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Okay im not sure where this would go so I'm just going to stick it here. And if it's a duplicate thread I apologize. So anyways I'm doing a huge research project for my school about equality in sports between men and women especially the fact that women have much fewer professional opportunities in sports. Part of the project is how things might work if professional teams became "co-ed". So if you're a guy how would you feel if a girl played on a professional sports team? And if you're a girl would you ever consider doing such?


  • 56 Replies
1,673 posts

I agree that the women are in general more skilled in soccer than men, but men still have more speed and overall ability. If a womens team played a mens team of a theoretical same positioning and standing, I'm pretty sure that the mens team would win, even if it would be a close match And this is soccer, where women can actually hold their own. I was talking about all sports, think of what would happen if a man played in the womens football league? It might work out pretty well for soccer and some other sports, but for most sports I don't think it would work very well. Like I said in my post before.

123 posts

[/quote]The women are MUCH more technically skilled than the men

Well that's kind of an opinion. I haven't seen many woman's soccer games so I have to admit I cannot really argue with that but... not all people may think that way.

[quote]Yes they have a touch on the ball but they can't play tricks and flicks like you see women's teams doing. I think it is extremely unfair to say that men are better than women in sports

I think it's unfair to say it's extremely unfair to say that men are better than women in sports! Even if women are indeed better at ball handling or "finer" points of whatever sport, the physicality of men would counter that.

Here's what I think should happen:

I think that it'd be okay to allow women to play in all normal professional sports, HOWEVER, they'd be given no advantage of men in choice of that they get to play. If the girl is good enough at the sport and a professional team is willing to have the girl play than the girl can play no problem. If guys on the teams have a problem with playing against or with a girl, they don't have to play. But, if a woman believes she is able to compete at a professional level yet no professional team wants to take her up she cannot complain about it (er, she can complain all she wants, but nothing can happen for example the team playing her just so that they're "not discriminate towards women" because that would be an unfair advantage for women. And... yeah. That's what I think.
74 posts

I'm going to agree with SG27 on this one: women soccer players are better at technical skills than men (usually.) There are always the exceptions for both sexes. Some men are fabulous at technical skills and some women can definitely play as physically.

Have you honestly ever sat there and watched a woman's soccer game and see the magic they create?

I have as a matter of fact =D It's so cool to see what they can do; it's such a different way of playing than men's soccer.

I was talking about all sports,

You don't want to get me started on all sports. Very few sports are women outclassed by men, football being the only one off the top of my head.

But since you bring up all sports, I also play chess and have played many women players who not only hold their own against men, but surpass many. (And don't go into the "fact" that men are better chess players than women.. it's completely false, but seems that way because men are the majority of players in chess.)
I've had the opportunity to review one of my games with a past US women's chess champion (year 2000) Camilla Baginskaite and obviously she was amazing. She surpasses her husband Alex Yermolinsky in fame and prestige in the chess world.

I use this as my example that women are not inferior in sports than men. Yes, there may be some sports that men's abilities provide a greater advantage over women, but don't use that as an example.. how many men would like to participate in a competitive splits competition? (and no, not the banana kind)

And 42maelstrom.. that's the point I was trying to make. As long as it's not discriminatory, I'm fine with it. But as soon as it crosses that line it's wrong.

(And sorry for bringing up chess, but it's something that I really love. (Also, I've met both Camilla and Alex in person, as well as their children. Just giving some cool info XD))
130 posts

really its the persons choice in my football organization (Sykesville Raiders) i know theres a couple of girls who play and there have been some women who played baseball i think all sports have a chance for each gender

223 posts

Women and Men are made differntly and have differnt skills and abilities from birth. I perfectally fine with integrated professional sports as long as there is No Contact.

Also with combat, I believe women should not serve, unless it is highly needed. As in Israel where a defensive combat force is in high demand.

There is many problems that come up with women in combat situations,

1. Fraternization

2. Whoever is in command naturally feels an obligation to look after a women, which causes severe problems.

There is other reasons as well if you keep thinking about it.

1,673 posts

I'll try to re-quote Mael's response so that you can understand what he's quoting and what he's not:

[/quote]The women are MUCH more technically skilled than the men

Well that's kind of an opinion. I haven't seen many woman's soccer games so I have to admit I cannot really argue with that but... not all people may think that way.

Yes they have a touch on the ball but they can't play tricks and flicks like you see women's teams doing. I think it is extremely unfair to say that men are better than women in sports[quote]

I think it's unfair to say it's extremely unfair to say that men are better than women in sports! Even if women are indeed better at ball handling or "finer" points of whatever sport, the physicality of men would counter that.

Here's what I think should happen:

I think that it'd be okay to allow women to play in all normal professional sports, HOWEVER, they'd be given no advantage of men in choice of that they get to play. If the girl is good enough at the sport and a professional team is willing to have the girl play than the girl can play no problem. If guys on the teams have a problem with playing against or with a girl, they don't have to play. But, if a woman believes she is able to compete at a professional level yet no professional team wants to take her up she cannot complain about it (er, she can complain all she wants, but nothing can happen for example the team playing her just so that they're "not discriminate towards women" because that would be an unfair advantage for women. And... yeah. That's what I think.


I could barely understand it; it took me a pretty long time to figure out what is his writing and what his quote is.
1,673 posts

Argh! sorry I failed even more than he did, delete post please :P

123 posts

Also with combat, I believe women should not serve, unless it is highly needed. As in Israel where a defensive combat force is in high demand.

Well they should be allowed to serve but not required to sign up for the draft.
1,673 posts

Also with combat, I believe women should not serve, unless it is highly needed. As in Israel where a defensive combat force is in high demand. There is many problems that come up with women in combat situations,

1. Fraternization

2. Whoever is in command naturally feels an obligation to look after a women, which causes severe problems.

There is other reasons as well if you keep thinking about it.

Um isn't this a whole different topic? Talking about sports is one thing, however the military is another.
74 posts

Yeah, kinda switching topics a lot there. I mean, my using chess as an example still fits because chess is a recognized sport, but the military really isn't a sport.

223 posts

Sports military...not a whole lot of differnce.

5,552 posts

using chess as an example still fits because chess is a recognized sport,

Not a sport >.< It's a board game. Are board games sports? No. Can you have competitive Chess? Obviously. Does something being competitive make it a sport? No. Not a sport.

Sports military.

There is in that what you do is different, as well as traditional roles and the way our society is structured.

I think it is extremely unfair to say that men are better than women in sports

I've brought this up in some other threads a while back, but those all died off. So I'll restate it, as it has some bearing on this.

Olympics records show that men are physically more capable than women, as the Men's records are higher in almost every category by a significant amount. Only in a few (I think 1-2 instances) are Women's records higher. If we're going to look at this objectively, we have to acknowledge that Men and Women's bodies are built differently in more than the directly obvious. Men in the past were the hunters/gatherers/warriors, while Women took care of her offspring and did domestic chores. It was this way because each was more suited to the role.

Now, we can argue that Women have more skill, although this also needs to be proven, but skill alone doesn't mean they have the ability to compete with someone more physically capable.

Again, I have no problem with Women having professional sports, and I think there should be that. I also would have no problem with Co-ed leagues/teams, so long as the members on the team are there because of how good they are/the results they bring, and not because a certain amount of each gender is required.
4,104 posts


I believe this was the link you posted

And, to be fair, just because they don't have the highest records, doesn't mean they aren't better that they aren't beating some people. While the fastest time in men's 800 meters is 1:42.58, the slowest time in men's 800 meters may be somewhere over 2:00.00, making the fastest women's 800 meters faster (1:53.43). This means they will probably still never come in first, but it means that some can compete.

5,552 posts

While the fastest time in men's 800 meters is 1:42.58, the slowest time in men's 800 meters may be somewhere over 2:00.00, making the fastest women's 800 meters faster (1:53.43). This means they will probably still never come in first, but it means that some can compete.

I'm aware of that. I am just saying that this shows men are physically more capable overall. If it were even, logically half the records (give or take some) would be held by each gender and not have some sort of domination going.

Now, that is looking at the extremes. Those are the best of the best. But how close are &quotrofessional athletes" to that standard? If we look at it with the same ratio then there would be few areas in which women would have a physical advantage. Now, would skill make up for this? I don't know. But remember, male athletes aren't all brawn either, it takes skill to get to that level whether or not you are male or female. You have to be better than the rest.
74 posts

Not a sport >.< It's a board game. Are board games sports? No. Can you have competitive Chess? Obviously. Does something being competitive make it a sport? No. Not a sport.

I could argue all the details about this, but I won't I'm just going to say this... "The governing bodies of following sports, though not contested in the Olympic Games, are recognized by the IOC: he governing bodies of following sports, though not contested in the Olympic Games, are recognized by the IOC:[12]

Air sports
Auto racing (provisional from December 2011)
Billiard sports
Dance sport
Golf (will be part of the 2016 program)
Motorcycle racing
Mountaineering and Climbing
Pelota Vasca
Powerboating[disambiguation needed ]
Roller sports
Rugby (sevens will be part of the 2016 program)
Sport climbing
Tug of war
Underwater sports
Water ski
(IOC=International Olympic Committee )

So sorry, I'm going to agree with the authorities on this one.

However I am going to agree that the men's Olympic records are higher than the women's records and that shows men are more capable in those events. But then again, at the extremes men have been shown to usually outperform women (athletics and intelligence.) However, it has also been shown that they under-perform at the extremes too. Of the IQ scores, men score lower than women ever do. They area also much more likely to become obese and unfit. Basically it evens out in the end.

I propose we do not put so much emphasis on the Olympic records because it is one of the extremes. And yes, brawn doesn't make a sure "win", but it does help a lot I am still in favor of allowing women to play at the professional level; there are women out there who can play as well as men, and might even surpass many.
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