I hope you haven't fallen for this age-old trick and actually clicked on the link. However, if you have, welcome. This is where ideas, plans, and dreams are built. (More to come)
@murasaki9 I already added that 'junk food is good for you' post, i don't know if that counts though. I'll add another!
Superpowers! Yes, every human is blessed with a superpower when they are born. Some can fly, run fast, walk on walls, be invisible, be invincible,have telekinetic powers, and hundreds of others. Now, of course, if a person had the ability to instantly kill somebody or something, that could get out of hand. Which is why we would invent countless weapons that stun such people so we can drain them of their powers using a top-secret government vacuum. What superpower would you want? I'd want invisibility. There are times where i want to just turn invisible and walk away and hide. That way, i could. lol.
Here's my idea that I intend to fulfill someday. Any really really rich person could even do this.
Goal: Take over the world in 7 easy steps.
Step 1: Buy loads of explosives. Step 2: Buy private airplane. Step 3: Fly all over the place and plant explosives under skyscrapers in major cities. Step 4: Rig up a system that will allow you to detonate a bomb of your choice whenever you please. Step 5: Build that system in a secret underground lair where no one will find you. Step 6: Anonymously announce to the world what you have done. Step 7: Bask in the glory of your world-conquering skills. Because if the people don't obey you, you will blow up a building. And no one wants buildings blown up now do they?
@ Afterburner You know, people could just flee the buildings you rigged, especially if you announce it to the world. And most counries won't let a random plane trespass on their territory. They'll either A. shoot you down, or B. When they recieve intel from other countries when they see you planting the bombs (Which they will likely defuse)they will shoot you down and if you live kill you. Slowly.
I would want the ability to control time. Or the ability to control space. Well, if I wanted to rule the world, then I would choose the ability to control space. Controling space is also useful for magic acts, miricals,that sort of thing.
You know, people could just flee the buildings you rigged
Yeah, like I would be dumb enough to tell them which buildings I put the bombs in.
And most counries won't let a random plane trespass on their territory.
Oh you have a point there...... uh.... erm... That's a bridge I'll cross when I get there. - I have another idea. Make all medication in chewable form rather than pills. I hate taking pills they're disgusting. God made us to chew things.
I have another idea. Make all medication in chewable form rather than pills. I hate taking pills they're disgusting. God made us to chew things.
But make sure they taste good. lol. I hate those giant pills. Sometimes i cut them in half then swallow them seperately, it makes it a lot easier to swallow.
I realized i said counries instead of countries... Whoops.
Make boiled carrots not taste like boiled carrots. Have at least 1 free period a day for children during school. (Lunch doesn't count) A proportion of at least 1 guidance consoled for every 200 students.
Never stack chairs next to your bed. Never.
The power to control all gas, make and change any gas, ect... Power over gases in general.
I have another idea. Make all medication in chewable form rather than pills. I hate taking pills they're disgusting. God made us to chew things.
He also gave us a throat to swallow. Just saying. At least you won't get to taste the pill when you swallow; chewing it and discovering the pungent and unpleasant taste that the field of medicine can offer us doesn't appeal to me.
[quote]I have another idea. Make all medication in chewable form rather than pills. I hate taking pills they're disgusting. God made us to chew things. I like pills better than any form of medicine,because unlike most people I have a horrifyingly good ability to taste (which is a curse and a blessing)most medicine makes me barf.pills on the other hand are tasteless.