. So if someone was born with disabilities, it isn't like God somehow left them on their own.

3 posts

Wrong post response on that last one. Hey buddy you don't have a choice, either way you won't be making any choices after you die, so get over it.

3 posts

Crazyape, you are seriously forgetting something when you made that post about making your own decisions in eternity, so unless you feel like eternal pain, start changing your ideals.

6 posts

God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. He created us to bring him glory! But our selfish sinfulness is the reason we deserve Hell. Hell wasn't created for humans anyways, it was created for Lucifer and the angels tht rebelled against God. The bible says it is God's wish for everyone to come to faith in him. But that doesn't happen, because people refuse to accept the sacrifice of Jesus. John 3:17 says that Jesus Christ didn't come to condemn the world but to save it. All we have to do is accept Him and live for Him. It's sad that anyone would choose a free life on earth with a result of eternity in Hell...

5,340 posts

your saying this as if not being christian if the only (UNFAIR) sin that exists in chrsistianity. look up, read your book. its not that simple.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. He created us to bring him glory! But our selfish sinfulness is the reason we deserve Hell.

Well, remember the Divine Plan? Isn't everyone's fare decided already? So He has already predestined some of us to go to Hell. Which to say makes the Creator seem like a schmuck.

All we have to do is accept Him and live for Him. It's sad that anyone would choose a free life on earth with a result of eternity in Hell...

It's also rather sad to see people blindly following a faith so as to have a reserve seat in the clouds.
9,462 posts

But! I do not condemn Christianity. The way I see it, it's the bestn religion out there. Anyways. Good discussion.

What makes it the best? The countless wars in it's name? The centuries of suppressing scientific advancements and continued attempts to do so? The justification for bigoted behavior?

God has a reason for everything, and as I suppose you know, can not make mistakes.

Then there would have been no need of God to do things in the Bible like flood the Earth wipe out cities, or change his mind.

Wrong post response on that last one. Hey buddy you don't have a choice, either way you won't be making any choices after you die, so get over it.

So he just makes people predestined to suffer for eternity? You God is a monster.

God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. He created us to bring him glory! But our selfish sinfulness is the reason we deserve Hell.

Then he failed at his desired result.

Hell wasn't created for humans anyways, it was created for Lucifer and the angels tht rebelled against God. The bible says it is God's wish for everyone to come to faith in him. But that doesn't happen, because people refuse to accept the sacrifice of Jesus.

Why require faith instead of knowledge?
Arbitrarily introducing the requirement of a sacrifice is just sick on Gods part and only further makes this being look like a sadistic monster. Not being able to forgive without first requiring that something be killed for you is not love.

All we have to do is accept Him and live for Him. It's sad that anyone would choose a free life on earth with a result of eternity in Hell...

I could accept God a lot easier if he provided objectively verifiable evidence that he exists. Then I could decide if that being is even worth living for, but if he is the way the Bible describes he doesn't deserve it.
1,826 posts

Being a gay is unnatural plain and simple.

5,552 posts

Being a gay is unnatural plain and simple.

Sigh. No, it's not, or we wouldn't see it in over 1000 other species of animals. It is uncommon compared to heterosexuality, but it is not unnatural in any way.
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