Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.
Well, what i'm about to say may sound a little corny but whatever: I believe in God, and I believe he made man and woman for them to procreate and love each other, that's why church doesn't like homosexuality, and according to their "rules" or dogma, for lack of a better name, they are right. God didn't made us to be homosexual, but you know what? We, humans created church, we created religions! at the end of the day, if god exists, he must hate religions. Life gives us different paths to choice, there is no such thing as a good or an evil path, it's just YOUR path, I mean, men and woman were made like they where made with a purpose, but it's just up to you to decide wheter you are homosexual or heterosexual, God loves us all the way we are! I'm NOT homosexual, and i'm not encouraging you to become one, neither i'm supporting them. My opinion is that men belong with women and viceversa, and that's my way of seeing things, but if you have a different point of view, I respect it. Don't be afraid to be who you are, thanks!
im happy that you think that way but i still want to say this.
god didnt create MANY MANY things that exist today. originally i didnt created people without limbs, mental problems, chinese (im guessing adam and eve werent chinese. the point is races.). actually if there were only 2 humans at the begining then he didnt create at least 2 eye colours and many hair colours. does that mean that all of those people are "wrong" in the churches opinion too? no, why? idk but im guessing its because racism or hatred towards physical traits is a "bigger" problem in our world right now.
and besides. you dont turn gay in the middle of your life. so god DOES create homosexuals. i sure hope you will respond to this...
Uh, bluerabbit. I hope you realize that your post wasn't thought out very well. There are a lot of gays that question their sexuality in their teens. You don't really worry about that stuff when you are under the age of 12.
In Christian eyes, it's a choice to prefer the same gender. There isn't an "I was born this way" thing.
In Christian eyes, it's a choice to prefer the same gender. There isn't an "I was born this way" thing.
Well as I've said many times before, it's a very simple experiment to run. Simply choose to be gay for a little bit then go back to choosing to be straight. Even if you view it as a sin, last I checked you are allowed to sincerely as for forgiveness and you will get it. It's also not a matter of testing God, but a matter of testing this one claim.
So for any one who thinks it's a choice, then choose.
Uh, bluerabbit. I hope you realize that your post wasn't thought out very well. There are a lot of gays that question their sexuality in their teens. You don't really worry about that stuff when you are under the age of 12.
and i think your post wasnt thought out very well. because questioning your sexuality or getting out of the closet doesnt mean that you are sudently gay because you decided it.
no you dont care about those stuff under the age of 12 but that doesnt mean you werent born that way. if you havnt tasted something until your 15 and then you sudently taste it and like it it doesnt mean you decided to like it.
its always there, the question is if someone realises it and when. i actually know a person who discovered it after getting married and having 2 (maybe 3?) daughters.
its not a decision. the decision is if your going to accept it or live your life in a lie.
In Christian eyes, it's a choice to prefer the same gender. There isn't an "I was born this way" thing.
That depends on what Christians you might be asking. Or in general, who you are asking. Otherwise there wouldn't be people saying bisexuality doesn't exist and it's just a way of getting attention.
It should not be here.However,some families still having this kind of problem.
My warn is...don't born a child with your mother or father or others. This action has a highly risk of born a abnormal child.So,if you are really wanna do that,think twice before you do it.
My warn is...don't born a child with your mother or father or others. This action has a highly risk of born a abnormal child.So,if you are really wanna do that,think twice before you do it.
You are aware we are talking about homosexuality, not mental disabilities., physical deformities or anything else that might actually occur after inbreeding? You know, homosexuality, when you desire people of your own sex? And fall in love with them?
My warn is...don't born a child with your mother or father or others. This action has a highly risk of born a abnormal child.So,if you are really wanna do that,think twice before you do it.
... the hell are you talking about? I lost you on "It."
.. the hell are you talking about? I lost you on "It."
I think he may be implying that homosexuality is a genetic mutation, but...
My warn is...don't born a child with your mother or father or others.
Don't have sex with your Mum or Dad... okay, I get that, wasn't intending to. But others? I can't have sex with anyone or I run a high risk of having an abnormal child?