You've misread my original posts because you don't understand what I was talking about, you feign disgust at my original posts without understanding them and now you want me to waste my time re-explaining it all for your benefit?
It wouldn't be a waste of your time. It could end up benefiting you.
I'm done asking questions about this, you apparently don't seem concerned with waging intelligent discussion between my point and your own.
An ill-educated guess because you're an arrogant know-it-all who refuses to admit you were wrong about my intent.
I don't know what your intent was / is, and what you said in how it backed it up.
What I derived was reasonable, and definitely educated. Now, do you want me to "waste my time" going through each piece of what you said and how it meant to me, and why?
It's a shame I'm willing to go through all this typing and effort to prove the mere point that I'm not as bad as you say. Your assumptions, bluntness and insults is a pathetic level of debating you've stumbled on.
And I guess now I could explain to you what debating is.
I guess it'd be easier if I were able to have someone else do that, because getting somewhere with you from my position seems impossible at this time.
you just want more comments you can try to pick to pieces rather than admit you haven't a clue what happens to people in combat zones.
Guess I'll just go call troll at this point.
One sec, getting a mod ^^
As for that, I'll refer to DSM's comments before I get one.
I think that assuming that i knew very little about what is happening is a false accusation. Just because i am perhaps a lot younger than most people on this site
Age I also don't think comes into account all that much (being as experience is not a sole factor in a lot of debates).
How old are you right now, by the way?
14 here.
what they did at that particular moment was wrong but the way people thought of it as a 'U.S Army hatred' was just as bad.
I agree, generalization is one of the worst things about events and factions, however that is not a current subject. *_*
Then again you had nothing more to say you said... nevermind.
Then the question is, why go and start remove the hand of a dead man?
Precisely a point. He would, by shooting his head, be terminating a threat, it's mechanical, it's cold and it's not a nice thing to think about -- but it's a fact of the matter and something made to avoid another larger evil (self-defense and killing those who would do the same, is not necessarily an evil) is a fair thing to do (if shooting the Taliban was not an evil, which I don't think it is).
Pushing the boundaries of what is essentially your job could account for civilian crime.
Would dismembering a human hand go unpunished in society?
- H