ive noticed that there are only so many religion that make no sense. so here i was wondering if you wouldhelp me by desiging a religion and then we need to cut of all the loop holes soo its retard proff? you up to the challenge of the ULTIMATE RELIGION?
this thread might be better suited for the tavern or the forum games section. also, considering many people on here are atheist or follow a religion already, i don't think you will get many takers...
Mine's a variation of what Einstein believed in his later years. Believing that nature and the universe just does what it does. No personified divine being. Nothing to pray to. No chants. No rituals. Nonviolence. Acceptance. Tolerance. Peace.
There's not really a 'religious community' for it. For now it's just Cosmic Religion. We could call it Cosmotology but it would be confused with hair care.
lol.. but honestly. and if we have this " religion" then we need to elaborat more to confuse the week minded to fallow it and the brains or smart people to understanded it... that how religion works
and as for a name..universal Understanding im done with the Ologys
then we need to elaborat more to confuse the week minded to fallow it and the brains or smart people to understanded it... that how religion works
The weak minded probably won't. That's what a personal God is for. There's not much for the smart people to understand because a lot of them already are tolerant and peaceful. Many already believe in science, which this set of beliefs agrees with.
in not really a belief system more of a way of life
A way of life relies on a belief system. If someone believes Allah will give them 72 virgins in paradise if they kill civilians who don't believe what they do, they are inclined to have a violent way of life.
I already founded a religion when i was 15 in my sophomore year of high school. It's a little like good ole Charlie Manson's Manson Family but without the whole killing people to incite a race war part. A sort of introduction to it is on my profile page so just click my name and check it out if you want or not. Lemme know if you dig it.