ForumsThe TavernDo you think being a mod would sound fun?

212 24461
2,074 posts

Well, okay. You know that there are those people who spam the site (Don't comment on that, Cen). You know tere are people who are always yelling at the mods, etc. But is it really that bad? You still get to have a fun time on ArmorGames, and the users who use AG well respect them. So do you think it's really that bad?

  • 212 Replies
2,074 posts

And apparently if your a mod, you get to call other users ugly. Or something like that.

This isn't fair


Cenere is easily offended. Give him a hug now.

You sure about that?
3,766 posts

Do the mods actually know each other in real life or do they just have that mod bond that only mods can have?

2,074 posts

I think the "(moderator)" tag at the end gives them some special authority or something :|

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Do the mods actually know each other in real life or do they just have that mod bond that only mods can have?

Cen and Zoph know each other in real life, though as to their relationship I won't elaborate, in case any of them wants it to be private.
5,061 posts

I think it would be something to take pride in, I don't think it's something that you could call fun, at least not for long, as it strikes me as something of a thankless job.(Hopefully one of the mods will clarify.)

the users who use AG well respect them

Bull****. I remember during the annual prank, people went off on Voidy, and one or two of the other mods, it definitely doesn't earn respect, fear maybe, not respect.
13,657 posts

I think it would be something to take pride in, I don't think it's something that you could call fun, at least not for long, as it strikes me as something of a thankless job.(Hopefully one of the mods will clarify.)

Well... How many threads do you see thanking for the merits? Compared to the amount of threads complaining about the lack of merits, new ways to easier get merits and needing more mods so there could be more merits awarded?
We do get thanks, just more often from the people we have befriended, because they know how the workload is, rather than from the people that will be complaining or asking questions or reporting stuff and so on.

Bull****. I remember during the annual prank, people went off on Voidy, and one or two of the other mods, it definitely doesn't earn respect, fear maybe, not respect.

I had a little group of fans that decided to vote for me to be kicked off the island. Might have had something to do with those bans they had gotten before, or I just give off this digital feromone that makes people really dislike me.
Nemo/Noname also got a bunch of votes, presumably for the same reason.

Do the mods actually know each other in real life or do they just have that mod bond that only mods can have?

As Nicho stated, I know Zophia irl. I "talk" to Strop regularly, and while we have not met in person, we know what is going on in each others' lives. I have also been having a few conversations with Frank/Freakenstein, Voidy/Devoidless, Nemo and Asherlee.
But we do have an awesome bond of being in the same boat, though we might not be doing the same things in that boat.
A good example on that bond would be the screenshot Invalid posted, or some of those drawings Strop and I have been posting on each others' profiles, or the tag-team comic strop, Zophia and I did sometime a year or two ago, that sadly ended in fire and flames.

It is like a family. A dysfunctional, struggling family, where none of the members have any urge or willingness to spend much time together.
If we were an actual family, most of us would have been put in a foster home, and the rest would be dead from abuse and neglect and possibly falling off the roof.

It definitely sounds fun if you're a masochist.

Sounds about right, though I can't speak for the rest.

@Nicho: Thanks.
2,074 posts

skater told me that you delete his posts so that he doesn't get banned. amirite?

13,657 posts

Uh, no? I delete Skater's posts because they break the rules or are irrelevant. For exactly the same reason I delete your posts.

9,504 posts

Besides, they don't have time to police the site themselves, so firing any or all mods would be like kicking yourself in the mouth and hope it will correct your teeth.

My new favorite analogy, Cen made a funny.

Almost every moderator past and present on this site, when they've been invited to the position, went deep into the wilderness and meditated upon a rock. Under a waterfall, a freezing cold waterfall. In the middle of winter. Wearing nothing but a loincloth.

You have got to be kidding me. You guys get warm beds AND you got a loincloth to wear in the waterfall? Is this some sort of new moderator/staff hazing ritual you perform to release all your stresses at once while not telling the hazee?

And apparently if your a mod, you get to call other users ugly.
This isn't fair

Oh I'm sorry Invalid, would you like one of us to call you ugly to make it fair? You must really want it considering you quoted your own post. But then again, if you want to be called ugly, you must have some sort of odd preference or just an unnaturally low self-esteem issue going. There's medicine for that, you know

Besides. Nemo's potty-trained dog peed on my Skyrim poster. That.Is.Not.Acceptable.By.Any.Means.

Do the mods actually know each other in real life or do they just have that mod bond that only mods can have?

Do no one read the Way of Moderation?? I'm not in it because hazing and Walker's not in it because we have no idea what the hell he looks like yet. He wields a....ban fish?

It is like a family. A dysfunctional, struggling family, where none of the members have any urge or willingness to spend much time together.

No no no. YOU guys don't want to spend time with ME. "Oh, we'd love to visit Frank's abode since it contains lots of beer, koolaid, and other assorted party items, but we just can't because his door is too short!" When Nemo and Voidy visit me all the time :/

Voidy. A DRAGON.
240 posts

The only reason I go on Armorgames is for the awesome games, and I don't believe you get to play games as an Administrator... though it would be cool for a bunch of people to scream 'MERIT PLZ'.

2,917 posts

With great power comes great responsibility and/or no free time.


13,657 posts

Aw, come on, Frank. You could have moved into a place where normal people or Strop could fit in. Voidy only gets in because he doesn't use the door. Or the bathroom, from what I have heard.
I have had trouble finding Nemo for a while, but if he is hiding at your place, it might be it. How he got in that door, we might never know.

5,061 posts

He crawled.

Besides. Nemo's potty-trained dog peed on my Skyrim poster

He used to be potty trained, then he took an arrow to the knee.

You guys get warm beds AND you got a loincloth to wear in the waterfall?

Doesn't your beard function as both? No complaining.
9,504 posts

Doesn't your beard function as both? No complaining.

Young dwarves only get 6 inch beards average. So no. Hardly constitutes a bib. Which I need.

Complimenting a moderator's perks are the obligations to delete offending content and ban the users that created it. Like those flagon chain letters! It hurts so much when I have to delete so many of those. At least the advertising bots aren't real users. These are real users and I have to ban so many.

Why must thou takest the thumb from masqueraded perpetration!? Then I wack them on the head and wonder why wack and whack is misspelled.
3,386 posts

I had a little group of fans that decided to vote for me to be kicked off the island. Might have had something to do with those bans they had gotten before, or I just give off this digital feromone that makes people really dislike me.
Nemo/Noname also got a bunch of votes, presumably for the same reason.

You also had a group of people band together to fight for you. :3

I dunno about you guys, but I'm afraid of certain mods. Well, all of them. Except for Frank. I'm not afraid of my hubby.
I DO respect them, though. I'm not gonna be on there case and be like "GOSH MODS! WHY HAVEN'T YOU DELETED THE SPAM STUFF YET AND/OR BANNED THESE STUPID USERS?!?!?!?!?!?!"
They have lives. They don't need to deal with people being little whiny babies. I respect them because they deal with people in their own ways, mostly their own humorous ways.... But I haven't seen them explode at the site because a large portion of us are complete idiots, and that is something I couldn't do. I would've banned anyone who questioned me. -loltotaldictatorlol-

Now.. onto my opinion. Pshya.
I think being a mod would be lame. I mean... blue text... sometimes you don't even notice it. Plus, my comments would be flooded with complaints and such, and I do enjoy a good conversation with people. Not incessant whining. They are like the people who push the wheel around and around, without payment or reward. Just because they are the poor saps who demonstrated responsibility on this site.... (well, a select few of them)... Anyways. Yeah.

I wouldn't want to be a mod. You would have to be.... NEUTRAL.
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