ForumsWEPRRace Discrimination

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People, look at this and tell me what you think of race discrimination.

  • 52 Replies
3,139 posts

Be proud of who you are but don't be an ego maniac and don't think of others as inferior.

Legion clearly highlighted that he was not a white supremacist.

Will this be called a racial joke:-
An Irish man caught his son doing coke.
He"If I ever watched you again doing this, I'll shove it up your nose."

Races refers to broad division of people based on their biological characteristics such as colour of skin, colour of hair and their facial features.

My race is Caucasian, my ethnicity is Irish, so no i don't believe it is a racial joke.
534 posts

My race is Caucasian, my ethnicity is Irish, so no i don't believe it is a racial joke.

So that means it should be called an ethnicity joke.
1,810 posts

So that means it should be called an ethnicity joke

More of a drug irony joke. I'm Irish (and german) and I am pretty sure Irishman don't do an excessive amount of crack. If they did then it would be a bit of a ethnic joke.
3,139 posts

We could get into a whole other debate here regarding what ethnicity people believe they are T.T

1,810 posts

We could get into a whole other debate here regarding what ethnicity people believe they are T.T

Nationality or ethnicity? Wait, no race or ethnicity? wait wait wait, Nationality=ethnicity but =/= race.....0.o Lets proceed with the original topic before I blow my brain.
3,139 posts

Although i rarely trust wiki.

Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist[1] neo-Nazi[2] Internet forum that was the Internet's first major hate site.[3]
Stormfront began as an online bulletin board system in the early 1990s before being established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader and white nationalist activist Don Black. It received national attention in the United States in 2000 after being featured as the subject of a documentary, Stormfront has been the subject of controversy after being removed from French and German Google indexes, for targeting an online FOX News poll on racial segregation, and for having political candidates as members. Its prominence has grown since the 1990s, attracting attention from watchdog organizations that oppose racism and antisemitism.

Now, the motto is white pride, but investigation argues that it is white supremacy.

3,386 posts


Another great topic for the Southern child. T_T

The 'most' discriminated race! (Or so they tell me)

There are more black people at my school than white, and racism here gets extreme, often. I will curse and such, and I'll adapt my dialect to the group of people I'm with. So, for about half the time, I'm talking ghetto. I'll say the N word, because I know I don't mean it in a harmful way. Most of the people that know me don't take offense to it, considering it's said in practically every rap song we do together, but on more than a few occasions people who don't know me try to fight me because I said the N word.

Now, I hope we all realize this is stupid. I don't say it with an 'er', I say it with an 'a'. Apparently this is frowned upon. If you aren't black, you can't say a certain word. God forbid you get on to them for saying "Cracka", because then I'm being racist.

It gets a bit old.

Don't even get me started on Black History Month. I suggested White History Month and that landed me in retract. xD We have to sit an entire block on how far blacks have come. The morning announcements in February always play a jazz type song, and give some huge bio on a famous black person. I can't stand it. I don't give a crap what MY own race does. We don't celebrate Asian History Month, if there even is one.

Now getting back towards all of the races, not just blacks and whites...

What's the topic? White supremacy?
That's just stupid. I mean really.

Okay I give up. I'll just leave with a picture.

Hope that works. And if it has bad quality, suck it up.

3,817 posts

People, look at this and tell me what you think of race discrimination.

Looks like someone has been reading Cracked?

Well I won't check the link, I read the same article you did and am pretty sure you guys got me on enough watch lists.

...I am confused about what this is about. "Racial discrimination exists!"? ...

Well I hate censorship, and although I disagree with them, they should be allowed to keep their forum up. Not much else to say.
1,416 posts

. I suggested White History Month and that landed me in retract.

There are already 11 white history months (joke). But in all seriousness, there are actually other "race months", its just that nobody bothers to celebrate them in any meaningful way. So... yeah. But that's all kind of boring stuff, so I'm going to get back to that whole white pride thing.

How an white pride be "bad" when gay pride, black pride, etc is "good"? Well, it all comes back to what it means to be white. Goumas and I had a mini-discussion about this on another thread a while back. You see, not so long ago, "white people" would never refer to themselves as white. The notion of light skinnedness existed, sure, but white people wouldn't typically identify themselves as white. A poor indentured servant would never lump himself into the same class as a rich plantation owner.

But, then, there was this whole civil war thing. And the white, slave owners were by far in the minority (as any southerner will be quick to point out, most southerners in the civil war area were not slave owners). So, how does a slave owner convince these other light-skinned people, who aren't really all that better off than slaves themselves, to fight on their side?

Well, they created the idea of the White race as an unifying concept. Like, you may be poor and landless, but you're white, so you're like me. And these pesky northerners are trying to take away rights that are god given to all white people. Video

So, basically, that's what it means to be white. "White Pride" can't really be separated from white power, because the entire origin of whiteness is based on creating an artificial group that is somehow better than other groups.

If you disagree, then tell me: what does it mean to be white? I mean, outside of intense albinism,no one has white skin, so what does it mean? If you mean European, then why not say... European?
5,552 posts

You see, not so long ago, "white people" would never refer to themselves as white.

I remember the first time I took the CSAP (Colorado State Assessment) in middle school and how it asked for my ethnicity. I had no idea what to put. I never asked my parents/anyone what I was.

But in all seriousness, there are actually other "race months",

I've never heard of them.

I don't see why we have them either.

Let me ask a question: Why do you find what ethnicity/race you are important? I've never given it a second thought for myself. I could care less if someone called me socially demeaning terms based on that.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

First of all, just for the record,"racial discrimination" is a very vague and capricious term. Frankly, I find this whole topic ill-defined. But whatever.

Anyways, now that we got that out of the way, here are my two -vague- cents:
Ceteris paribus, we prefer self-descriptions which make us feel good and avoid those we experience as unappealing. This obviously may lead us to undue opinions of our own abilities. We overestimate our own admirability and underestimate other people's, ignoring painful truths about ourselves and emphasizing painful truths about them.
Thus, positive for us (and the persons we like) results are put down to our own brilliant character, while negative outcomes are down to misfortune or the malice of others.
This, shields us against the uncomfortable possibility that we might be responsible for the unpleasant consequences of our actions (Personal responsibility). It gives both groups of persons and individuals a moral discount in their own eyes.

Anyhow, long story short, what I am saying is that we attribute nastiness to the individuals we don't like (in this particular case people of a somewhat different appearance).
When we do something unpleasant, we put it down to error or misjudgment, a behavior that can easily be fixed. Whereas when people we don't like do the same, we ascribe it to their evil character, making them less morally redeemable and more responsible for their foul behavior.
This is to make them less human. We just don't notice their complexities and intricacy anymore. The other person becomes like a cartoon villain, ripe for mistreatment.

Sadly, we often have beliefs about other people which lead us to push them into hated outgroups. We need never have met them and may known little about them, except from sources whose impartially we should have good reason to doubt; yet we may become prepared to hurt them, in heinous ways, because of the beliefs we have about them and the -terrible- motives which drive us to do harm.

Bottom line: generalization, misdirection and sophistry are very handy when dehumanizing the "enemy". They help us preserve our pleasant self-image as justified persons who act from reasonable motives.

2,027 posts

Okay I give up. I'll just leave with a picture.

"Human" is a species, not a race. It's like being asked what breed your dog is and answering "Dog". You can't deny that there are different races, but you can deny that people of one race are worth less than others.

I guess people just naturally try to judge other people so they know what to expect. This isn't just done with people from different races, but from different countries, and even people from different parts of the same country as well. The real problem is when you trust in your preconceptions so much you actually think of it as a fact, and refuse to change your mind about someone after you've had a chance to get to know them.
3,371 posts

I remember the first time I took the CSAP (Colorado State Assessment) in middle school and how it asked for my ethnicity. I had no idea what to put. I never asked my parents/anyone what I was.

I remember having my friends tell me I was black. I didn't know what I was either and I had to ask my parents what I was. I also didn't know what my religion was called for a while.

Let me ask a question: Why do you find what ethnicity/race you are important? I've never given it a second thought for myself. I could care less if someone called me socially demeaning terms based on that.

Because often the race you are says something about your culture. Personally I think it should just be a label, with nothing attached. I hate that with a race there comes expectations for that race. If you're one race you're expected to know certain things, be a certain way, and it's even expected from members of your own race. I care when people call me socially demening terms based on it when I'm the only one of that race around. Because then it feels like they're ganging up on you, you're not welcomed, or accepted, ect...
8,256 posts

You can't deny that there are different races,

Um... there is actually no, and I mean, really none at all, reason to make a racial division between humans. We are biologically and genetically one species with a meager variation that can account for no racial separation (a single dog breed probably has more genetic variation than the whole human species...). At least not when using the scientific 'race' term. When using race to qualify different ethnics, then ok. But only then.

Though I must say, we have to be aware of racism but we shouldn't be buried under all this anti-racism that in the end is doing the opposite.. I have that problem, out of fear to act racist I end up acting racist by avoiding black people. Great, right?
561 posts

The silly thing is really that there is no one on this planet that comes from one race we are all mixed up and have different backgrounds people that say that one race is better than others should have a look at there family tree.

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