I hope you haven't fallen for this age-old trick and actually clicked on the link. However, if you have, welcome. This is where ideas, plans, and dreams are built. (More to come)
What if the world was as trippy as the Yellow Submarine movie?
yea I was thinking of it being a really trippy world as well, but i didn't know if anyone else was considering that, so now that I know that people are, why should we stop at it being that trippy, why not go further?
How bout have it where all the flowers sing all the time, alcohol wouldn't have an effect anymore (the world is too trippy already that it went to the limit) you could walk through mirror and be able to turn back time if you run really fast through them (requires being faster than light) there is no trash because everything is edible (and tasty). The sidewalk feels like you are walking on clouds and falling does no damadge because the ground absorbs your fall. Water has unexplained properties that make it sometimes grow and other times shrink. That's all i could think of so far.
Off Topic:I remember i once was on a TF2 server that was an exact representation of what it would look like if TF2 was on LSD and extasy.
What if the world was as trippy as the Yellow Submarine movie?
yea I was thinking of it being a really trippy world as well, but i didn't know if anyone else was considering that, so now that I know that people are, why should we stop at it being that trippy, why not go further?
How bout have it where all the flowers sing all the time, alcohol wouldn't have an effect anymore (the world is too trippy already that it went to the limit) you could walk through mirror and be able to turn back time if you run really fast through them (requires being faster than light) there is no trash because everything is edible (and tasty). The sidewalk feels like you are walking on clouds and falling does no damadge because the ground absorbs your fall. Water has unexplained properties that make it sometimes grow and other times shrink. That's all i could think of so far.
you can breath under water, swim and dive into earth, fly/float in the air because gravity wont affect you (not only you, everything else too), animals and plants can talk and sing (objects too), buildings are constantly changing their height, you can walk into pictures and everything changes it color every minute (with sprinkles/dots/stripes/other shapes and color mixes like yellow with green dots and blue stripes and red rectangles).
Every minute? Many times a second, causing seizures everywhere!
I think that it would be better if instead of just random color changes the color changes in pulses so almost like how ripples on water go, the color would be like that.
That is a very interesting RPG idea you have there. Reminds me of the very first episode of The Twilight Zone.
What if the world was as trippy as the Yellow Submarine movie?
If that were the case, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band would leave Pepperland in a standard black submarine to rescue the Beatles from the war on terror.
I would love to live in a world where Blue Meanies were the worst of the worst.
Every minute? Many times a second, causing seizures everywhere!
Or it could just run cycles around the color wheel and change smoothly instead of flashing and distracting those living under it.
well i am thinking of writing a story its based on history but its not true ... well the story is about Achaemenian fall with the attack of Alexander the puny (arrrrr...uhhhhh ... alright GREAT !!)the main Character is an immortal soldier named sasan ardashir . he and the 10000 immortal Prepare for the great battle and the war against Alexander ...(yeah yeah great) in the battle they fight like lions . so bravely and strong that even the men of Alexander ... fall back . but eventually they get defeated ... but our hero doesnt die so they make him a slave ... after few years he starts a riot against the Alexander empire and fights with the empire but sadly dies ...
I'd live in the blue one. It seems like everything would be very laid-back there.
Not like in the red world, where everything would be a big deal to everyone and people would have unnecessarily high amount of energy that they would choose to inflict on those around them.
That is a very interesting RPG idea you have there. Reminds me of the very first episode of The Twilight Zone.
never heard or seen the very first episode of The Twilight Zone.i dont know what The Twilight Zone is.
I think that it would be better if instead of just random color changes the color changes in pulses so almost like how ripples on water go, the color would be like that.
Or it could just run cycles around the color wheel and change smoothly instead of flashing and distracting those living under it.
right, would be better/healthier if they change slowly.
Yes, a blue one, a red, a purple, a black????
I'd live in the blue one. It seems like everything would be very laid-back there.
Not like in the red world, where everything would be a big deal to everyone and people would have unnecessarily high amount of energy that they would choose to inflict on those around them.
a good idea, different planets with different colors where everything is colored in variations of this color, like a green world full of different types/mixes of green. and i like it that every colored world has one emotion that fits to that color. now imagine a white world or a black and white world with different types of grey. i wonder what emotions people of this world would have.
i think i give "in the middle of the eye" a try and host it tomorow.
now imagine a white world or a black and white world with different types of grey. i wonder what emotions people of this world would have.
It would be exactly the same. They wouldn't recognize colors any differently if they'd always been greys. They'd differentiate the shades as though they were colors, and perhaps name those shades in the same way we can tell red from blue. If everything went to grey where color had been established, it would be incredibly weird at first, but we'd eventually adjust to the shades.
I'm more curious as to what emotion the brown world would be.