I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.
Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.
Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.
What is you thought on heaven and hell?
Do you beleive in heaven and hell?
Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?
Is God really real?
Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.
Im not saying Jews are not Christian, yet they still must accept Jesus Christ into their heart as their personal Savior to go to Heaven. The Jews were led by Moses, the leader chosen by God. In time, the Jews have pulled away from God. Jesus will come back someday and take all people that have accepted Him into their heart into Heaven. And, I am proud to say, I accepted him seven years ago, as a little child. I understood I was a sinner, and prayed for Him to wash away all my sins and accept me into Heaven. Jews must do this also. During BC, there was no way to recieve eternal redemption for the Jews sins, and no was to receive ANY redemption for the Gentile's sins. In 0 AD, Christ died on the cross and payed the ultimate sacrifice, and all you have to do to accept it is pray to him into your heart to take away your sins, as I did. As for inviting people to talk in my profile commeny box, I will do it all I want. Some people may not be willing to accept Jesus Christ into their heart in public on this forum, and I was making a way for them to do it in private. What about you, thebluerabbit? What flaws do you see in the Bible, the perfect book of the thrice mighty God?
Ok, "4 AD". Does that make you happy? I know what AD means. "Anno Domini", IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD. Jesus died about 4 AD. Allright, just give me one flaw then. I'm not trying to "get recruits", as you say, just trying to help people see the truth, and maybe accept Christ.
Are you trying to make me happy? According to that little holy book Christians like to cite, we're looking at somewhere between 30 - 34 CE (AD). If it were 4 CE, then he would have been like 5 or 6 when he died. But don't worry about making me happy.
I'm not trying to "get recruits", as you say, just trying to help people see the truth, and maybe accept Christ.
Isn't that the same thing? You want to recruit people to your faith, right? I guess it's called 'evangelizing' when a Christian does it, though. Same concept, though.
In the story of Noah, everyone gets wiped out except Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their wives. The Bible resumes hundereds or thousands of years later, when the earth is repopulated again. Therefore, this is not a "flaw" in the Bible as you say. To Moegreche, the Bible is unclear when Jesus was born, but he was born before the AD and he died at the age of 33, at about 4 AD. Im not trying to make people accept all my beliefs and become part of my faith, just the fact that Jesus died for sins.
In the story of Noah, everyone gets wiped out except Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their wives.
Inbreeding = massive birth defects = not large enough gene pool for this to be possible.
Same goes for all the animals on the Arc. Not to mention that the size of the arc listed couldn't fit two of every animal, that they'd have no way to store food, or have fresh water (well, unless they collected the rain) and that it is impossible for anywhere to rain 40 days and nights straight, and that the amount of water described is now magically gone...and I could go on like this for a while.
To Moegreche, the Bible is unclear when Jesus was born, but he was born before the AD and he died at the age of 33, at about 4 AD.
No, I'm a non-religious Atheist. I do not believe in any religion and I do not believe there is any sort of supernatural being out there. I do not believe there is an afterlife, and I do not believe that there are any concrete "rights" or "wrongs."
The Bible resumes hundereds or thousands of years later
Jake... I'm sorry, but I have to correct this. Adam, the first man, was born lets say year 0- or fell, however you want to see it. This would make the flood happen around 1600-1700 after that. Abraham was born at most 700 years after this, and that is being far too generous, but lifelines are given in the Bible to measure this. The Egyptian civilization must be around then, as Abraham is reported to have spent time there. It was not thousands of years. It was more like 600 years after the flood. So, hundreds, yes. Now, partydevil is referring to how many believe the Egyptian culture began, according to the BC/AD time system, before Adam was even born. It's a fair counter argument. Granted, I know how historical research works that far back, and how little we truly know about then. It is very possible that the Egyptian culture started later- and perhaps it was restarted after the flood, when the land was resettled. But that is conjecture. But just to make everyone aware, Christ died- according to the best guess we can make using local documentation- around 29 A.D. He was most likely born, ironically, around 4 B.C.
Human population after noah's flood was like this(as I believe):- Noah His sons Generations X alot of generations. Abram His sons Isaac as Ismail(samuel in english I think) From Isaac:- From Ismail:- Joseph and his father Yaquob. Muhammad(S.A.W) lots of other prophets mainly. Moses and his brother. Danial. Uzair(Believed as son of god in some jewish sects). Yahya and his father Zakria. Jesus
Say, it is breakfast time in your home. You walk to the table, and sit down in a chair. You have just demonstrated and example of faith. You are putting your faith in the structural integrity of the chair. Some things in this universe you just have to put your faith in with no solid proof.
Say, it is breakfast time in your home. You walk to the table, and sit down in a chair. You have just demonstrated and example of faith. You are putting your faith in the structural integrity of the chair. Some things in this universe you just have to put your faith in with no solid proof.
That's not blind faith, that's faith in your experience, because you know that this chairhas supported many people, you amongst them, several times. You cannot compare that to the faith required by religion since it's blind faith.