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21 posts

Most cultures shun non-believers like atheists. (which I am and will take no offense if you disagree with me)What do you think about it?

  • 122 Replies
9,462 posts

1st denmark = europe but w/e


When I said Europe I was thinking England, my bad.
5,129 posts

england (uk) is mostly like the usa not like europe
i think it might be a big issue in the uk while the rest of europe doesn't care so much (maybe east-europe cares, they are less educated (but i got no proof for that))

3,085 posts

It's not an issue at all in the UK, don't confuse the fact that we have a lot of churches with the idea that those churches get used much, practically no one younger than 40 goes to church unless it's Christmas/Easter/Marriage/Funeral and only then because it's 'tradition' rather than out of actual faith. While I wouldn't take it to be an accurate survey of the numbers, when asked in my RE class a few years back how many people in the class were religious (given that this is a class dedicated to studying religion so people wouldn't feel as pressured to conform with their classmates and give the majority answer), only 3 people put their hands up out of a class of 20.

30 posts

It's not an issue at all in the UK, don't confuse the fact that we have a lot of churches with the idea that those churches get used much, practically no one younger than 40 goes to church unless it's Christmas/Easter/Marriage/Funeral and only then because it's 'tradition' rather than out of actual faith. While I wouldn't take it to be an accurate survey of the numbers, when asked in my RE class a few years back how many people in the class were religious (given that this is a class dedicated to studying religion so people wouldn't feel as pressured to conform with their classmates and give the majority answer), only 3 people put their hands up out of a class of 20.

Wow that's way higher than I would have thought. However Japan has the highest rate at around 95%, yet they are ahead in technology so...
2,413 posts

Wow that's way higher than I would have thought. However Japan has the highest rate at around 95%, yet they are ahead in technology so...
Yeah, makes you think, doesn't it? That reminds me of a comment off of YouTube that went somewhere along the lines of,

Mississippi has the 2nd highest murder rate, the highest drop-out rate, the 3rd highest teen pregnancy rate, and when you ask them about it, they will blame the 5% of Atheist/Agnostics. (The lowest in any state)

Yeah, something like that. Can't really remember it.
2,487 posts

I'm going to say this once, and never again: atheists and religion will always be at odds, and nothing will change that fact.

now that I've said that: in order to make life easier for them, I suggest we round them up and put them in siberia, then they will be free to roam the wilds, and drink and fornicate, and kill each other as they please (this is a joke, please don't take me seriously)

on a more serious note: the atheists I have met in my 17 years of existience are overall rather enjoyable individuals (but they can be stubborn sometimes, almost as much as some of my religious friends). though that lifestyle will always be blamed for something, we should at least try to find a way to create at least a truce between the two. the notion of "I respect you too much to respect your beliefs" needs to be done away with in order for there to be some bit of common ground.

'Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or other dogmas. The cognitive application of freethought is known as "freethinking," and practitioners of freethought are known as "freethinkers."'

hmm...that sounds pretty close to my beliefs. the only difference is I still believe in god.
5,552 posts

we should at least try to find a way to create at least a truce between the two.

Really, the only way this will ever happen is when both groups stop trying to persuade the other side. It doesn't help that religious people (mainly Christians) think that it's their duty to "save" others by bringing them to God. It's sort of annoying being badgered all the time about going to hell because you don't believe what they do.
2,413 posts

It's sort of annoying being badgered all the time about going to hell because you don't believe what they do.
Yeah, especially when they won't listen to you, and just keep quoting verses from the Bible. And, of course, when they tell every single Christian in the entire school, leading to an onslaught of "You're going to Hell." Best thing to do is say, "Yeah, well, at least it's warm there and I won't have to listen to you."
653 posts

Really, the only way this will ever happen is when both groups stop trying to persuade the other side. It doesn't help that religious people (mainly Christians) think that it's their duty to "save" others by bringing them to God.

I agree everyone needs to stfu. If someone wants to believe or not believe in something what do I care. I think the Jews have it right. I mean when's the last time you've heard a Rabbi trying to convert anyone? As long as it doesn't affect my rights why should I care? A person's religion is as insignificant, to others, as the color of their eyes.

Thou shalt keep they religion/non-religion to thyself - George Carlin

" does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." - Thomas Jefferson
9,462 posts

I'm going to say this once, and never again: atheists and religion will always be at odds, and nothing will change that fact.

Only problem with that is there are religious atheists.

now that I've said that: in order to make life easier for them, I suggest we round them up and put them in siberia, then they will be free to roam the wilds, and drink and fornicate, and kill each other as they please (this is a joke, please don't take me seriously)

WHAT! No eating babies?! Count me out....

hmm...that sounds pretty close to my beliefs. the only difference is I still believe in god.

It remains open to what you believe, just not the method in which you go about believing it.
2,413 posts

religious atheists.
... the hell is that possible?
3,371 posts

... the hell is that possible?

Some religions don't have God. While most do, you don't need it for a religion. You just need belief systems, and morals and good stuff like that.

9,462 posts

As long as it doesn't affect my rights why should I care?

There in lays the problem. If we did live in a word where religion was nothing more than a personal matter the term atheist would be as moot as an aleprechaunist. But unfortunately we live in a world where religion doesn't "keep to thyself".

"I don't know that Atheists should be considered as patriots, nor should they be considered as Citizens." -George Bush Jr.
2,413 posts

"I don't know that Atheists should be considered as patriots, nor should they be considered as Citizens." -George Bush Jr.
Yeah, I just read about that. If only I had heard it before, I would've stood outside the White House protesting his statement.
3,371 posts

"I don't know that Atheists should be considered as patriots, nor should they be considered as Citizens." -George Bush Jr.

Ah Bush Jr. You never cease to amaze me.

I agree that people don't keep their religion to themselves, but I don't really think religion is the problem. I think the people (society's view) on religion is the problem. People can keep it to themselves, and there are some religions that do.
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