ForumsThe TavernEqual Rights in Sports

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Okay im not sure where this would go so I'm just going to stick it here. And if it's a duplicate thread I apologize. So anyways I'm doing a huge research project for my school about equality in sports between men and women especially the fact that women have much fewer professional opportunities in sports. Part of the project is how things might work if professional teams became "co-ed". So if you're a guy how would you feel if a girl played on a professional sports team? And if you're a girl would you ever consider doing such?


  • 56 Replies
5,552 posts

I'm calling for a vote for you to come to CT.

Great. But I have no idea what CT is.

In an attempt to get back on track...

Ive gotten a lot of stuff I can use for my project but think about this:

What specifically are you writing about? An argumentative on why there should be equal rights? An informational paper about it? etc?

You're always going to have some sexists though

Isn't it just as sexist to claim that women are more skilled than men as it is to claim that men are better than women?
5,552 posts

Don't know how to use the thing.

Highlight what you want to quote and click the blue "Quote" button above the chat box.

What I mean is every sport have their own rules that is the right.

That's not the argument here. What Soccergirl is saying is that there should be professional Women's teams, or Co-ed teams so that all the women who want to be professional athletes have the opportunity to do so.
3,386 posts

First, I think it a bit mean to say like that. What I mean is every sport have their own rules that is the right.

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say...
Of course every sport has rules. There aren't rights involved in that.... This is focusing on whether the sport should have co-ed teams.
Which has been determined, and now the question is how do you think the public would react to a woman being placed on a mens team?
74 posts

There will always be those extreme types, unless you kill them.
Which isn't exactly legal, bro.

Yeah... Not quite legal. And I love how you're so calm and level-headed about it.. not drastic at all.

Of course every sport has rules. There aren't rights involved in that.... This is focusing on whether the sport should have co-ed teams

I think they should definitely have co-ed teams. If anyone is good enough to be on the team, they should be on it--no matter what his or her sex is.

and now the question is how do you think the public would react to a woman being placed on a mens team?

Well this question has been talked about before lol.
585 posts

Part of the project is how things might work if professional teams became "co-ed". So if you're a guy how would you feel if a girl played on a professional sports team? And if you're a girl would you ever consider doing such?

First of all if it was co-ed it would be even harder for women to be on a professional sports team. Only the very best women would make it. I don't think men would really mind just they would have to change in seperate rooms. I think women would still have the same passion for playing in professinal sports teams just some of them might feel like they will never make it.
3,386 posts

Yeah... Not quite legal. And I love how you're so calm and level-headed about it.. not drastic at all.

The bro implies sarcasm. People don't understand the interwebs anymore DX

I just look at the topic and write down comments. I not SEEN the words CO-ED TEAM IN THE TOPIC.

I didn't see*
And it might help the content of your comment if you look at the posts already there. So you can avoid small mistakes like this.

First of all if it was co-ed it would be even harder for women to be on a professional sports team. Only the very best women would make it. I don't think men would really mind just they would have to change in seperate rooms. I think women would still have the same passion for playing in professinal sports teams just some of them might feel like they will never make it.

It would, but if all teams played co-ed from kids till they were adults, I think it would be fine after a little while. Maybe some of the violence in them would be toned down.
74 posts

The bro implies sarcasm. People don't understand the interwebs anymore DX

I'm sorry DDD'X I should not be allowed to continue to write here anymore DDX.
=P lol.

Maybe some of the violence in them would be toned down.
Could you clarify what you mean by violence? Do you mean how guys would play with girls on the teams too? Maybe taking cheap shots?
127 posts

Women should have equal rights to play all sports yes. But in the big leagues I'd say segregate it. To man and women teams, with (hopefully) equal respect.

Women are not weaker by any means, a lot of girls can take on overpower out maneuver etc many men in combat or sports. It's all on the individual.

But physical difference is a huge part of it. Testosterone is a huge barrier women can't cross in muscle building without shots of testosterone.

What I'm saying is, a man doing the same very high intensity workout and diet as a women, a very intense workout and a hight protein diet. The man would get more benefit in muscle growth than the women because of the effects of testosterone alone.

But that is for only really "high end" workout schemes. In regular working out the difference in &quotroportional gain" would could be anywhere from minimal to dynamic.

But in the big leagues that difference is what gives you extra seconds of stamina or pounds of pressure per punch etc. Guys are physically stronger than girls usually.

If girls would allowed, would a girl be chosen as a &quotlayer better to add to a team ?". Yes in some sports, no in other sports, probably. Again all up to the individual(s). But I'm certain there wouldn't be many in some sports teams etc. I'm not gonna go in specifics uwah

And yes, a guy might get a boner from wrestling with a girl if her parts where pressed up against him in the match. No good man. And other types of games where that might happen.

The locker rooms would have to be segregated regardless. Not quite trustworthy, on either end.

Aside from that, if co-ed teams happens, **** would happen.
It cannot be denied eventually that would happen in team. Even if just in ONE team ever.
Okay it can be denied and hopefully it would never happen, but still.
And romance on the field might lead to protecting one person when strategically it is unwise to do so. (that is in war too) yadda yadda
Of course a pro would see beyond that and do it for the team etc, girl or guy, both are capable of such.

Now if girls and guys want to be treated equally, that is all up to the individual. I don't see girls sports in any way a lesser rendition, or better rendition, of males sports personally. But feelings and personal things like that can't be mandated.

Other things as well

Girls would probably get injured more often maybe, or maybe not since people might go 'easy' on them, or not.

If a girl was allowed in a male team she would have to be as good or better than the average male player.
(that might affect the confidence of the males, see a girl play better than them when girls are usually weak, maybe not though. Most people should be mature/w.e enough to handle that sort of thing anyways, wouldn't effect me LOL)

It would be an incredibly tough 'fight' in the beginning, not impossible though. Average pro girl might not make it. But a really talented girl pro might..

sorry I guess I should say 'women' some ladys are offended by the word girl for some reason. to lazy to go change it though@ lolz

This is some stuff I thought of, and I'm not sure if it's my opinion yet. Your opinion on whether or not it's my opinion is automatically invalid. lol

mm I guess women should have a chance, but ALL THINGS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED

and locker rooms forever segregated.

1,673 posts

Pretty much all of the points you say are pretty valid, as far as I can see, except for some...

Girls would probably get injured more often maybe, or maybe not since people might go 'easy' on them, or not.

I really doubt that they would get injured more often. Men playing professional sports get injured all the time so I don't think the women would get injured more often. Just because you're not as strong does not mean that you will get injured more. I think it mostly comes down to chance and if you have injured something before making it weaker.


Women should have equal rights to play all sports yes. But in the big leagues I'd say segregate it. To man and women teams, with (hopefully) equal respect.

Does that mean they will be in the same league but on different teams or in completely different leagues? I think they should at least be able to play on the same team with men. They should have a choice, but whether the coach plays them or signs them is another matter.

and locker rooms forever segregated.

I think that would be a definite yes if this happened. It is in my mind.
1,356 posts

Sorry but I couldn't imagine any female in professional rugby, size, skill or not. Not sexist or anything, but it just isn't something that will happen.

1,094 posts

Um isn't this a whole different topic? Talking about sports is one thing, however the military is another.

Krav maga could be considered a sport. Fighting sport, taught to Israeli special forces. Same like boxing, kick-box and all that.

I've noticed no one actually mentioned these kinds of sport. Here, obviously, the women could not compete against the men. Of course, there may be a few exceptions, but these are rare against the professional fighters.

Has no one mentioned volleyball? I don't know how it is in the States, but in Serbia, women and men are mixed in our teams.

if women have the capability to hold a bowling ball inside them for 9 months then push it out, I think they are physically tough enough to play right along side of guys.

Technically, your bodies were built in a way to be able to bare the bowling ball for 9 months.

Women have the strength to endure pain beyond anything a man will ever feel.

Again, women have a different body structure from men. If we had the same muscle structure, we'd be able to do it too. Just sayin'

And okay well how do you think the public would react to a woman being placed on a mens team?

It depends in which sport. If it's volleyball, it's being done already. If it's soccer, there'd probably be a few sexists saying women don't belong, but after a while it'd be normal. In Rugby or football or whatever, there'd be laughter all over the world.

Now I'm a swimmer, and I've raced my female friends before, I'm FAR faster than all of them. Most of them do swimming their entire lives, while I do swimming for about 13 years.

Also, in Thai kick-box. I've fought women that are pretty tough, but they just don't seem to be able to keep up against me. No matter what their shape, in sports, the men are the ones with the bigger chances of succeeding against women.
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