Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.
What i meant was that i don't want gay people to get the wrong idea and break their hearts.
That doesn't seem to be very logical. How would someone's heart be broken by expressing a want to get to know you? They don't already know you or they wouldn't be asking you out.
If a girl asked you out, but she wasn't your type, you'd politely decline. What difference does it make if a boy asks you out? If you're not gay, which I presume you're not, then that boy isn't your type.
That depends on what Christians you might be asking. Or in general, who you are asking.
True. But I've yet to meet a Christian in the South who was okay with gays.
and i think your post wasnt thought out very well. because questioning your sexuality or getting out of the closet doesnt mean that you are sudently gay because you decided it.
no you dont care about those stuff under the age of 12 but that doesnt mean you werent born that way. if you havnt tasted something until your 15 and then you sudently taste it and like it it doesnt mean you decided to like it.
its always there, the question is if someone realises it and when. i actually know a person who discovered it after getting married and having 2 (maybe 3?) daughters.
its not a decision. the decision is if your going to accept it or live your life in a lie.
I'm not trying to attack you, dude, so chill out.
What I'm saying is a kid doesn't just pop out of their mom and is gay. Well, better yet, he/she doesn't realize/care about it yet. After he/she QUESTIONS their sexuality, they then DECIDE their sexuality.
If a guy has female tendencies, and doesn't say he is homosexual, he's lying? No. If a girl is butch, and doesn't say she is homosexual, she's lying? No. The decision is entirely up to the person. He/She can decide whether or not to be homosexual or bisexual.
Now it being there since birth, I can agree with that in some cases. *hormonal imbalance* If they want to stay straight, denying themselves of embracing their wants, that's up to them. It doesn't matter if they lock the closet they are in, or if they bust down the doors and set them on fire. They decide what to label themselves as.
He/She can decide whether or not to be homosexual or bisexual.
Somewhat. You can choose what you want to be, and what actions you take, but you can't pick what you are and are not attracted to.
Sort of like taste. You can eat an apple, but that doesn't mean you like it. You can't just "choose" to like it either. You could get used to them, but you may never like them.
if you agree with kasic who in a way said what i just said then yes lol. and i wasnt attacking either. i think the tone in which my words came out was weird because of my 1st language but im not sure XD
Personally i have no problem with gay people, as long as they don't hit on me.
gay people also have brains and can think you know
they know that they can't just go after evry guy like boy's do/try whit almost every girl. they know they 1st have to find out if the other guy is actualy gay yes or no. and they wont do that by stepping towards you and ask "are you gay?" (maybe some but those are stupid)
thats also 1 of the reasons why gay people want to express themself as being gay. if they are free to say they are gay. then they do not have to find out if the other guy is gay aswell.
also something that most people forget. is that gay's do not love all guys. the same as guys do not love every girl they see.
Why do people always think homosexual men are perverts?
Im inclined to think its an ego thing. When females are throwing themselves at some men they get to thinking they are pretty desirable. Then they meet a gay guy and think that now guys will be throwing themselves at them as well which they do not want.
Then they meet a gay guy and think that now guys will be throwing themselves at them as well which they do not want.
aslong those guys are not in a gay bar... that will never happen. maybe as a joke. but not seriusly.
anyway what you just said gives the problems at the hetrosexuals and not the homosexuals. wich is getting prety hard for me to argue on furter. because i'm from the netherlands and here gays ARE free to say they are gay. so we don't have any problems whit "gays throwing themself at other guys" here they are just as much a person as any1 els is. and they act that way, not like "ooohhhh look at me, i'm soooo... gay" like big gay al from south park for example. (there are people that actuialy think all gay's are like that )
Riki, you highlight what you want to quote and click the quote button. Or if you want to type it in, you type {quote}*what you want to have quoted*{/quote} with []'s instead of {}'s.
Also, not all gay people are effeminate. In fact, I've only ever seen one guy who was, and he wasn't gay, although everyone called him gay.
Hypothetically speaking, if them biblical religion branches got it right and homosexuality is a sin and we all agree to rejecting the "it's unnatural" argument since tons of other species do it too...
What about the "temptations are a test of humankind" side? What if all dem urges are a test of your willpower and falling for the temptation of giving into your emotions is the sin?
Just throwing that out there, although I don't believe it myself. Also, I've read up till page 24 of this (skimming some bits), and I must say there's been a lot of ridiculous.