Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.
That will b a scene to see that a guy is staring at other guy's butt.
Apart from the graphic description, what value or merit does your statement have in contributing to this discussion other than aalo showing an intolerant side to you?
Apart from the graphic description, what value or merit does your statement have in contributing to this discussion other than aalo showing an intolerant side to you?
Picture that in ur mind and then u'll feel disgusting.
1. Many heterosexual couples find **** sex to be enjoyable. More so, some heterosexual males find **** sex to be enjoyable as the receiving end. 2. Some male homosexuals does not enjoy **** sex at all and does not engage in this. THUS: **** sex is not a good reason to dislike hmosexuals.
Also, no, homosexual men are not attracted to you. They are not going to hit on you, and if they are and you tell them you don't swing that way, they will leave you alone. Just like any woman isn't attracted to you and if they are then good for you. It is a regular kind of love, it does not necessarily aim directly at you. So homophobia is not a good reason either.
Don't get me started on religion. I don't want to hear it, I don't want to read it. Find some other closeminded people and discuss how sinful it is somewhere else.
And I all the emo people I know have been hetero. So that is another point against heterosexuals? Or are you just shutting up with your illogical reasoning?
Now that this has been establish, keep this proper and respectful. Like you should anyway, but apparently you can't because someone is different from you OH NO! Discuss it. Don't argue. Don't make up crap reasons, because they are crap. Do it properly or don't do it at all. I assume we are clear.
Have you seen Saturn's rings? No, but you know they exist. Have you seen a nuclear missile? No, but you know they do too. Just because I haven't, doesn't mean the point isn't valid.
I'm not very interested in said subject. I'm not even the slightest bit interested in.... *that*.
What I'm interested in is where the hell you got the idea that being homosexual is natural behaviour. And by natural, I mean part of the species' survival content.
Looking at Ceneres post... I've not fulfilled the requirements... oh well -- starting again.
If you cannot be bothered looking for the sources to help disprove your argument or the ones already shown -- ones pretty much indisputeable ESPECIALLY compared to your subjective opinion, then there's no gain for anyone here and you don't have a place here, as it's a waste of time.
Either you are trolling, or tremendously stupid / deformed in some way if you cannot manage that simple task that should rightfully quiet you down on your current views.
What I'm interested in is where the hell you got the idea that being homosexual is natural behaviour. And by natural, I mean part of the species' survival content.
And how is it ''unnatural''? It only is because society has indoctrinated itself over the years after the Abrahamic religions took prominence that homosexuality is sinful and unnatural.
I'm not going to list all the reasons why it is a natural phenomenon because it differs from species to species. Have fun.
I'm just going to show you a few more prominent examples.
However, in the latest study the authors claim the phenomenon is not only widespread but part of a necessary biological adaptation for the survival of the species. They found that on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, almost a third of the Laysan albatross population is raised by pairs of two females because of the shortage of males. Through these 'lesbian' unions, Laysan albatross are flourishing. Their existence had been dwindling before the adaptation was noticed. Other species form same-sex bonds for other reasons, they found. Dolphins have been known engage in same-sex interactions to facilitate group bonding while male-male pairings in locusts killed off the weaker males.
I'm not very interested in said subject. I'm not even the slightest bit interested in.... *that*.
Well, if you aren't going to provide evidence, how do you prove that your stand is valid and justifiable? Or are you just going to question me without substantiating your own points?
What I'm interested in is where the hell you got the idea that being homosexual is natural behaviour. And by natural, I mean part of the species' survival content.
It was funny, because prior to nichodemus' very nice comment above this one I was going to say that no mention to it being part of a species' survival content was apparent, nor needing to be the point -- natural as in its a naturally occuring phenomenon (as is called in the post by nick ) spread beyond over 1,000 different species.
Glad to see what is basically a practical use in being gay in other species however -- whilst I don't see a practical use as far as humans are concerned I'm not denying the fact that it's a natural occurance.
The main problem I have is the hypothetical flaw in what'll happen if so many people are born homosexual and the like... I assume hormonal and environmental influences would change that in that scenario?
The main problem I have is the hypothetical flaw in what'll happen if so many people are born homosexual and the like... I assume hormonal and environmental influences would change that in that scenario?
I'm not certain that I understand where you're coming from here.