@Frank: Ew... I'll... Just go over there... And pretend I didn't hear that....
I would love the idea of putting myself under that slight bit more stress and taking on more responsibility to help improve the lives of everyone around me just that little bit :P
Well, it depends. Technically it isn't stressful. It is actually quite peaceful, and if you are deleting 102 pages of spam, you will reach some level of zen. But if you actually put yourself into it entirely, because you really care for the site, it starts to go past the level where you can keep at it without having weird dreams about deleting spam in the night.
Well, you indirectly said that he didn't know AG well. . .
Okay, let me say it directly: The staff, Justin included, does not know the site very well. They might be programming the site, knowing all its intimate details, but they have shown time and time again that the lack of interaction with the users leave them at the state of a newbie finding their footing.
And there is a reason why we don't make newbies mods.
First of all, if it was a perma-ban, then it would say "Your account has been banned".
Did you want a permaban? I doubt anyone would have given you a permaban as a first offence, unless you had been posting porn for two hours straight without any mod around to stop you. Or if you were a moron advertiser, of course.
So I don't see the relevance.
Second of all, I was thinking one time to report you, but then I decided not to. At least for now.
Can't you just do it, so I don't have to look at your passive aggressive stabs at me whenever you make a thread where I have a chance to notice it, or post here?
It is getting annoying, and I seem to lack the understanding for why you are so oddly mad at me.
It's like 201 all over again.
And besides, if you all are mods but you hate your volunteer service, then why are you guys still doing it?
Who said they hated it? I think it has been pointed out that it is a crap job a few times, but also that none of us is particularly sane.
if the Admins are back and saw the Mods not doing their job, well then goodbye to the Mods.
Then it would be their own fault.
Besides, they don't have time to police the site themselves, so firing any or all mods would be like kicking yourself in the mouth and hope it will correct your teeth.
As in giving you congrats on becoming a mod or giving you congrats on doing a good job?
For becoming a mod.
People don't often thank their mods for five minutes. Often it is a little "Ok, thnx" instead.
But yeah, congratulating the new mod on making it to mod-hood.
Cause they love us, even you Invalid. At least, that's what I like to think.
That and the site. And a serious respect for our fellow moderators. To leave as an active moderator would bump the active count down to two and a half. That would in no way be fair to the other mods.
Not to mention that would spike the infernal "WE NEED MOAR MODS!!" threads.
I'd love to be a moderator... but they probably would not accept me because of my age. I remember in another thread that a mod would preferably be 18 and up.
You also shouldn't have any past offences under your belt.