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Okay im not sure where this would go so I'm just going to stick it here. And if it's a duplicate thread I apologize. So anyways I'm doing a huge research project for my school about equality in sports between men and women especially the fact that women have much fewer professional opportunities in sports. Part of the project is how things might work if professional teams became "co-ed". So if you're a guy how would you feel if a girl played on a professional sports team? And if you're a girl would you ever consider doing such?


  • 56 Replies
5,552 posts

Bridge Chess

Card game/board game = Card game/Board game, not a sport.

So sorry, I'm going to agree with the authorities on this one.

It doesn't really matter anyways.

Basically it evens out in the end.

I don't remember where I heard this, but it's something along the lines of, "Men are oaks and Women are willows. A Man stands strong until he snaps, a Woman bends but never breaks."

I am still in favor of allowing women to play at the professional level; there are women out there who can play as well as men, and might even surpass many.

I think the most realistic result would be a combination of the two, if teams were selected from skill/ability/contributions alone, there would be both men and women if we ignored gender. The proportions would differ depending on the style of the team, and also because men in general play sports more than women.
138 posts

If you dont understand then don't reply. It's not that complicated anyways. Just should girls be able to play on guys teams.

And @Kasic
The reason why men play sports more then women do is because they have more opportunities and because of sexist people who believe women should not be allowed to play sports. My own grandmother will not come to my soccer games because she finds it inappropriate that I "exert myself further than normal women should." if women have the capability to hold a bowling ball inside them for 9 months then push it out, I think they are physically tough enough to play right along side of guys.

74 posts

It doesn't really matter anyways.

True, this part has morphed into another issue. Good call for calling it off in this thread.

I think the most realistic result would be a combination of the two, if teams were selected from skill/ability/contributions alone, there would be both men and women if we ignored gender. The proportions would differ depending on the style of the team, and also because men in general play sports more than women.

Well that would be the ideal lol. If it will happen, I doubt it. Like SG said, that's because of sexist people. The mindset historically has been men hunt/do sport and women rear children. However this does not mean both cannot assist in these tasks.

if women have the capability to hold a bowling ball inside them for 9 months then push it out, I think they are physically tough enough to play right along side of guys.

I'm going to pass on this one... No doubt, you guys (women) are tough XD
3,386 posts

if women have the capability to hold a bowling ball inside them for 9 months then push it out, I think they are physically tough enough to play right along side of guys.

Made me laugh.
So very true.

Well. Being a decently sporty female, I think I belong here.

I think the sports that we are centering this around are the most common sports.
Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball.

I play football with guys sometimes. Not on a team, but I do play with my male friends. There is a wall there, obviously, but I don't think it's for the wrong reasons. As it has been stated, guys are built differently. Guys play hard, girls do too. But most girls wouldn't WANT to play the same way with males in football. Do you really thing females want to jump on the field and run towards huge guys almost double their size?
So, for football I think there should be some type of line, but ONLY if the person wants it. I think that if a girl is silly enough to want to run into a tree, she should at least be able to go for it. Doesn't mean I approve. but I understand why people frown upon it.

Soccer, I think this should be co-ed. Guys run fast, so do girls. If a male would beat a female in speed, the female will probably train harder to match him or beat him. Children's soccer is co-ed, I don't see why they should be separated if they played together when they were kids. Heck, half the girls on my team I coached were faster and more focused than the guys. But the boys started noticing that girls were beating them, and that pushed them harder. In the end of the season, They were evenly matched. (Granted they were 8-10 years of age and hadn't hit puberty)

Basketball is another thing that should be co-ed. It's the same principle behind Soccer, but Basketball is a bit more challenging, given the physical contact. But that doesn't stop the girls or boys team when they practice with each other at my school. So I don't see why it should stop any other team.

Baseball. Female part, Softball. I think the name softball is slightly degrading, considering if you get hit in the face with a softball, the mark will be bigger than if you get hit is the face with a baseball. And that ball is far from soft. The softball/baseball boundary is huge here, and I don't know why. They say the guys are better, but If you give them Softball equipment, they will fail.
That was an experiment at my school, though. The Softball team used the Baseball equipment, and the Baseball guys got ours. We had the same batting average, if not increased. Most of the girls hit better with the baseball bats than the softball bats. The guys stats were absolutely horrid. *shudder* They apparently can't hit a bigger ball with a bigger bat.
I don't understand why we have to pitch the ball a different way, either. Most of the pitchers I know, have either really messed up pitching arms, or have paid to have some sort of professional medical conditioning for it. And if you don't pay for that conditioning, you will probably soon have the really messed up pitching arm.
I just don't get it, but I think it should be co-ed. I see no reason for it not to be, since I've already talked about speed and such.

Now. There are a few sports, like Ice Skating, that can be co-ed. I haven't done research or anything, but I believe in some competitions, Surfing is co-ed. Track is semi co-ed, it really just depends on which team you join, because I know a lot of them where I live accept both girls and boys in one team. Swimming is the same as Track, it just depends where you go. We have guys alongside girls, swimming for the same trophy.

And this brings an end to my post.
138 posts

I'm glad I can make you laugh. I try my best. But anyways thank you for the great opinions. Ive gotten a lot of stuff I can use for my project but think about this:

What do you think would happen if all sports were required BY LAW to have to allow women to try out for their teams? I'm not saying it's going to happen because I know it never will but what do you think would happen?

3,386 posts

I don't think anything would happen after a few years of it being implemented.
Let a generation or two cause some unruliness, but people would accept it.

5,552 posts

What do you think would happen if all sports were required BY LAW to have to allow women to try out for their teams?

To just allow? That would be fair. Would it they get accepted onto the team? Who knows.

if women have the capability to hold a bowling ball inside them for 9 months then push it out, I think they are physically tough enough to play right along side of guys.

Against my better judgement I'm going to take a poke at this...Just because a woman can give birth does not mean they are physically fit or capable of doing something. It's an entirely different set of muscles which are biologically developed for that purpose and that purpose alone. You might get away with arguing emotional strength, but not physical strength.
138 posts

*deep breath* you understood my point though. Women have the strength to endure pain beyond anything a man will ever feel.

And okay well how do you think the public would react to a woman being placed on a mens team?

5,552 posts

And okay well how do you think the public would react to a woman being placed on a mens team?

I can envision a bunch of angry red-necks from texas hopping in their rusty pickups and heading for a relevant stadium. I don't know how close to fact that may be though.

Initially...I think it would be a generally accepted thing. Some die-hard sports fans might get really angry, and sports commentators/analysts would have their say, but as in all things with time comes acceptance.
3,386 posts

but as in all things with time comes acceptance.

True fax.

I don't think there would be long-term hatred of it. Not if they had sense, anyways.
74 posts

What do you think would happen if all sports were required BY LAW to have to allow women to try out for their teams?

Well personally I think it should be required.. otherwise it's biased and sexist.

And okay well how do you think the public would react to a woman being placed on a mens team?

There are always going to be the people who say they won't match up, but I think it goes back to Jackie Robinson. He was the first African-American to be placed on a professional baseball team. There were horribly racist comments, death threats, segregation, denial from members of his own team, but it eventually wore off. It will be just the same with women, might be rocky at first, (and I really very highly doubt to the extreme as with Robinson) but evening out in the end.

but as in all things with time comes acceptance.

You got it right there Kasic!
3,592 posts

I don't think there would be long-term hatred of it. Not if they had sense, anyways.

You're always going to have some sexists though saying that the female/male plays the best on the team and that the females/males have better teams and skill/teamwork.
3,386 posts

There will always be those extreme types, unless you kill them.
Which isn't exactly legal, bro.

5,552 posts

There will always be those extreme types, unless you kill them.
Which isn't exactly legal, bro.

That made me laugh harder than I have in a while. Oh the irony.

but as in all things with time comes acceptance.

You got it right there Kasic!

I guess I have another personal quote for my profile.
3,386 posts

That made me laugh harder than I have in a while. Oh the irony.

You're probably one of the only people in the Tavern who would've realized that.

I'm calling for a vote for you to come to CT.
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