No, marijuana should not be legalized. Besides having horrible effects on your health (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, mild hallucination, and marijuana has more than 50 to 70% more carciogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke, affecting lungs negatively), it also has a long-term effect on your critical thinking skills and grades. Due to low grades, it can be almost impossible to get a well-paying job. Many times, marijuana users can't even get a fast-food job, because McDonalds(or wherever they are applying) does not want a "druggie" in charge of their customers.
When marijuana users do not have a job, Obama convieniently gives them the tax money of hard-working americans, which results in unhappiness among the rest of the population. For marijuana users outside of the US, where taxes may not fund such people, they resort to stealing food and/or drugs and/or money.
In addition to all of this, marijuana is what can be called a "gateway drug," meaning that it is likely to open the door for users to move on to more serious drugs, i.e. cocaine. These drugs can multiply the effects listed above.
given these facts, do you really think marijuana users (in general) have a positive effect on society? Quite to the contrary, I think
Um, no offense but, could I get a link for that. I'm a little doubtful about schizophrenia.
here you go! It says this right in there if you dont want to bother looking: One widely publicized 2007 review of the research even concluded that trying marijuana just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
One widely publicized 2007 review of the research even concluded that trying marijuana just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
Yes, but there were also other studies that stated the risk was only twice as much.
Conversely, data suggest that those who smoke cannabis are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as nonsmokers.
Currently, the chance of getting schizophrenia is 1%, doubled, it's 2%.
It also states that while marijuana users have increased rapidly, schizophrenia rates have stayed the same. So, the research is iffy.
Also, about the gateway drug thing, I think you're misinterpreting the reading. It's saying these drugs are thought to lead to harder drugs.
A word with a definition does not prove it actually happens. There is no proof that marijuana, or even any other drug, leads to worse drugs.
One widely publicized 2007 review of the research even concluded that trying marijuana just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
A number of studies I've seen have said it only made schizophrenia appear earlier than it was likely to. In other words if some was going to develop schizophrenia at some point in their lives it would happen sooner rather than later.
schizophrenia cause by marijuana. (ive seen it happen whit my own eye's at some of my friends. so i'm 100% positive that it's true) is mostly caused after long time use. you wont become schizophren after smoking it once or even once a month. ive only seen it happen whit people that smoke daily a few grams.
you wont become schizophren after smoking it once or even once a month. ive only seen it happen whit people that smoke daily a few grams.
Maybe ...
Frankly, establishing direction of causality of schizophrenia is quite difficult. Perhaps, marijuana interacts with some already existing risk factor. I don't know. Anyway, studies have showed that cannabis is neither necessary nor sufficient cause of schizophrenia. Beyond that, it's anybody's guess.
No, marijuana should not be legalized. Besides having horrible effects on your health (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, mild hallucination, and marijuana has more than 50 to 70% more carciogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke, affecting lungs negatively), it also has a long-term effect on your critical thinking skills and grades. Due to low grades, it can be almost impossible to get a well-paying job. Many times, marijuana users can't even get a fast-food job, because McDonalds(or wherever they are applying) does not want a "druggie" in charge of their customers.
It's obvious you have never worked at a restaurant before. LOL.
Besides having horrible effects on your health (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, mild hallucination, and marijuana has more than 50 to 70% more carciogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke, affecting lungs negatively)
here you go! It says this right in there if you dont want to bother looking: One widely publicized 2007 review of the research even concluded that trying marijuana just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
Here's a quote from an article I read:
"But here's the conundrum: while marijuana went from being a secret shared by a small community of hepcats and beatniks in the 1940s and '50s to a rite of passage for some 70% of youth by the turn of the century, rates of schizophrenia in the U.S. have remained flat, or possibly declined. For as long as it has been tracked, schizophrenia has been found to affect about 1% of the population."
"In recent months, new research has explored some of these issues. One study led by Dr. Serge Sevy, an associate professor of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, looked at 100 patients between the ages of 16 and 40 with schizophrenia, half of whom smoked marijuana. Sevy and colleagues found that among the marijuana users, 75% had begun smoking before the onset of schizophrenia and that their disease appeared about two years earlier than in those who did not use the drug. But when the researchers controlled for other factors known to influence schizophrenia risk, including gender, education and socioeconomic status, the association between disease onset and marijuana disappeared."
Please make sure you check out the source, because you'll notice it's the same source you used to back your claim. This is why it's important to read your own sources before using them.
marijuana should not be legalized. Besides having horrible effects on your health
:mild hallucination
100% false. after 20+ years of smoking it ive never had 1 hallucination. and neither has any of my friends.
:anxiety, depression, schizophrenia
it may be caused after long time heavy use. but it is not proven to be caused by it. and it wont always happen.
it also has a long-term effect on your critical thinking skills and grades
again false. it only effects the short term memory in the 2-3 hours after smoking it. after heavy long time use this may effect the short term memory permanent. but again not proven that this is always the case.
it also has a long-term effect on your critical thinking skills and grades. Due to low grades, it can be almost impossible to get a well-paying job. Many times, marijuana users can't even get a fast-food job
that will mean that the netherlands is on the bottom of society and education. while in fact it's doing much beter then 90% of the world.
Why isn't it legal. It definitely should be but the older upper class in control of the U.S. Gov't has no idea what its like to be high and it is not crazy hallucinations or anything like that. Why is alcohol legal when it has more health problems than marijuana and most people can drive perfect high, maybe not stoned but still. Driving drunk is hard and causes many accidents and drinking too much of it can kill you and same with other drugs classified with marijuana. I could smoke 50 lbs of Mary J all day and i'd just be really really stoned not dead and not hallucinating . To be honest i'd probably be sleeping! It is just dumb that we are spending so much to keep it out when we could be making bank off it if it was legal like they do selling alcohol.
Why is alcohol legal when it has more health problems than marijuana and most people can drive perfect high, maybe not stoned but still.
We tried that before, it didn't work. It resulted in the rise of organized crime, the destruction of property (by the police), and innocent people being treated like criminals.
Why is alcohol legal when it has more health problems than marijuana and most people can drive perfect high, maybe not stoned but still.
But one persons state when high is not another. I'm a reasonably sized fellow and I can handle quite a large amount of alcohol when compared to others, but I won't get in a car after one drink no matter how sober I may feel.
A vehicle is a dangerous tool, you have control of something that can cause immense damage with little effort on your part, so the driving argument under the influence of anything is a big no no as far as I'm concerned.
As far as the weed goes, of course it should be legalised, if for nothing else so it can be controlled and ensure it isn't being mixed with more dangerous substances during the supply route. It should be investigated for its medicinal purposes and be sold in the same way as alcohol and tobacco. Best bit, it would be taxed and even with the tax, it would be cheaper than it is now. Everyone wins.
Prohibition doesn't work, the only real way to control something like cannabis is to bring it into the system, sell it under controlled conditions just as other drugs are sold and make sure that the people who use it are not subject to the dangers they are risking right now.