ForumsThe TavernDo you think being a mod would sound fun?

212 24457
2,074 posts

Well, okay. You know that there are those people who spam the site (Don't comment on that, Cen). You know tere are people who are always yelling at the mods, etc. But is it really that bad? You still get to have a fun time on ArmorGames, and the users who use AG well respect them. So do you think it's really that bad?

  • 212 Replies
13,657 posts

Plus, my comments would be flooded with complaints and such

Closing the comments.

and I do enjoy a good conversation with people

You also had a group of people band together to fight for you. :3

Well, weren't most of those thinking it was a joke and voting for people anyway in the beginning, before seeing the seriousness (It was a joke, but seeing the results also gave some insight. For example that no one reported the thread as breaking the rules) and trying to backwheel out of it.

Like those flagon chain letters! It hurts so much when I have to delete so many of those. At least the advertising bots aren't real users. These are real users and I have to ban so many.

I have to agree with this. It is sad and painful and while we could go about warning everyone, the fact that when one is posted it spreads like a freaking disease pretty much proves we have to ban any and all offenders (even if they are making fun of the chain letters), because someone can and will assume it will be a good way to gain points, and spread in on.
4,104 posts

Well, weren't most of those thinking it was a joke and voting for people anyway in the beginning, before seeing the seriousness

It seems like most people realized the seriousness early on what with all the complaining and that fun stuff.

and trying to backwheel out of it.

A large amount of the users posting on the thread had less than 50 posts or so (I thought the admins may have been creating fake account, but looking through the thread, none of them are perma'd), most of them didn't even know any of the mods, they just voted for the popular vote. This is probably also true for people who just didn't care, they voted for the person everyone was voting for thinking they might as well help if nobody wanted this guy (even i voted for this reason, i had never interacted with Voidy). Then after looking through the forums, they realized mod's are people too (I hope), and that they have feelings, then they felt bad for voting and wanted to retract their vote.
13,657 posts

That April's Fools joke was amusing.
Of course I kept jumping between finding it hilarious, and believing we went too far. In the end, I am still not sure if I should feel ashamed or consider it an amazing memory.
It was also nice to see the support we had from the firmer parts of the community. In case you guys weren't aware, we did appreciate it, even if we might possibly have been laughing a tiny bit behind your backs.

Of course some of that went to hell when Ian started his part of the scam. A good way to see people still put admins over mods (not that they shouldn't, it just proves a point I made long before I became a mod).

That did make it worth our while as a mod, at least it did to me. Not to mention most of us were active to take part in it, which made for some awesome mod bonding out in the woods (whether or not it included loincloths...)

I guess... That actually made it quite fun to be a mod. The pranks, various ideas that got more and more outrageous with each day, ideas for next year (Of course we won't do anything next year, you guys would be expecting it), some of the staff members besides Ian popping by to share their ideas and their parts in the play.
The day as an admin was quite the thing too, Voidy's threats against various accounts (I am sure he is still planning for the revenge)...
Not to mention our apology/rage thread when it was all done. Not so fun in itself, but it was fun to make.

All that... Actually makes up for having to deal with people complaining about stuff they shouldn't complain about, spammers, advertisers, account suiciders and all the rest we might encounter.
At least for a little while.
The thought of being able to repeat it the year after makes it last even longer.
Good times...

3,766 posts

Do no one read the Way of Moderation??

I tried to, but then my laziness prevented me. The only characters I have seen in pics are Cen are Strop.
13,657 posts

You missed out on

Not to mention the introduction comic, since Cen isn't even in that.
Or the mod poster.

But on that only the old mods are present. Gantic, MRWalker, Frank and I didn't get modded before the WoM started, so obviously we are not in on the fun.
It does give a good picture of how it is to be a mod. At least seen though the slightly colourblind point of view of Strop.

6,800 posts


2,074 posts

MoonFairy told me that you wanted her to talk to me. . . Any explanation?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I didn't know I come in coloured version!

13,657 posts

I didn't know I come in coloured version!

Well of course?
Too bad you didn't progress past that, it would have been amusing.


Who will probably be included in either one of the final pictures or some of those for the scene you are in.

MoonFairy told me that you wanted her to talk to me. . . Any explanation?

Not really, no.
As she replied, I had just asked if she knew you. She said no, asked for a link, and told me she had made a comment on your profile.
I guess that was an explanation after all.
2,074 posts

Wow. Is this thread a way to talk to Cen while his profile comments are closed?


Not really, no.
As she replied, I had just asked if she knew you. She said no, asked for a link, and told me she had made a comment on your profile.
I guess that was an explanation after all.

Oh ok never mind then. I thought you thought that I was mad or something.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well of course?
Too bad you didn't progress past that, it would have been amusing.

Meh, don't make me start on the regrets.
13,657 posts

I thought you thought that I was mad or something.

Well, as far as I know, I am not the one taking stabs at you for apparently no reason, not mentioned wanting to report you, or wondering if you might be playing favourites to avoid someone on your friendlist being banned.
As I mentioned before, I am starting to find it bothersome, so I was wondering if she knew you and could tell me why in the world you would be holding a grudge large enough to actually bother with something that, if taken too far (or wasn't about me, but a regular user) could be considered harassment or libel.
Good to know there is no problem, then!

And yes, it is a good way to talk to me, though it might not be entirely on topic anymore.
After all, the closed comments are to get people to report to someone else. Doesn't mean I don't want to talk.

Meh, don't make me start on the regrets.

It's not problems, man.
if you had continued, you would have been caught in the maelstrom of broken deadlines like the rest of us.
Having a werewolf around would however have made the plot have a whole different path.
Like investigating the rampage and whatnot. Instead we have Strop being drugged, shaved and left in the Wilderness naked...
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Aye, I hear you. I would have turned the WoM into my bloody playground before someone killed me though...

13,344 posts

I wouldn't mind the responsibilities. I feel like I've been in the backseat long enough to understand the ways of the front seat, even though those in the front seat would probably disagree with that statement.

What is it about these threads on moderation that tickle the interests of so many users and modsies, when the rest of the threads are somehow left almost entirely unscathed by everybody?

3,766 posts

What is it about these threads on moderation that tickle the interests of so many users and modsies, when the rest of the threads are somehow left almost entirely unscathed by everybody?

They want the blue text. Or they find the topic interesting because it relates to AG.
Showing 61-75 of 212