ForumsThe TavernSmall things that annoy you

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1,147 posts

Is there anything that has little relevance that just bug you so much? What I don't like is when there is no question mark after a question. It just irritates me.

  • 131 Replies
13,657 posts

Uhm, perhaps you should just chill a bit?
Mods lock duplicates because they are duplicates. I believe I fixed the link, so that you could easily redirect to here, and then locked the thread, as is procedure.
As for Minecraft and Terraria being the same I don't know, but bumping two games together for discussion is generally a bad idea. Make one for each game, or use the already available threads for discussion.

No one means any harm, but some might be more blunt in their corrections and comments than others. If you take offence, it is however your problem, when there is nothing to take offence of.

151 posts

eh ur right but i just got annoyed that nobody listens to me in rl aswell as online -_- it was a simple mistake and i just got peed off.

539 posts

My mobile phone battery... in fact every mobile phone I've ever had has had a rubbish battery. I carry around emergency chargers and spare batteries, but if I receive a few calls and the odd text, its dead in no time.

Bank transfers, is it really that hard just to put the money in the other persons account when I send it across? Is there any real need for the banks to hold onto it for a day or two, no even acknowledging I've sent the money to the person so I end up with people ringing me about it and running my chuffing battery out!

Christmas cards - if someone sends you one, you seem to have to send them one back. But what if you don't like them? Just because they've bought a bulk box of cards and gone through their address book, why should I have to mess about? Whenever someone sends me a card now, I will send them one back... I white out the card they sent me, write their name in it and send it back. If they complain, I tell them it's recycling!

Socks - why is it that I put a pair of socks in the washer, wash them, take them out and put them in the drier, dry them, but by the time they get to my drawer I have one missing? I have so many odd socks, I've taken to just wearing odd ones as a pair now.

DVDs - So I buy a film on DVD. Bring it home and stick it in the DVD player. Then I have to watch a five minute advert about piracy, choose which language I want the film menu in, another 3 trailers for films I don't want to see and eventually get to the menu for the film. By that time I've eaten my popcorn, finished my drink and I need the loo. Brilliant!

Interactive online adverts - your mouse happens to hover over an advert, not purposely, and all of a sudden your computer decides it'll let that advert take over. Music blasts out about some stupid face cream or a holiday in some crappy villa that hasn't even been finished being built yet, and despite clicking on the X button to stop the madness, does it stop? No, it just carries on at its own leisure, annoying you all the more! If I want to see an advert, I'll click it. If I accidently hover over it for a second, that doesn't mean I want to see it!

Door to door salesmen - So they ignore the sign that says we don't want them to try and sell us stuff on our doorstep, bang away at the door and its always when I've just stepped out of the shower or I'm in the middle of something that passes for decent on the television. I then have to explain to them that I don't want to buy anything, but they take that as a reason to try the hard sell. It invariably ends up with me slamming the door in their face, but then stupidly I end up feeling guilty for being rude!

Toasters - For years I had the same toaster. A good toaster. It blew up one day and I couldn't get it repaired, so I went out to buy a new toaster. Besides them being extortionately priced, I discovered I couldn't buy a toaster that would allow standard sized bread to fit in it. So I now have a toaster that I have to either stop half way through and turn the bread around, or I have to cut down the bread before I can toast it.

I find lots of things annoying. They're all small things really, but they annoy... a lot. I've had to resist typing in the others because we'd be here all day.

187 posts

Well I have OCD which is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Which means I'm like a perfectionist. Everything HAS to be perfect. Some people have it really bad but mine is pretty mild. So to answer the small things that annoy me are when things are out of place or if there is a small pile of trash, you know small messes. xD

1,044 posts

@nicho for the first page. I make lots of random noises... *bronkybreep* I hate it when people copy my words and don't quote me... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!

561 posts

people that are a bit snobby and think there better than others annoy me, being rushed i just tend to get stressed and go slower and reality TV shows like Big Brother i just don't see the point in them. there a few other things but there more big things like animal cruelty.

572 posts

im a little OCD

9,438 posts

The new recaptcha will probably annoy me due to ninja'ing because you can't simply copy refresh paste and post to avoid it.

407 posts

Hate it when people get a water bottle, drink it and crush it, gets me so mad.

Showing 121-129 of 131