ForumsThe TavernContacts or Glasses?

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896 posts

So I'm debating whether to stick with my glasses, or level-up to the contacts. Contacts are gross but glasses are annoying. And I don't know which to choose. But make sure that there's some actual discussion on this, so it won't be locked.

The kind of response I would like: "I have tried both, and would personally suggest (contacts/glasses) because *insert lengthy statement that makes me lean toward your suggestion here*.
The kind of response I would NOT like: "glasses." or "contacts." So don't be a spammer or you will unleash the thundering fury of the ever-so-watchful mods.

  • 55 Replies
13,657 posts

Since when did glasses become annoying? I have been on/off glasses since I was, what, thirteen or something? and I personally don't believe glasses as such can be considered annoying, though I guess that depends on strength and how bad your vision is without them, not to mention what activities you participate in and what you do through your day.
These, however, are also matters you ought to be considering when making your decision.
If you have a fairly normal vision, I doubt it would be worth it to get contacts, since you can do "fine" without glasses, which at times is worth it more than having perfect vision at all time. Especially if you sit at the computer for long periods of time.
If you are fairly active in a contact sport or a sport where you need to be able to spot, say, a small ball, contacts are probably more for you, same goes if you have a rather bad eyesight.

I would pick glasses, but I don't know your situation, so I can't say you should too.

896 posts

Since when did glasses become annoying?

Since they have to be cleaned every 10 minutes. And since the nose clamps(?) always loosen which makes the glasses fall down my face, then I look like an old person and then I have to go all the way to the eye-doctor to get them readjusted. And since they make me look ugly. XD

I have been on/off glasses

So does that mean you have tried contacts?

how bad your vision is without them

I'm near-sighted. I think my exact number is somewhere around 20/80

not to mention what activities you participate in and what you do through your day.

I don't do much, considering I'm homeschooled.

If you have a fairly normal vision, I doubt it would be worth it to get contacts, since you can do "fine" without glasses, which at times is worth it more than having perfect vision at all time.

Well things get blurry when they're about 2 feet away and blurrier the further away they are. It gets annoying when trying to talk to someone and they're face is a blurry...blur.

Especially if you sit at the computer for long periods of time.

I do take off my glasses while I'm on the computer... so that would be difficult to do with contacts. But I'm never really at the computer for more than 1 hour at a time.

If you are fairly active in a contact sport or a sport where you need to be able to spot, say, a small ball, contacts are probably more for you,

Nope, I'm not into any of that. Imma nerd. XD You so I guess I'm leaning toward sticking with glasses. Especially when I see when my mom's contacts slide up her eye and are a pain. Also, I have seasonal allergies, so I'm allergic to pollen, mold, ragweed and such. So my eyes get swollen in the spring and summer. So perhaps glasses are the way to go. But my older bro still suggests contacts for me... but thanks for the feedback, Cen!
101 posts

I used to wear glasses a few years ago, and I am glad I switched to contacts.

Glasses were handy since I could easily put them on when I was in hurry, but constantly cleaning them was annoying. Contacts take more time, and require a lot of care in the fact that you have to remember to wash you hands before putting them on/off, and you have to be careful to not rip them or stab your eye. After about a month though it takes pretty much no time to take care of them since you are then used to it.

An advantage for me with contacts is that I have horrrrrrible vision, like that big E on the chart? I couldn't even see that it was there. yeah... So being able to see no matter what I am doing is nice. With glasses I could only see straight in front of me because of the lenses, so I always had to turn my head to see anything. And now I also don't have to worry about dropping my glasses or breaking them which is a nice bonus.

The prices for them I think are about the same. The difference is that with contacts you are required to see the eye doctor dude every year, so if your prescription never changes it's sorta pointless.

I hope this helps. I mean it's diff for everyone, but for me contacts work out much better.

896 posts

Glasses were handy since I could easily put them on when I was in hurry, but constantly cleaning them was annoying.

True, true.

Contacts take more time, and require a lot of care in the fact that you have to remember to wash you hands before putting them on/off, and you have to be careful to not rip them or stab your eye.


After about a month though it takes pretty much no time to take care of them since you are then used to it.


An advantage for me with contacts is that I have horrrrrrible vision, like that big E on the chart? I couldn't even see that it was there. yeah...

Wow. That's like my mom. She's almost legally blind without her contacts. But my vision isn't nearly as bad. But it's bad enough that it's noticeable.

So being able to see no matter what I am doing is nice. With glasses I could only see straight in front of me because of the lenses, so I always had to turn my head to see anything.

Yup. Limited peripheral vision is a downside to glasses as well.

And now I also don't have to worry about dropping my glasses or breaking them which is a nice bonus.

That actually has never been a problem for me. I find my glasses to be quite secure. Although they do slide down my face from time-to-time, they never completely fall off. :/

I hope this helps. I mean it's diff for everyone, but for me contacts work out much better.

Heyyy. Sure it helps. Yeah it's different from person to person. So contacts 'eh? They do seem appealing, but so do glasses. It's a tough choice.
626 posts

I prefer contacts, partially because I cant tell that they're there, and partially because when I wear glasses I cant see the floor and i have no periphs. (I can't see the giant E on the eye chart :/ didnt even know it was there) I also wrestle kind of often and not getting my glasses knocked off of my face is a nice bonus

896 posts

I also wrestle kind of often and not getting my glasses knocked off of my face is a nice bonus

Hahahaha. I wrestle with my lil' bro all the time. But yeah... maybe contacts are the way to go... but still... Like I mentioned above, I have seasonal allergies which causes my eyes to be itchy, irritated and slightly swollen. I think that might be a problem.
1,900 posts

I tried contacts while having allergies.
Do. Not. Do. It.
You don't want to know what it delt like. It was like the contacts were constricting my eyes. I had to go to the eye doctor, and he said I got lucky, because of my severe allergies, it could've really messed up my eyes. So, that's why I wear glasses. Anyway, I have always wore glasses since I was little.

896 posts

I tried contacts while having allergies.
Do. Not. Do. It.
You don't want to know what it delt like. It was like the contacts were constricting my eyes. I had to go to the eye doctor, and he said I got lucky, because of my severe allergies, it could've really messed up my eyes. So, that's why I wear glasses. Anyway, I have always wore glasses since I was little.

Hmmmmmm... So I guess I shouldn't take the risk... maybe I'll use contacts in the fall and winter, then use glasses in the spring and summer...
58 posts

Hm, I wear glasses since I was... 5? Maybe I'm just too used to it, but all the disadvantages you pointed out above don't seem to be afflict me. I mean... they're always stuck to my face, even when I play basketball. Most physical activities don't even force me to wear my glasses. I've tried contact lenses and dammit, it's much more annoying. You've got to be a whole lot more careful about them. And you also have to clean them. In fact, I think I'm lucky I live in a really dry area, it helps me conserve the glasses much more easily.

1,606 posts

I have not used contacts, but I know for a fact that I will prefere glasses, reason why I know for a fact that I will is because I really like the ability to be able to constantly take off/put on glasses, no need to hold your eye open while having a finger slowly approaching it, ready to encase it in a weird see-through half circle.
I have been without my glasses for most of my life (and still counting since I don't have em on most of the time) so I have gotten used to how everything looks when I don't have my glasses on so I can't really function in the world with glasses, it's like suddenly finding that your whole worlds mechanics and brightness have changed (for some reason everything seems brighter when i have glasses on) also I have gotten used to recognizing things in my blur world and my glasses somehow have a distorting effect on my accuracy. So that is why I will always stick to glasses.

1,044 posts

Glasses. I like them (and I have not tried contacts... dont want to either...) because they,
A. look good on me. XD

B: they fit me perfectly.

C: contacts are weird.

So, glasses for me, I guess...

16,287 posts

i don't see how contacts are weird? cause you have to touch your eye? it's easy and it's not like you stab your eye with your finger to put them on. you just gently push it against your eye and they should suction cup on. and taking them out is a bit odd but i don't think you can hurt yourself unless you violently take them off or put them on

1,810 posts

I use glasses now, but I would like contacts better. I have worn both often, but I have trouble taking them out, while putting them in takes seconds. poor me.

585 posts

I like contacts better. It looks better too.

626 posts

back to allergies, i have really bad allergies and my contacts have never caused me problems. My nose on the other hand... *mumble mumble*
i've even done exactly what the eye doctor tells you NOT to do and left my contacts in for months at a time... no problems, though, i wouldnt recommend it.. its dangerous

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