ForumsThe Tavern[Necro] The meaning of life...

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274 posts

Ever wondered what your life meant? Is it a simple and subjective as birth to death? Cradle to the grave? Or is it more complex than that? What is life to you in its many complexitites? Discuss, argue, debate NOW!!!

  • 83 Replies
274 posts

He feels left out, obviously.
I don't understand...
It's not off topic to delve deeper into ones personal definition of the meaning of life.
I was talking about the bigger picture. It's okay to talk about yourself, but I don't want to. I'm not interesting and I lead an average life. Hence why I'm on here and enjoy it as much as I do...
5,552 posts

I don't understand...

In this statement that you made...

"At Kasic and the other guy, It's because of my college that I am unhappy."

You mention my username specifically, while you leave out thebluerabbit's name. Thebluerabbit then said

"btw. im thebluerabbit :*("

because he thought you didn't know who the other person who I was talking with was and felt left out.

Which leads us back to here...

"I don't understand..."

and by now hopefully you do understand, because this IS off topic.

So, back to the topic.

I think that there is no specific meaning of life and that it is an individual's choice on what their own personal life's meaning is/should be.
274 posts

You mention my username specifically, while you leave out thebluerabbit's name. Thebluerabbit then said
I couldn't be bothered going back a page and having to start the comment I was constructing over. So I could only see you're username. It's not like I forgot his real name... [I never knew it...]
because he thought you didn't know who the other person who I was talking with was and felt left out.
I don't understand that...
"I don't understand..."

and by now hopefully you do understand, because this IS off topic.
Alright, alright, alright, calm down, jeez...
I think that there is no specific meaning of life and that it is an individual's choice on what their own personal life's meaning is/should be.
You might've already said that back a few pages, but I appreciate you're contribution...

And the BlueRabbits's
5,552 posts

I couldn't be bothered going back a page and having to start the comment I was constructing over

Open up notepad and copy/paste into it while building your post so you don't lose things between page transitions.

. So I could only see you're username. It's not like I forgot his real name... [I never knew it...]

You forgot his username, which is the equivilant of his real name on this website.
274 posts

Open up notepad and copy/paste into it while building your post so you don't lose things between page transitions.
I couldn't be bothered doing that just to see some random guy's username...
You forgot his username, which is the equivilant of his real name on this website.
Precisely, which isn't a reality. Therefore it is okay because he used an unrealistic name that is dead hard to remember, no?
5,552 posts

I couldn't be bothered doing that just to see some random guy's username...

Which is why he told you.

Precisely, which isn't a reality.

It's considered respectful to know the name of someone who you are talking to or referring to. If we only mentioned everyone else as, "that guy and him" things would be quite vague.

Therefore it is okay because he used an unrealistic name that is dead hard to remember, no?

I don't think it's hard to remember, "thebluerabbit" and no, it's not okay simply because it's not his real name. A name is by which you are known, and here he is known as thebluerabbit, which means that you not knowing it is the same as not knowing his name.

I'm going to stop now before we get this thread locked for being off topic.
274 posts

Which is why he told you.
And what is that meant to mean other than on face value?
It's considered respectful to know the name of someone who you are talking to or referring to. If we only mentioned everyone else as, "that guy and him" things would be quite vague.
Okay stop voiding the topic name! Gosh...
I don't think it's hard to remember, "thebluerabbit" and no, it's not okay simply because it's not his real name. A name is by which you are known, and here he is known as thebluerabbit, which means that you not knowing it is the same as not knowing his name.

I'm going to stop now before we get this thread locked for being off topic.
You forgot to add something that is actually on topic! Not hard...
155 posts

according to recent polls.... 42 IS the meaning of life.

676 posts

42? Or wait, is it 48? I don't care, but in today's world it's basically being rich and famous, but I think it is to live life to it's fullest with family and friends ! Nah, just kidding. Being rich and famous is fine with me.

317 posts

I might be depressed or what but i think the meaning of life is to discover things to make earth a better place but like gangsters and stuff are just people that are getting in the way.

5,340 posts

I couldn't be bothered doing that just to see some random guy's username...

so now im random too? :*(

lol jk stop talking about that i was jk.

Well, I'm Catholic, so I believe that life is about getting to heaven, to our ultimate goal, where we will live forever. It's also about doing good in the world and helping others get to heaven. It's not about self-satisfaction. This isn't it. If you are good in this world and have faith in God and avoid sin, then you will be FORVER happy. If not, you die. Forever. And you will not at all be happy in you-know-where. So, really, life is about being good, even if you aren't happy. But, life is all about choices. You are given free will when you are born to follow or reject God. Also, no one can tell you what to do, in a sense. You have the power of will to choose not to do what they say. You might face consequences, such as you-know-where if it is something that is bad that you do. Don't take that to mean that you should disobey people. But, really, life is about being a good person, and getting to heaven, the best place that always was. I don't know for sure, but I bet that it'll be great. But, heaven is for the people that are absolutly perfect, like God. So, before you go to heaven, you go to pergatory (possibly misspelled) to be clensed and made perfect. Kinda like a laundry mat. So, life. The loving of God, and the helping of others.

you cant choose. if your born into a specific religion most chances you will stick with that one (espacially if it tell you your going to hell if you dont believe). why would he choose a different religion that sais the same?

what about people in distant countries that dont even know that something like christianity exists?

and neing good is definitely not the thing you have to do to go to heaven (in christianity). you have to be good+be christian+know that as a human you are a horibble sinner+not be gay+ more things that i do not know.

the kindest best person in the whole world might go to hell because he wasnt christiant. so no, according to christianity, its not to be good.

and about being perfect and cleansed (spelled wrong?) before you get to heaven.... that sounds more like being brainwashed so you will like it.

how would people who enjoy adventure will feel in heaven, where there is no danger?

how would homosexuals will feel in heaven where they are not allowed to love/have sex.

from the last time ive been told that sex is not a sin in christiany but i will still add this just in case: how would ALL humans feel if they cant have sex with their love?

doesnt matter, because they all get brainwashed to like that place. how lovely isnt it? :3
274 posts

Well, I'm Catholic, so I believe that life is about getting to heaven, to our ultimate goal, where we will live forever
I thought that catholicism believed in reincarnation or is that Hinduism?
Well, I'm Catholic, so I believe that life is about getting to heaven, to our ultimate goal, where we will live forever. It's also about doing good in the world and helping others get to heaven. It's not about self-satisfaction. This isn't it. If you are good in this world and have faith in God and avoid sin, then you will be FORVER happy. If not, you die. Forever. And you will not at all be happy in you-know-where. So, really, life is about being good, even if you aren't happy. But, life is all about choices. You are given free will when you are born to follow or reject God. Also, no one can tell you what to do, in a sense. You have the power of will to choose not to do what they say. You might face consequences, such as you-know-where if it is something that is bad that you do. Don't take that to mean that you should disobey people. But, really, life is about being a good person, and getting to heaven, the best place that always was. I don't know for sure, but I bet that it'll be great. But, heaven is for the people that are absolutly perfect, like God. So, before you go to heaven, you go to pergatory (possibly misspelled) to be clensed and made perfect. Kinda like a laundry mat. So, life. The loving of God, and the helping of others.
Thanks for answering the question, length and your opinion.
according to recent polls.... 42 IS the meaning of life.
I thin that you're just quoting the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy there...
I might be depressed or what but i think the meaning of life is to discover things to make earth a better place but like gangsters and stuff are just people that are getting in the way.
Gangsters have a meaning of life too: to get rich or die tryin'...
42? Or wait, is it 48?
I get mixed up between those as well. But the machine couldn't answer the question because the machine that asks it was on a planet that got destroyed, remember...? So whatever that number stands for we cannot comprehend as fact and therefore it fails to point out the meaning of life in a way that we can, in actual fact, be able to comprehend...
42? Or wait, is it 48? I don't care, but in today's world it's basically being rich and famous, but I think it is to live life to it's fullest with family and friends ! Nah, just kidding. Being rich and famous is fine with me.
You're entitled to your opinion, but some people would disagree with you. And happiness is not accomplished by wealth. Although agreeably, being piss poor doesn't help the pursuit of happiness... But living in a mansion doesn't necessarily make you the happiest person in the world... I guess it depends on balance...
so now im random too? :*(

lol jk stop talking about that i was jk.
I'm sorry that I didn't quote your name... Apparently Kasic thinks that I should've. As we know about current socialisation, it is polite to apologise for wrong-doings. If you think that I did something wrong, then I apologise for whatever it is that I did to offend you or otherwise... The rest of your comment seems directed to UDude21 so I will leave up to him to answer it, plus I'm not all that up on christianity anyway...
1,747 posts

Being happy. Enjoying the life and so on.

15 posts

Being happy. Enjoying the life and so on.

i think that the entity(person,thing,group of random and explosive particles of matter and antimatter,etc.) that created life or universe,etc. never created such thing as happiness...the mening of life...we can say that is the meaning you gave to it and how do you feel about it...
1,502 posts

Life, in my opinion, has no meaning. Life is life, its what you make it. I don't beleive in crap like fate or destiny.

Showing 31-45 of 83