ForumsThe Tavern[Necro] The meaning of life...

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274 posts

Ever wondered what your life meant? Is it a simple and subjective as birth to death? Cradle to the grave? Or is it more complex than that? What is life to you in its many complexitites? Discuss, argue, debate NOW!!!

  • 83 Replies
274 posts

Life, in my opinion, has no meaning. Life is life, its what you make it. I don't beleive in crap like fate or destiny.
Life is life
That is your belief in the meaning of life, therefore there is a meaning; that it is fashioned out of your own craftsmanship. Therefore that is a meaning of life... You choose chance over faith...
8,051 posts

Alexistigerspice, just say: I have an absence of opinion on this subject and I believe others merely rely on influential fabrications when dealing with this subject.

274 posts

Alexistigerspice, just say: I have an absence of opinion on this subject and I believe others merely rely on influential fabrications when dealing with this subject.
Therefore your meaning of life would be directionlessness. That is a meaning of life...
16 posts

I know this site about "meaning of life". It's in Norwegian, but I guess most of you have Google Translator Plugin by now.

8,051 posts

Therefore your meaning of life would be directionlessness. That is a meaning of life

An aspect of a perspective does not define the perspective.
10,816 posts

I'm going to elect to respond to the OP as opposed to the ongoing discussion, because the OP happens to be engaging most of the other opinions forwarded anyway:

I'll start you off; I believe that the meaning of life is an infinitely ongoing circle of life to death; cradle to the grave. Infinitely ongoing never-ending.

I'd like to rebut that life is not necessarily infinite. There may be some point that for some reason, life might, at least as we define it (therein lies a difficulty), become completely extinct. I'd also like to suggest that it's not at all impossible that from apparently lifeless environs, phenomena suggestive of life may proliferate even if life were to become completely extinct.

We only talk of life as something we can't grasp entirely within the realms of our comprehension because we ourselves are living beings.
676 posts

Well, I'm Catholic, so I believe that life is about getting to heaven, to our ultimate goal

Why waste 90 years just trying to get into heaven? I believe the goals you create for yourself, which would be getting to heaven, but also other things, are the meaning of life.
1 posts

Personally, I think there's two ways to look at the meaning of life: in a personal view and in the world view.

In a personal view, you have one life to live (as far as we can estimate, notwithstanding religious/spiritual ideas). The is a limited amount of things we can do, and each does something to our lives and ourselves. While we can invest in bettering future generations, we ourselves will not see the effects of this, so it is not a secured investment. Rather, we have to follow what we know can make a positive effect on our life here: happiness.

In the world view, people are born and die every day, from people as influential as Einstein or Jobs, to the miniscule effect (in the world's view) of a person barely known. However, people often wish to make an effect in people's lives, in whatever way they see fit: thus lives that have great impact are the ones remembered, and the ones which have but little are not as memorable. Therefore, we can say each person strives for purpose: to have a lasting effect in the world in whatever way possible.

I think the actions people take can often be attributed to one of these dichotomies. This might be a good set of definitions for the meaning of life: happiness and purpose.

440 posts

the meaning of life, is to live. we shouldnt be asking why, we should be asking why not. we are here so we might as well not question it and just be thankful.

its a weak little rant, but im lazy.

655 posts

Isn't the meaning of life just to make more people and repopulate the world?

888 posts

Come on, everyone knows now. It's 42.

Indeed.I know someone with a iPhone 4s and even Siri said that when we asked what the point of existence was. We all laughed.
650 posts

Praising God and spreading his Word is what the Bible says.
I agree 100%
However, obeying His law, loving your neighbor like you love yourself and other morally good things also is what life is about.
God really wants us to have fun on earth, but a remember to remember Him alon gthe way so that we and the people we care about make it to Heaven

474 posts

The meaning of life...
I think everyone has a different opinion.

846 posts

In my opinion the meaning of life would be whatever you want it to be. That's the only way I can think of putting it really.

274 posts

If you think about it, nobody really knows the meaning of life; it's all just guess work. I suppose on a moral basis it is happiness, but there's no foreseeable affect on the universe as the vastness of it drowns out any individuals authority. Really people are only big on Earth not the Universe. Even the president of the USA is tiny in comparison to the vastness of the universe. Is there really a greater purpose? Or are we just all fireflies dancing around the light that the sun brings us? I'm pretty certain that we're not the only habited planet in the universe, therefore our own insignificance in the time of existence of the universe is quite beyond any one person's understanding. I suppose the best way to get the most out of life is to live it to the fullest, regardless of your own insignificance in the vastness of things and have the best life you can, because people in Africa aren't because they're all dying of cholera from drinking unsanitary water. So at least one can be happy in life. I guess that's what it's all about. Nobody really knows or understands whatever significance they pose on the world. Maybe you set off a series of events that change the course of history by simply existing. If you were to travel backwards in time and alter anything you would change the future in unimaginable ways beyond human coherence or understanding. I guess from one person's point of view, their meaning of life would be to live life to the fullest and be free and happy. Therefore that's what I think anyway...

Ambition is the drive for any and all serious aspirations. I suppose it's what makes up humankind is the ambition and the thirst and quest for knowledge. Hence the reason why nowadays we're all living inside buildings with configured central heating/air conditioning/ whatever. Because of the inventions performed by humankind. The casual way that we use our mobiles (cells to Americans) that would not be possible without the ability to launch satellites into space to orbit planet Earth. The mass production of entire buildings is truly amazing. How far the human race has come to achieve so much in the short period of the time that we've existed on planet Earth. That is why ambition is the drive that makes the world go round. Ambition.

All these things can be contributory factors to the meaning of life in its very essence. Therefore the meaning of life isn't completely cut and dry. It is down to personal opinion. That's what I think the meaning of life is about...

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