ForumsWEPRDo you have a religion?

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2,413 posts

So, uh, yeah, the title pretty much says it. Lots of topics turn into religion debates, so this is meant for that. Mine is Atheist. Feel free to oppose, but I'll oppose your post, too.

  • 356 Replies
360 posts

I'm a full-blown Atheist. I sometimes get into online debates when space and god comes into the subject, but I'm generally quiet and keep to myself.

197 posts

I was baptized a Catholic, but I guess I'd consider myself agnostic, as I care too little about religion (or lack thereof) to truly think one way or the other. As for others, people can believe what they choose to believe, and I don't see it as my job to convince them otherwise.

9,434 posts

Agnostic theist here, or at least I think that's the correct way of saying it? I'm quite happily acknowledging that I can't really know if there's any sort of higher power or not, but I'd like to think there is. Ayup.

3,371 posts

I do have a religion. I'm Christian. Specificly, Catholic.

1,810 posts

I guess you could call me loosely Christian. My mom is a JW and my dad is athiest(not together anymore). Now that I think about it, I am actually more agnostic than anything.

366 posts

Lols. i stopped caring. no one here is going to change anyone elses mind. wolf said something to someone on sterness, but didnt really provide substance. he could make ( and will, people dont give these up easily) will try to shut me down. Hopefully i hold back from doing the same. ITs AG, people here are going to be set in stone do to the internet setting. this isnt the only thread like this, why do we need more. Christians learn of your faith before arguing it, atheist you might almost really have to do the same, other wise the knowledge your hiding behind is ignorance. same applies to the other.

LOL AT agnostic, Pissing both sides off.

9,462 posts

Ts AG, people here are going to be set in stone do to the internet setting.

I'm not set in stone. If someone can actually present me with objectively verifiable evidence for something I am willing to change my mind.
366 posts

Half the point, you didnt comment like i figured you would so kudos, but regardless i believe my point still stands. theres still a preset setting that people have and attitude to. that and to many threads like this.

Lol at agnostic, cop outs

9,434 posts

Sir, the name-calling is not alright. Respect other people's belief or lack of it. After all, you'd like people to respect yours, wouldn't you?

9,462 posts

Half the point, you didnt comment like i figured you would so kudos, but regardless i believe my point still stands. theres still a preset setting that people have and attitude to. that and to many threads like this.

It was the only part of the point I wished to address. Though if you like, I disagree with how blanketing your statement is. There are theists on here who spend time learning of their own faith. Many atheists like myself don't operate on faith, so there is non to learn of. If you meant science or others religious beliefs there are many atheists here who spend time educating themselves so they know what their talking about.
366 posts

Kinda. i mean more so the religious who claim a religion but cant back it up. same thing can happen with atheist, though its subtly less obvious. of course there are people who learn of there religion/science, it the people who dont who really make me overlook these arguments with out much consideration. And my point on agnostics as its bee look down upon, it really is kind of a cop out. People who believe enough will take faith, those who dont will proudly call them selves atheist. Agnostic is just kind of that 'meh' zone that people take because they are afraid of being laughed at and or frowned upon. thats the one thing of all things in the category that is more of a blank statement of a person more than a actual viewpoint

9,462 posts

Kinda. i mean more so the religious who claim a religion but cant back it up. same thing can happen with atheist, though its subtly less obvious.

This doesn't really make much sense. A religion is just a system of beliefs and practices held to by faith. Since faith is belief without evidence, there usually isn't anything to back up religion beyond just believing in and following it. Atheism holds no claims, it's just the lack of belief in any god. There are strong atheists who do say they know there is no god, but you will find in most cases the atheists stance is one of rejecting a claim due to lack of evidence for it. Just as you might reject someone claiming the universe came into being by a giant purple chicken hatching it out of an egg.

of course there are people who learn of there religion/science, it the people who dont who really make me overlook these arguments with out much consideration.

That sounds more like your problem than anything.

And my point on agnostics as its bee look down upon, it really is kind of a cop out. People who believe enough will take faith, those who dont will proudly call them selves atheist. Agnostic is just kind of that 'meh' zone that people take because they are afraid of being laughed at and or frowned upon. thats the one thing of all things in the category that is more of a blank statement of a person more than a actual viewpoint

Agnosticism doesn't deal with belief, it deals with knowledge. Often if someone isn't sure if they believe in a god or not will call themselves agnostic. In fact in situations like this they may actually be going back and forth between believing and not believing. Being a theist when they do and an atheist when they don't.
More properly use it's combined with the word describing ones belief or lack there of. For instance I'm in general an agnostic atheist, since I don't claim to know there is no god of any sort but given all the evidence so far I don't believe there is one. Though I am rather gnostic about certain gods based on how they are defined.

a-; with or not
theist; belief in a god or gods
gnostic; possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters
so add a- to these we get,
atheist; without belief in a god or gods
agnostic; not possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters.
5,129 posts

i mean more so the religious who claim a religion but cant back it up. same thing can happen with atheist, though its subtly less obvious.

no it wont. except when somehow magic is real.
5,129 posts

I'm in general an agnostic atheist, since I don't claim to know there is no god of any sort but given all the evidence so far I don't believe there is one. Though I am rather gnostic about certain gods based on how they are defined.

i'm wondering, what kind of god are you skeptic about that it might be real? =S
5,552 posts

what kind of god are you skeptic about that it might be real? =S

I don't think it's that. It's just that there's no way to disprove somethings existence entirely, which leaves the possibility of it there, however small. He's just saying that since there's no evidence for it, logically it doesn't exist, but that doesn't mean it can't.

How would you disprove something exists? You can only attack the claims of what it does/where it's been/what it has caused.
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