
704 163672
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Since this topic hasn't been popping up much, and since the old threads are all so cluttered up, I took the liberty of creating this new one.

So yes, someone asked me for sources about my claims that 1500 species of animals practice homosexual behaviour? Here.

Source 1

Source 2

Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.

  • 704 Replies
2,739 posts

that is true but i don't think the amount of gays is enough to really efect population that much

3,371 posts

why do u not like 2 read slang precisley

Because you need to take the time to figure out what the other person is saying. I need to read your sentence at least two or three time to make sure I understand it.
3,371 posts

that is true but i don't think the amount of gays is enough to really efect population that much

You're right it isn't. And it's going to reach high enough anytime so. It's doesn't make any sense to me to fear homosexuality.
39 posts

i fear that soon the homosexuality will make it 2 where their is not enough females and the population die out and the end

39 posts

and i have 2 read yours 3 or 4 times 2under stand it k

3,371 posts

i fear that soon the homosexuality will make it 2 where their is not enough females and the population die out and the end

How? Are we even talking about homosexuality anymore? How does this possibly reduce the female population? Two (or more) people like each other. They start going out. And that's it. They could have sex, get married, adopt kids, but that's it. They don't affect the women's population.
39 posts

no because than they recrute more and more and the end

5,552 posts

ok tell me why it is bennificial

To raise children which would otherwise be orphaned. Without science, homosexuals cannot reproduce with their partners, leaving them available to watch over any children who lose their parents.

no because than they recrute more and more and the end

You can't "recruit" people to other sexualities like that. That would be like me "recruiting" everyone who disliked peas to liking peas. What I say isn't going to change how their taste-buds work.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

no because than they recrute more and more and the end

Recruit what? Let one not forget there are almost a far greater number of straight people. Don't step on a slippery slope.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

ok tell me why it is bennificial

Why does it need to be beneficial to be accepted? As it is, heterosexual people having kids worsens our population problem if you want to look at it from an extreme point of view. Not that the small amount of homosexual people would make a difference to reducing the population; be akin to a drop of water in the ocean.
3,371 posts

no because than they recrute more and more and the end

Still, what does have to do specificly with the female population? And not that I agree with you. Because I don't really see homosexuals recruiting anyone. Again, I don't know one person who would want to be homosexual. I also don't see how anyone could just choose to change their sexual preference. Can you decide to like the same gender? Like right now, just decide you like the same sex. Then actually enjoy going out with the same sex. It's not as easy as you think. And even if we did allow homosexuality, it wouldn't destroy society. The Greeks allowed it and it didn't destroy them.
5,340 posts

killersup10 i do not hate gays i just dont feel comfortable around them and stephan king same thing but u guys y did u even start commenting on this its bull**** just 2 start somthing like this it just seprates the members of armor games even farther apart so y comment on this start commenting on somthing nutral not homosexuality its wrong 2 start this kind of thing in the first place

stphen king did not feal comforatble go read his last post he said and i qote quit hattin on me please that sounds like he is un comfortable in this setting witch means u need 2 stop because armorgames is a site that u should feel comfortable getting on

am i sensing a little phobia? are you listening to yourself? it sounds as if we should all live in a bubble that shouldnt be invaded by things that make us uncomfortable. in that case no thread in the wepr section would exist. you act as if homosexuality is something that shouldnt be talked about espacialy near little children as if its a bad word. well those thoughts lead to people thinking its something bad.

so if one of a childs family members is gay, he should never meet that person because he is a bad person? homosexuals are kind of people who are normal just like you and me and not talking about them because it feels uncomfortable is the way most people run away from their phobias.

i fear that soon the homosexuality will make it 2 where their is not enough females and the population die out and the end

more gays doesnt mean less females. and we could survive as a human race even if we were all gays. its just your fear and phobia talking now.

no because than they recrute more and more and the end

oh man. read the comments!!! you dont recruit them and its not their choice just like you couldnt "cure" someone and make them streight.

and as for the law... it really angers me. if jews would somehow make a law pass for banning bacon then i think a 3rd world war would happen but this... this is just ok isnt it?
2,399 posts


You do not belong. You know nothing about this subject. I fear even the much respected Nichodemus and Blue Rabbit cannot educate you.
5,340 posts

yay im respected :3

sorry if i sounded bold by saying the word phobia though. homophobia is now a really "bad" word because thats pretty much what hurts most gays. but that uncomfortable feeling you feel around gays is caused by the phobia. its the same feeling i feel when i see blood and the same feeling a clastrophobic feels when he is in a small room. what changes is the amout but its still phobia.

when all of your reasons for feeling uncomfortable with something are countered by logical arguments and you havnt changed your mind then there is only one thing that makes you have that opinion. and thats emotions. and the only emotions that can cause such an opinion are hatred and fear and those lead to a phobia.

by feeling umcomfortable you only meant the majority and yourself. what about those who are gays and are here? they wouldnt feel comfortable if there were more people like you on the forums that make homosexuality seem as a forbiden topic to talk about. and that will lead them to not telling other people that they are gay and i personally wouldnt want anyone in here to feel he has to hide something.

im not saying that specifically you hate them or even have anything against them but even not caring or deciding not to hear about it just strengthen what those who DO have something against them feel and gives them more power to be mean to them.

there are many people in HERE that i already know that WOULD actually use that power to insult gay users but looking at the majority of the people on the forums (which gladly surprised me) most of them are accepting and the ammount of racism or any other kind of illogical hatred is pretty low and those who do feel that way knows that nobody wants to listen to their illogical arguments.

so when your arguments are countered with logical facts and your not changing your mind it means that your emotions are in the way and you should check if thats really the way people should be judged...

i think i overdid it this time but i really want people to feel comfortable here

39 posts

now thebluerabbit the reason i said this subject is not good 4 little kids minds is because this subject talks about the reproductive organs of humans and if u have kids you dont want them 2 b saying vagina at school and getting thrown out that would not b very good now would it

Showing 571-585 of 704