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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Since this topic hasn't been popping up much, and since the old threads are all so cluttered up, I took the liberty of creating this new one.

So yes, someone asked me for sources about my claims that 1500 species of animals practice homosexual behaviour? Here.

Source 1

Source 2

Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.

  • 704 Replies
3,371 posts

I have a friend who isn't okay with gay people. The weird thing is, that she doesn't really have a reason to dislike them. It seems that the only reason she dislikes them is because they're different then she is and age can't put herself in their shoes. It's very ironic, because she is also very different from the norm. She's atheist, asexual, latina, and slightly gothic. So the question is, do people dislike gays, just because of intolerance, or they hate different things? Does religion really play much of a part in it? Or do people use it to cover up the fact that they can't stand others who aren't like them?

1,810 posts

It's probably the way she was raised. Parents have huge influence over what people grow up believing. Even if they don't agree with them, they still have their parent's ideas in their head. Wait, did you say asexual? Hmm, maybe she had a bad experience with gays, or just decided to dislike them. I know some people that have done that.

2,413 posts

How is this possible? We're sexual, not asexual.
1,810 posts

How is this possible? We're sexual, not asexual

Scientifically speaking, you could make yourself asexual completely. I doubt anyone has tried though. I think the asexual he is referring to is a lack of attraction to any gender.
2,413 posts

think the asexual he is referring to is a lack of attraction to any gende
Oh, that makes sense now. Hmm, wait, I have an idea. Why don't people hate asexuals, fertiles, etc. for not reproducing when they hate gays for the same reason? (do asexuals reproduce? I'm not entirely sure.)
1,810 posts

(do asexuals reproduce? I'm not entirely sure.)

Like I said, for humans, it's possible, but I don't think anyone has tried it.

Why don't people hate asexuals

Some people do, but the amount of gays far outdo the amount of asexual people, so not many people to hate.

reproducing when they hate gays

I think it's the princible that it is wrong to have a sexual relationship with the same gender. Asexuals and fertiles that don't reproduce either stay single or just don't have kids.
2,413 posts

Ah, that point again. Here's my response: (Not directed at you) You really hate someone for being gay, which they can't control? Wow. And even if you hate them, what are you going to do, send a SWAT team after them each time they "get it on?"

1,810 posts

send a SWAT team after them each time they "get it on?"

I know, that is a complete waste of resources. Send a rookie cop, gays aren't usually that violent. 0.o (jokes)

That kind of hate is rooted deep in history. Same for sexism and racism. Something that has been around that wrong is unlikely to change. A bit unfortunate, but nothing people can do. Views are changing about it, but it won't go away.
19 posts

Homosexuality has been around for a very long time, since the Roman Empire. I believe in equaltarianism, marraige is an inalieble right among our US citizins and homosexuals have been very neglected in our Nation's history.

19 posts

Like I said, for humans, it's possible, but I don't think anyone has tried it.

I think that would cause genetic defects, or other related illnesses.
9,462 posts

Does religion really play much of a part in it? Or do people use it to cover up the fact that they can't stand others who aren't like them?

I would have to say yes on both counts. People do use it as an excuse and their are religions that condemn it thus helping to perpetuate such behavior.

How is this possible? We're sexual, not asexual.

There are people without any sexual attraction to others. If I remember we even have someone who frequents the forum who is.

Scientifically speaking, you could make yourself asexual completely. I doubt anyone has tried though. I think the asexual he is referring to is a lack of attraction to any gender.

It's no more a choice than homosexuality is.

I think it's the princible that it is wrong to have a sexual relationship with the same gender. Asexuals and fertiles that don't reproduce either stay single or just don't have kids.

You have two people who feel an attraction to each other and wish to express it in a way that feels good. With some this can lead to a long lasting relationship between the two. In what way does it being two guys or two girls make this wrong on principle?

Also asexual people do have relationships with others.
1,810 posts

In what way does it being two guys or two girls make this wrong on principle?

In responding to stephen's post, I was talking about people who oppose gays due to the way they were brought up to oppose being gay, so being gay would be against their princibles. Didn't say that it was against general princibles or anyone elses.

It's no more a choice than homosexuality is.

I never said it was a choice. I was talking about scientifically becoming fully asexual, similar to asexual animals. I was just thinking out loud mostly.
5,340 posts

I have a friend who isn't okay with gay people. The weird thing is, that she doesn't really have a reason to dislike them. It seems that the only reason she dislikes them is because they're different then she is and age can't put herself in their shoes. It's very ironic, because she is also very different from the norm. She's atheist, asexual, latina, and slightly gothic. So the question is, do people dislike gays, just because of intolerance, or they hate different things? Does religion really play much of a part in it? Or do people use it to cover up the fact that they can't stand others who aren't like them?

id say religion is the main reason. but people dont need actual reasons to hate other people. people always hate other people because they are different in SOME way they cant stand. so your ok with someone who is different because of this but wouldnt be ok with someone who is different because of that.

i honestly cant stand the opinion of the people like that girl (and many people from my family goes in that category). you cant complain about people disliking you if you do the same thing.

you cant complain that people are racist towards jews when you are racist towards muslims (an example). really, if you want people to accept you, you have to accept them first and if you dont, then you dont deserve being accepted.

I think it's the princible that it is wrong to have a sexual relationship with the same gender. Asexuals and fertiles that don't reproduce either stay single or just don't have kids.

exactly. the reproduce reason is just something you can tell yourself and other people to justify your hatred/disacceptace (this word exists?) so you wont be seen as a bad person.
3,025 posts

Hey, it's your... I said friendly last post, but I don't think that's true. It's your blunt and condescending perfectibilist over here and I've an opinion on homoesexuality...

Being as there is a huge population cap break at this point of time, I would suggest against... well, having kids. Not necessarily that, but only having one (one child between two parents = diminishing numbers + maintaining lineage) would be beneficial.

People who choose not to have kids I can't blame, people who do want to have kids I can say the same. If I were to have a son / daughter I would rather my partner stay with me and I'd like us to live in demonstration, or "example", than anything else.

Why would you blame someone who doesn't have, or even want kids? I think I'd bare full responsibility for most of the behaviour my hypothetical child has because I'm the one (along with my partner, of course) raising her / him. That and given all the painfully obvious and dumb flaws you can see, it does seem strange to have someone endure that.

I do think I'll end up having a kid. It depends on me meeting the right person, really.

... I digress. The ability to reproduce based on your sexuality is primarily irrelevent, as having a child is choice-based in most scenarios and that there is already too much population as there is. At what point would there be too little population, even then, you should consider that homosexuals would possibly reproduce in the name of survival.

You creating a family? That's great!
Are you not? That's also great!
Everything works out.

- H

3,826 posts

It would be an interesting study to see how the code of laws of a particular country affect same-sex legislation. Countries like the US have to contend with the negative stigma of homosexuality, but they also have to contend with statutory laws. But other countries use a common law system, which is able to evolve and change as a society does. Of course, the UK still doesn't recognize gay marriage, only civil partnerships (although legally, I think they're the same).

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