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138 posts

Okay im not sure where this would go so I'm just going to stick it here. And if it's a duplicate thread I apologize. So anyways I'm doing a huge research project for my school about equality in sports between men and women especially the fact that women have much fewer professional opportunities in sports. Part of the project is how things might work if professional teams became "co-ed". So if you're a guy how would you feel if a girl played on a professional sports team? And if you're a girl would you ever consider doing such?


  • 56 Replies
2,226 posts

I think that at a professional level, separation of gender is needed. Not because women aren't capable of doing the same sports, but if, for example, men and women played a contact sport, the question is if the players would feel comfortable grabbing players of the other sex. Also, there's the issue of sexual harassment claims :P
It kind of stinks, but maybe things will change one day.

1,627 posts

I don't think that you will ever find support for co-ed teams in mainstream sports like soccer and football and baseball. If I were a pro American football player, I'd probably refuse to play in a game where there was a female playing because girls are simply not as physically built as guys! This is not meant to be offensive, but it's simple biology.

138 posts

What if that girl had been playing football all her life? What if she was just as good as any of the guys out there? I think that if girls played with guys all throughout their elementary and adolescent lives they would be just as physically capable as any guy. But the fact that they are separated at the e of around 6 takes away some of the strength they would recieve from playing with guys

2,399 posts

grabbing players of the other sex.

High School wrestling has proved that this is completely acceptable and there is no problem in doing so. DON'T take that out of context, sports only! :P

I'd probably refuse to play in a game where there was a female playing because girls are simply not as physically built as guys!

Don't say refuse, that makes you sound ignorant and sexist. I would never refuse to play a sport with a women, the only problem is the genetics factor. So, you are right women are not as well equipped to play male dominated sports, but that doesn't mean they won't and we shouldn't condemn them to a life of baseball and soccer. Plently of girls in high school play football and wrestle on a boys team! This is whats great about American sports.
3,371 posts

condemn them to a life of baseball and soccer.

Softball. I think that if playing baseball was as encouraged for girls as it is for boys, then there would probably be girls in MLB. Have there been any studies that say whether or not they're physically capable?
5,552 posts

So if you're a guy how would you feel if a girl played on a professional sports team?

Wouldn't care so long as they were there because of skill and not having a minimum to fill.

What if that girl had been playing football all her life? What if she was just as good as any of the guys out there?

Bit of a safety issue though. Guys are bigger than girls, especially when you're selecting for that type of player. Sure you may have big girls, but the guys are going to be bigger. Getting smashed by people larger than you could be troublesome. Football players already get hurt/killed because of this, and they're in the same weight class generally.

I think it would make sense for more skill focused and non contact sports, like basketball and soccer and baseball, to have co-ed teams. Football and other such contact sports like that would be dangerous because of the above mentioned.
138 posts

Soccer is a contact sport. Just making that clear. And really if a woman is skilled enough to play with men, should she not be allowed to play just because of her size? There are ways she could work around the disadvantage. Becoming more technically skilled, building up endurance, getting at physically fit as possible. I realize I may be quite a bit biased because I am a female athlete but I look at it as all of these guys have a bigger chance of making it into the professionals while my chance is slim because there is not a women's soccer league in the U.S. Just my opinion

5,552 posts

Soccer is a contact sport.

It doesn't involve actively tackling the other person to the ground though. Of course there will be bumping/running into each other/accidentally kicking each other, but that's not apart of the game itself.

And really if a woman is skilled enough to play with men, should she not be allowed to play just because of her size?

If it's a threat to her life/health in a very realistic way, then yes. Should people too small for amusement park rides get to ride it anyways so long as they won't be scared? No, because that minimum is there for the safety of the rider/park reputation/legal aspect of the park.

because there is not a women's soccer league in the U.S.

Which I would agree is a problem. However, professional sports revolve heavily around the fan base and sponsors, if it's not economical, it's not going to happen.
138 posts

Woah here. That is a part of the game. You are taught to ram into people and how to hit them the right way and get away with fouls. It is most definitely a contact sport.

I cannot argue your second point but if it is a woman's choice she should be allowed to do it. There are smaller men who play on football teams then a some women.

5,552 posts

You are taught to ram into people and how to hit them the right way and get away with fouls.

Lol...I suppose there is that. Still, it's not the same.

I cannot argue your second point but if it is a woman's choice she should be allowed to do it.

There's a point where we as a society draw a line for the common good of all. I'm not saying that women -would- be more in danger than a man when playing Football, just using reason it would stand to be so. Still, it would need to be proven first that there is an additional danger, and then how much that is, and if it's acceptable enough for people to make that decision.
4,104 posts

I cannot argue your second point but if it is a woman's choice she should be allowed to do it. There are smaller men who play on football teams then a some women.

If people had a higher chance of dying from playing a sport, let's say football, then people would die more often playing football. If people died more often, it would look terrible for NBA and they would loose money and publicity. It could be considered a good business choice to exclude people who will get hurt more often.
1,673 posts

I agree that women should be able to choose whether they can play professional sports with men, however they are biologically inferior to men in terms of athletic ability. There would probably only be one or two players that could make it to the real professional level. But seriously, it's not like they're going to die playing a sport with men.

I don't think that you will ever find support for co-ed teams in mainstream sports like soccer and football and baseball. If I were a pro American football player, I'd probably refuse to play in a game where there was a female playing because girls are simply not as physically built as guys! This is not meant to be offensive, but it's simple biology.

If I was a girl I would want to make the other guys look stupid, if I knew I was as good as or better than them.

If there was a girl on my soccer team like I have seen on a couple teams, it would be a little awkward. As long as she is good enough to play with our team, though, I don't think anyone would have too much of a problem with it.
74 posts

Personally it wouldn't bother me at all to have a girl play on a soccer team. I've seen plenty that are good enough and physical enough to take the hits. (I've also played with ones that give me a run for my money at playing physically =P)

So with two issues out of the way: the first being would people mind, no they shouldn't. It's sexist to discriminate against girls because you just don't want them on the team. And the second being can they stand the hits.. I think they can, and if they're willing to, should be allowed to play.

However, all that was for soccer. Football is another whole issue.

Granted, I understand the stereotype that football is a "man's sport", but I'm not using that to justify my reasoning.

Yes, I know that girls can build themselves up enough to reach the weight for playing professional football. However, I highly disagree that they should do so. While men can build themselves up easily enough, it does not harm them to do that. Women on the other hand could injure themselves worse than even playing the game by building up their weight past what they should.

If there was a girl on my soccer team like I have seen on a couple teams, it would be a little awkward.

Albeit a little awkward (possibly, I'm not convinced yet) I think girls should have the opportunity to play at professional levels. But again the issue of whether they can physically (not necessarily be able to perform at that level, but whether it is beneficial to their bodies to do so) arises.

But I'd like to bring up one more thing.. I know we're going on whether girls should be allowed to play in male leagues, but take the converse. Should men be allowed to play in female leagues? The assumption that everyone is equal and able to perform at the same level should transfer the other way too. So I pose the question again, should men play in female leagues?
1,673 posts

But I'd like to bring up one more thing.. I know we're going on whether girls should be allowed to play in male leagues, but take the converse. Should men be allowed to play in female leagues? The assumption that everyone is equal and able to perform at the same level should transfer the other way too. So I pose the question again, should men play in female leagues?

Wouldn't the men just beat up on the woman then? I mean, they might get bored of it but still, the managers could pay the men for playing in the womens league on their team. In my opinion, everyone is not equal. I think most people agree that men in general are better than women at sports. The womens league might turn into the mens league in this situation...
138 posts

Wow. That is all I can say. Watch a woman's soccer game and compare it to men's. The women are MUCH more technically skilled than the men. Most men completely rely on their power and nothing else. Yes they have a touch on the ball but they can't play tricks and flicks like you see women's teams doing. I think it is extremely unfair to say that men are better than women in sports. Have you honestly ever sat there and watched a woman's soccer game and see the magic they create?

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