providing the contraceptives so you can be protected when it comes.
Which makes people feel like there's no chance of anything happening, so they keep repeating their actions. This is the same attitude that makes teenagers think they are invincible, and that usually ends up with them in jail or splattered across the road after a drunken 80-mph crash.
free in public institutions like hospitals, planned parenthood facilities, or what not
actually pay people to use them!
All of which are funded by the government. People complain (rightly so) about the economy being firmly lodged in the septic tank, but they want the government, which controls/destroys most of the economy through taxes, regulations and so forth, to pay them for using contraceptives or put out money to fund them in public "health" institutions. Where's the money going to come from? Taxes? Keep raising taxes to pay for garbage like this, and pretty soon nobody will have any money for the government to tax away.
the population couldn't sustain much more of a strain
First of all, that is exaggerated. Second, if that's the case, why take the chance of adding to the population? Contraceptives are not even close to being 100% effective. So, what now? Abortion? That's saying that it's okay to kill a living organism in its earliest stages. And if it's okay to kill something early in life, why not at any other time? Wouldn't that make murder legal, or even encouraged?
paying people to either use contraceptives or just not have sex
First part: See above.
Second part: Paying people to just not have sex? There's already something like that. It's called (wait for it) ABSTINENCE! Proven to be 100% effective in preventing human pregnancy, and at least 99% effective in preventing the spread of STDs (allowing 1% failure for accidental exposure via medical treatment). And it's FREE. The people and the government wouldn't even have to pay for it, especially if it was taught from an early age like it used to.
risks of pregnancy
RISK of pregnancy?! "Risk" denotes a negative effect. Since when is pregnancy a risk? The last time I checked, that was how humans and all animal species reproduce and propagate, thereby avoiding extinction. If reproduction and the avoidance of extinction is such a bad thing, why is there such a mad scramble of activity and media attention when some critter in a zoo gives birth? From all that, you'd almost think that something good had happened.
So why is human pregnancy suddenly such a liability? Is it because people don't want to accept the consequences of their actions? Is it because people today are scared crapless of commitment? Or is it because people have become their own pathogen? People constantly engage in self-destructive actions, like random sexual relations, with no regard to the fact that they are weakening the species as a whole by spreading disease, weakening genetic immunities, and inbreeding. And then to finish, they throw away and destroy their own future, a.k.a. children, either by aborting them or by imparting to them a gene structure that has been compromised by disease and randomly mixed genomes.
This particular topic is just one element in a whole long series of problems caused by the general decline of human morality. The heedless, and yes, Godless, actions of people today are jeopardizing the future of humankind. If we as a species are to continue, there must be a return to the morals that we once adhered to, which in this case, would be:
1. Abstain from sexual relations until after marriage.
1.1 Marriage is defined as one man and one woman in a Holy union.
2. Once married, remain faithful to your spouse.
3. If you have children, teach them the above points.
On a similar note, I also think that all sex offenders should be fully castrated. But that's another thread.