I have a question to all believers, what's your reason for sticking to your religion? (meaning why do you do it faithfuly, if you just do it cause your parents do it then I don't think you really believe)
I follow religion for two reasons:- a)I was born a muslim.(if it would have some other way I would have converted to Islam later) b)Some times life sucks and the religion is the only thing that keeps me going. I wont say that i'm some kind of scholar or something, but I've compared other religions to Islam and Islam is the religion that makes the most sense for me.
Or maybe you are just bashing 314d1? Ever think of that? Just like most African Americans pull the race card.
Or maybe you haven't read through this thread and seen what he has done, and how he has deserved all of the comments that could perhaps be loosely defined as "bashing."
Many lives have also been ended in the name of religion.
Many lives have also been ended because of car crashes. Does that mean we should stop driving cars?
Extremists, crusaders, etc.
They have misinterpreted their religion in interpreting it too literally. Twist anything around enough, and you can use it to justify whatever you really want to do.
Again, it's the people's choice to do those things and they're usually a minority, but even moderates who do things because their church leader said it was ok wouldn't have done such things if there was no 'enlightened influence'. Like the 'Christian' cult leaders who tell people to commit mass suicide.
Nowhere in any religious script that I know of does it say anything about believers committing mass suicide, metaphorical or literal. It has no spiritual purpose, and even the super-atheists have to agree that it's bad business. Especially if religion is just a big business venture, the last thing that the religious texts would want to do is order their "customers" to go kill themselves. That having been said... The book "Catcher in the Rye" inspired someone to go murder John Lennon. Nowhere in "Catcher in the Rye" did it ever mention anything about murdering anybody, but the assassin somehow found inspiration from the novel to do that. Now, if I can safely assume that if "Catcher in the Rye" had never been written, that man would never have killed John Lennon. Still, is it fair to blame "Catcher in the Rye" for what an obviously deranged person chooses to do in its name?
Or maybe you haven't read through this thread and seen what he has done, and how he has deserved all of the comments that could perhaps be loosely defined as "bashing."
And basically insulting the way that I pray for sick relatives and friends to get better, along with giving them modern medicine, and all that new fangled stuff
Nowhere in any religious script that I know of does it say anything about believers committing mass suicide, metaphorical or literal.
I know. Those leaders are either very corrupt or severely misguided.
Yes, but that is still no reason to make like 314d1, and just rail against religion in general!
Should I could compare you to Westboro for advocating your beliefs? I'm not bashing religion like he was. All I meant was there's a lot of corruption. A lot of personal motives, such as greed or power, that use religion as a cover and misguide people.
And basically insulting the way that I pray for sick relatives and friends to get better, along with giving them modern medicine, and all that new fangled stuff
I admit he could of been less harsh etc. and only stated his opinion on prayer instead of making fun of you, but you have to see that in his eyes it's a waste of time. Kinda like someone who likes a certain type of music genre will disagree about your genre calling it a waste of time etc. Sadly calling him a flamer etc. only fees the troll so instead of responding ignore! )
Or maybe you are just bashing 314d1? Ever think of that? Just like most African Americans pull the race card.
*Some*. Anyway, I don't think what hes saying is compleatly wrong. But I think that if examples are going to be brung up they should be brought up from our current time. Things like the crusades, and salem witch trials, shouldn't mean much at all now. Thats like bringing the salvery card. "We were abused! It was terrible! ect...!" The key words are "were" and "was". It did happen, and society changed, religion changed, the entire world change. So I'd rather have an argument about the people like westboro baptists, or terroists, just things in general. Europeans arn't the Imperialists they used to be, and shouldn't be treated that way.
but you have to see that in his eyes it's a waste of time. Kinda like someone who likes a certain type of music genre will disagree about your genre calling it a waste of time etc. Sadly calling him a flamer etc. only fees the troll so instead of responding ignore! )
Say that someone took something that you loved very much, and then decided to just abuse it, rip it apart, put it through a blender, and then nuke it. Would you just "ignore?" I don't think you would necessarily. Just sayin'...
It all depends on your personality quite frankly. If you have a hard time brushing off things I can see your point but usually on the internet it's better to not deal with that someone because you have no clue who they are and they have no clue who you are.
Say that someone took something that you loved very much, and then decided to just abuse it, rip it apart, put it through a blender, and then nuke it. Would you just "ignore?" I don't think you would necessarily. Just sayin'..
Zakyman, i think this is the only we will ever agree on.
Would you just "ignore?" I don't think you would necessarily. Just sayin'...
So what are you going to do about it? Flame back? Not a good choice either. Give a valid rebuttal instead. Show some proof that prayers cause divine intervention or something.
Show some proof that prayers cause divine intervention or something.
It is impossible to show proof of something which cannot be proven or disproven. There has been no recorded evidence of a "miracle" as you would call it, however that doesn't mean that a prayer isn't heard by others who are not around you.
Show some proof that prayers cause divine intervention or something.
It is impossible to show proof of something which cannot be proven or disproven.
Whilst we cannot disprove it, we CAN show that prayer does not help. Which logically points to, at the very least, that religion is wrong in one instance. We can further show that religion is wrong on many fronts, and we can also correlate higher education to a reduction in religious beliefs.