314d1, you are obviously still very sore over the experience that caused you to dramatically change your views. allow me to explain to you the difference between beer and religion.
And what, may I ask, was that?
You may say beer is better, but the simple fact is religion has been around much longer than beer. they are two completely different things, and the fact that you can justify comparing the two is a total fallacy of logic.
So its older, therefor you can't compare the two? That makes no since. Which is better,
Pong or
Skyrim? But oh. I guess I can't compare the two, since one has been around longer?
you may say using a laser pointer has the same result as prayer, and for all we know you may be right, but don't you dare justify calling something that has been used as a source of comfort for hundreds of years the same as shooting a beam of light in a fool's eye.
And why not? Beer has been a source of comfort since the don of civilization, but you don't go around saying "Don't speak ill of the beer!". What gives religion the special protection to be spoken against?
rayer gives comfort, it isn't a spell
So does beer, but beer doesn't pretend like it helps anything.
just like if the world was about to end in a religious manner, don't tell me you won't get on your knee on the spot and pray for forgiveness.
You take me for a coward? I would not get on my knees and pray for forgiveness, unless somehow forced to do to some superpower the being has. I would most likely do what I would in a normal invasion situation, grab my family and guns, head out to the middle of the forest, and shoot any zombies/religious attackers that are ending the world.
it comforts you just before you die, and you die with no regrets after the repentance process.
If you live your life with no regrets you also have no regrets. What would you do that would need to be regretted?
using a laser pointer won't give you comfort when the world is about to end.
Neither would prayer. Beer might.
spartans and nuns gave their life to serve the cause they thought was right, but the difference between the two was one went in the quest of helping the people around them in the name of the lord, and the other went to kill in the name of whoever is king. the part that they gave their lives in the name of the job is the only similarity, everything else is not comparable by logic.
So the only difference is that you like one's cause and dislike the other? I see no difference between the tike bomb and the nun, save the soldier does something with his life before he dies.
in closing, I wish for the sake of everyone here who is tired of hearing you ***** on and on of how religion is bad,
If a prayer is a wish, then a wish is a prayer, and a prayer does nothing. So I am not worried.
religion comforted them in the long term, and beer comforts them in the short term, with long term consequences.
Religion comforts in the short term, as is apparent from soldiers who received no psychological help other than religious actually end up worse than going it alone. Religion isn't a permanent fix, like you seem to think it is. And it has some horrible effects to. Remember all those wars and stuff that you are apparently tired of hearing more about?
I know you hate religion, but please quit complaining about the fact that not all of us agree with you in this view.
As you are complaining now?
How a person reads any book depends on how he interprets it. You don't need to take the text literally.
So when Mien Kamph says "Jews are Bad", Jews are actually a metaphor for sin and it is saying that you must free yourself from sin? Bull****. Why is it that when Hitler's books say something, they mean what they say, but when the bible says something it means whatever the reader wants it to mean?
That depends. A parent can teach a child to be so and so from the Bible. It doesn't mean the child has those values already.
Be so and so, you mean acting like them? That would require there being a decent person in that wretched book. You could only take the things you like about them and place it onto you, with any character.
The Nazi never won more than 50% of the vote, and many voted for them for pragmatic reasons. And yes, that is sadly the case, what most people accept is the ''norm''.
That is higher than many elections in most of the world, you do realize that half a nation is a huge amount?
I am not saying it is ok or not ok. I am stating that you shouldn't slap generalizations onto people because a small minority practises it.
Furthermore, your example that the Nazi didn't burn all Jews and some escaped is not even on the same vein as my example that not all people burn witches.
But the people who burned witches wouldn't do it without religion. I forgot the line of conversation this came from, Ill have to get back to it after this paragraph.
Are you calling anti-smokers Nazi?
Because being a Nazi necessarily entails being anti-Jewish, it is one of the few central thoughts that Hitler put forth.
In that case, they wouldn't even be Nazi, because being Nazi entails being anti-Jew, or racist.
No, I am calling Nazis anti smokers. Hitler hated smoking and made a campaign against it.
Oh really? You mean like being a Christian requires you to believe in Noah and his ark? The seven day creation? Many modern people realize those are insane, and don't believe in them, so why couldn't a Nazi not be racist?
Yes, since their jobs are different. Or are you saying a cleaner and Bill Gates are similar since they have jobs?
I'm saying a cleaner and a rang have similar jobs, so they can be compared.
Nope. Because in this case it is more like a truck compared to a toy car.
Why? They both have the same job. Two cars have the same job. What is the difference?
It is not my perogative to get rid of religion. Science has perpetuated lots of morally wrong crimes too, or allowed it so. The Atomic Bomb, Agent Orange, biological weapons.
Have you ever heard the fact that guns don't kill people, people kill people? Science is a tool. It would be like blaming the rock the man used to kill the other and rob the store for the crime. It isn't the rocks fault, it is the guy throwing it.
And unfortunately, beer does not inspire people like religion does, it doesn't give one hope or drive in life like religion does.
Beer inspired many great works, like
The Hitchhiker's Guide, and gives plenty of people a drive to get threw the week.
Has it knocked down the claim that a deity can exist? No.
If it is asserted without evidence, it can be dismissed without evidence. It hasn't knocked it down for the same reason it hasn't knocked down unicorns, because they don't exist and have no proof.
Because prayer has a connotation of caring, just like a handshake connotates an introduction to people. Laser pointing on the other hand does not.
And why not?
In 1787, a group of twelve men, mostly Quakers and Anglicans founded the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. They included the veteran anti-slavery campaigner Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson who devoted his life to the cause. They recruited the MP for Hull, William Wilberforce, to lead the campaign in the House of Commons. Within twenty years of the establishment of this group, the slave trade had been abolished.
Someone got his dates and numbers wrong.
Wow. It is good to know that the slave trade was abolished before the war of 1812, I better go spread the word to all the history classes everywhere that they are wrong about all those slaves in history.
314d1, again, why do you have a problem with letting other people believe in a religion? Your own quotes from the Torah are also mainly hypotheticals...
Good to know laws are hypothetical.
In the ones that I highlighted, the rabbis of old agreed that none of this had never happened. I trust their word more than yours since you seem to be on an anti-religion rant right now. The only one which did happen is the Shabbat one, however that didn't happen often, and it still doesn't matter. The ways of the world have evolved! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE EVERYTHING IN CONTEXT!!!
Oh. Old rabbis. How trustworthy a source. Not. I just quoted from the Torah, so it isn't my word against theirs, it is the Torah against theirs.
It inspires wars, terrorist acts, bigotry, and general hatred. That is enough of a reason to hate it.