ForumsThe TavernDo you think being a mod would sound fun?

212 24459
2,074 posts

Well, okay. You know that there are those people who spam the site (Don't comment on that, Cen). You know tere are people who are always yelling at the mods, etc. But is it really that bad? You still get to have a fun time on ArmorGames, and the users who use AG well respect them. So do you think it's really that bad?

  • 212 Replies
9,504 posts

Though, some of the more fun I have had while modding has been camping a new game. Not because camping a game is fun in itself, but because someone noticed their comment kept disappearing, and became more and more aggravated at this. It was a very rare occurrence.
But hilarious to no end anyway.

All the time. I need to make a picture on my free time of a dwarf sitting in a half-assed wooden stand with the words "*backwards N*ew Gaim Heer" holding a Delete Stamp coated with anthrax. I hear spammers and apathetics like anthrax.

but I till do wonder if it wouldn't have felt a lot better than trying to resign properly.

It might feel better, but in the end it might be wholly detrimental. And I get sad if something detrimental happens to Cen, even if he did it

You should have done it, and then tried to claim worker's comp from PTSD developed while on the job.

If we barely get benefits from being a moderator (and really stingy, bare-bones benefits), what makes you think we'll get compensation? My mod idols in the woods demand sweat, they ain't givin' anything back.
13,657 posts

It would probably still have been feeling better, though. However damaging to my reputation it would have been, and how much trouble it would have been to all of you mods.
The staff still owe me a reply on whether they are going to send me that recommendation or not, but this being the staff, I guess it will never ever happen.
Why would they reward being a mod anyway . . .

I would rather be an Admin then a mod.

Wouldn't we all.
Either because you get paid, or you get an opportunity to influence something on the site. Like correcting the information sharing issue...
It's not like it would take a long while to fix, a few hours, perhaps.

Or I just wouldn't realize it was the same idiot trying to post again so I would just delete it like any other comment.

It would aggravate the user more, which makes the rage more delicious.
Seriously, if there is anything malicious about being a mod, it's the glee of aggravating fools.

I hear spammers and apathetics like anthrax.

Mmm, anthrax.
3,766 posts

It's not like it would take a long while to fix, a few hours, perhaps.

*Tries to think of something clever to say involving Strop...*

Nope, probably if I came up with something it would make you slightly mad.

Anyway how do you know how easy it is? Do you know anything about coding? It is some pretty hard stuff. I can picture them trying to fix it and then forgetting a semicolon somewhere and making it so that the whole AG site goes BOOM and crashes and AG citizens go screaming everywhere but this time the mods cannot help because they cannot get into the AG kingdom...I am getting way of topic. I don't think it would be that easy.
13,657 posts

Strop takes several hours to fix.
Strop also isn't that orderly a being. It does hurt me a bit sometimes.

I know it doesn't take that long to change the help page into something that is actually helpful. Heck, I have already compiled most of the information. It just needs quick-jump links to the top of the page/to the section, and a bit of formatting.
I could do it in a few hours, and I still need my html handbook to remember how to do links.

Unless they actually start messing with the rest of the coding, which would not surprise me.

49 posts

The most fun I had while modding was meeting new people. It opened up my eyes to the many facets of people that are quite fun to talk to. After I quit, not much changed. Those people were still there and just as friendly.
The best moderators are the ones that take the position and do it out of love for the community rather than those that do it for pleasure.

1,361 posts

The best moderators are the ones that take the position and do it out of love for the community rather than those that do it for pleasure.

They can't get pleasure out of loving the community...?

I'd think most people who would do it for power wouldn't be helpful or popular community members in the first place, so they wouldn't be offered the position... whereas the people who love the community would probably be loved by the community as well and nobody would object if they were to be made moderators... =S

So you don't have to worry about any bad seeds polluting our site with power abuse! =]
49 posts

They can't get pleasure out of loving the community...?

Sure, but the enjoyment shouldn't be the main motivator. I didn't mention anything about power-tripping. I was saying that modding should (ideally) be done for selfless reasons. While some may argue that motivation is irrelevant, but I disagree. It may not be apparent, but what motivates someone does shape how they react to people and situations.
39 posts

I wouldn't really want to be a moderator because they would be very busy with this. They would get tons of messages and they would have to be on a lot. This is just not me, I wouldn't want to use all of my time on getting people to behave. So I guess to me, I don't think being a mod would sound fun. But I guess they get a lot of respect.

3,766 posts

Strop also isn't that orderly a being.

Well he is a
So you don't have to worry about any bad seeds polluting our site with power abuse! =]

And this is why admins don't go around giving tons of people the title of moderator. They only choose people that would be perfect for the job, which is not many.
I wouldn't want to use all of my time on getting people to behave.

But they also get to do fun stuff like delete spam!<---sarcasm.

But really, that would be the downside. You would get tons of messages that you would feel as if you had to deal with and people would just treat you differently.
1,361 posts

They only choose people that would be perfect for the job, which is not many.

Though it's rather unfortunate that they don't give the chance to those who would be ALMOST perfect for the job!

But if it keeps the power-tripping down, I suppose their methods are efficient at the very least!
385 posts

I would think it would be a nice little thing to do. I think it would be fun, though of course it has its cons like everything does. Like people screaming at you "WHY WASN'T I PICKED!" and then the people who then decide to become like "Mini mods" and report everything they see to the mods filling up their comment section of their page. Other then that, I think it would be fun.

13,657 posts

and then the people who then decide to become like "Mini mods" and report everything they see to the mods filling up their comment section of their page.

Which is not a problem, unless all their reports are unjustified.
Minimods are the one yelling at people about their thread placement or order them to stop spamming. The ones that mods wants to slap even harder than they want to slap the people spamming.

Though it's rather unfortunate that they don't give the chance to those who would be ALMOST perfect for the job!

There honestly aren't that many of them, considering a whole lot of the people with potential either have shown early that they need a whole lot of time to grow in, they are too busy or have already stated that they would not be interested in being a mod. Or the mods don't like them, or have a reason to believe the one flaw they have is enough reason to, again, let them grow out of it.
A lot of stuff goes into being a mod, not just whether someone is "almost perfect" for the job...
385 posts

Which is not a problem, unless all their reports are unjustified.
Minimods are the one yelling at people about their thread placement or order them to stop spamming. The ones that mods wants to slap even harder than they want to slap the people spamming.

I agree, but I would find it annoying by people reporting basically every little thing they see (Like when people only one word comment on a game) I think that would be one of the things that would try my patience the most if I was in that position.
13,657 posts

I agree, but I would find it annoying by people reporting basically every little thing they see (Like when people only one word comment on a game) I think that would be one of the things that would try my patience the most if I was in that position.

If someone is reporting every one word comment, they are kindly told to use the flag function. If they don't, they are not so kindly told to use the flag fucntion. If they still don't, they will suddenly be unable to use the flag function, the comment function and even the log-in function for a couple of days.
Not that it is particularly common anyway. A mod might not get a report for days sometimes, and other times they can get ten or twenty, if the forums or game comments are unusually bad.

But yeah, you do have to be patient, but mainly with the people that have some kind of inability to understand common sense/English/logic.
108 posts

Yes, I think it would be fun. No, I don't think it would be worth having all those responsibilities and commitments to a place that only exists in the cyber world.

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