Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.
(as long as they stay away from me or anybody else i know i am fine with them) i second that ive been near gays and they just want 2 hug u its just disgusting and they smell like perfume
To quote my earlier post:
Why, exactly? How does it bother you when they come near you?
killersup10 i do not hate gays i just dont feel comfortable around them and stephan king same thing but u guys y did u even start commenting on this its bull**** just 2 start somthing like this it just seprates the members of armor games even farther apart so y comment on this start commenting on somthing nutral not homosexuality its wrong 2 start this kind of thing in the first place
I do not think that homosexuality is right I am a christian and God has said that this is a SIN!
Keep thy religion to thyself and don't impose it on others just because some invisible man up there supposedly tells you it's a sin. If you think homosexuality is wrong, fine, just don't shove it onto others and affect their choices. I'm not even going to comment on my ''fondness'' for Christian doctrine.
y did u even start commenting on this its bull**** just 2 start somthing like this it just seprates the members of armor games even farther apart so y comment on this start commenting on somthing nutral not homosexuality its wrong 2 start this kind of thing in the first place
nichodemus i am with u at the keep your religon 2 ur self but this kinda thing is wrong do u understand i am not gay i am a nutral party member with both sids like sweeden ok and if u want 2 start this kinda thing than u dont need 2 b on this site ok if it is ok with the commenters tan it is ok but if u make the players of this site fell uncomfortalbe than u need 2 stop ok
What I wonder is whether anyone would vote aginst allowing homosexuals to marry. Not being able to accept them is one thing, saying that you won't allow them to live their harmless lives is another.
nichodemus i am with u at the keep your religon 2 ur self but this kinda thing is wrong do u understand i am not gay i am a nutral party member with both sids like sweeden ok and if u want 2 start this kinda thing than u dont need 2 b on this site ok if it is ok with the commenters tan it is ok but if u make the players of this site fell uncomfortalbe than u need 2 stop ok
My initial response was not towards you but towards SH49er.
As for the uncomfortable part, if the debaters themselves feel uncomfortable they will stop. They don't need someone to judge for them. And no one is making anyone uncomfortable.
For those of you against homosexuality keep this in mind. Gandalf as he was portrayed and likely Magneto as well wouldn't have been possible if the actor stayed in the closet. Ian Mckellen on Religion and Homosexuality
stphen king did not feal comforatble go read his last post he said and i qote quit hattin on me please that sounds like he is un comfortable in this setting witch means u need 2 stop because armorgames is a site that u should feel comfortable getting on
stphen king did not feal comforatble go read his last post he said and i qote quit hattin on me please that sounds like he is un comfortable in this setting witch means u need 2 stop because armorgames is a site that u should feel comfortable getting on
If you actually read it properly, his post was sarcastic and he wasn't uncomfortable at all. So I don't see why you should kick a fuss up.
Anyway, back on topic. Since Mage started the ball rolling on famous homosexuals, I'll do my part. Historians have for example, always been unsure about the sexuality of a whole list of wonderful historical figures, which inclues: Richard the Lionheart, Frederick the Great, John Maynard Keynes, etc etc.
Oh and Oscar Wilde, epitome of wit was homosexual. Point being, contrary to many stereotypes, homosexuals are not depraved, mentally challenged people.