ForumsWEPRRace Discrimination

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People, look at this and tell me what you think of race discrimination.

  • 52 Replies
4,710 posts

Its a white superiority site they have lots of forums Like:-
Neo Nazis
Canadian..... etc

there are racists in other countrys too. ever heard about the black panthers?
1,826 posts

And I quote

Gaining national prominence, the Black Panther Party became an icon of the counterculture of the 1960s.[7] Ultimately, the Panthers condemned black nationalism as "black racism" and became more focused on socialism without racial exclusivity

from this article
29 posts

Racism always start with a race which states and shout out that they have higher majesty and over about avarage and any other. These races who act like this are making their own enemies with saying this thing! Next level is that when other race members realize that they are discriminated by the "higher" race, starts to refuse their ideology and naturally feels bad about. When you start to refuse these ideology then comes up: youre racist! It's a wonderful world!

8,256 posts

SchoolBus, I have to ask: do you believe in a distinction of humans in several races, in a value-neutral sense?

I feel like many people today still think that there are races, even when they don't use this to discriminate others. But that still makes you racist, or racialist, or both depending on how you define those terms (their modern use is completely contrary to their original use, resp. they're also often used as synonym).

In my opinion, being racist is, first of all, discriminating between groups of people (and I use the words 'discriminate between' in it's original value-neutral sense here, as in 'distinguish'. This in itself is not bad, although it is false.
The 'bad' part is the part where this discrimination is used to value two groups differently on the same scale, instead of just stating they're 'different'.

I think that fighting the bad racism while accepting the value-neutral racism is much less efficient that to educate people and show them that there's even no base for value-neutral racism. Everywhere where there's a difference, people will put values in it. There's no sense in telling people not to value if you also tell them they're different. That's escapist in a way because it ignores human psychology.

8,256 posts

In my opinion, being racist is, first of all, discriminating between groups of people (and I use the words 'discriminate between' in it's original value-neutral sense here, as in 'distinguish'.

Maybe I ought to say, 'discriminate between racial groups of people'. There are minor differences, but they have nothing to do with races.
4,710 posts

That said, i am also a firm believer in other races being racist and discriminating against Caucasians.

it is sad that many people dislike other races and believe that they are all the best race while the others dont deserve to life, except as their slaves. happened enough in history.
1,943 posts

I'm not a racist but I can't stand people that get so worked up with it.

My mom for example has to always be politically and racially correct and it drives me haywire. Whenever she opens an argument or states an opinion it always starts with "Not to be racist BUT"

AHHHHH rage!!!!!

Just hold hands and love, stop caring so much about what is of little importance

5,340 posts

its because we live in a time era where being racist is more shamefull then being of that certain race (in many places). look at the internet, media, and certain places. if you dare say something bad about a race people will start judging you. im pretty sure that in the future the racist people are those who will have to hide their opinions and be ashamed about them XD it would be kind of funny

17 posts

Racism as a term is almost exclusively used to oppress peoples of white European background.

The original post from thepunisher93 & subsequent posts from that poster have chosen only to highlight racism from one race(white) while at the same time defending the racism of another group (The Black Panthers).

That in itself is a form of racism, but a racism which is generally accepted in the politically correct western world.

Racism exists(if sub branches of race are considered), in every country of the world in one form or another (usually tribal or nationalistic).

Racism has always existed amongst people & will always continue to exist whether we like it or not as it biologically programmed in us for survival purposes.

5,340 posts

Racism has always existed amongst people & will always continue to exist whether we like it or not as it biologically programmed in us for survival purposes.

how does it help us survive? i dont think i ever witnessed racism in the animal kingdom.

sure racism will always be there but you can pretty much say that about everything in the world good or bad. and focusing on one kind of racism isnt racist. its simply focusing on that kind of racism.
17 posts

Racism; How does it help us to survive?

Propagating with a race that is acceptable for the wider relevant community has always been important to avoid ostracization & the inherent hardships that banishment would bring. Through selective racism offspring with desirable traits can be produced & perceived (or real) undesirable traits excluded.

Racism in the Animal Kingdom;

Many different animal races can interbreed but generally choose not to & live separately in the wild.
Examples include but are not limited too,

Tiger & Lion (producing Liger or Tiglon)
Grizzly bear & Polar Bear (Pizzly bear or Grolar Bear)
Zebra & Horse or other esquine (Zedonk, Zorse, Zebrule)

When the focus of racism is entirely against one race only (perpetuating a stereotype), then that is racism.

8,256 posts


I noted some inconsistencies. First, selective breeding in humans is only seen in royal families who inbreed, because of bloodline reasons, not even for certain traits. I don't know of any other example.

Is it useful? By simply breeding for certain traits we have too few control if we don't use any genetic technology for it, results take some time, and you'd be sued and put in prison long before that. Apart from the risk to still produce inbreeding.

Also, different human races (in the correct scientific term) do not even exist, all you'd be selecting are different ethnies/populations of the same species/'race'.

Racism in the animal kingdom? It sounds like a nice story, but is sadly wrong, since the examples you listed are different species, not races, and generally their offsprings are infertile. So, I'd put a big fat FAIL there.

8,256 posts

Is it useful? By simply breeding for certain traits we have too few control if we don't use any genetic technology for it, results take some time, and you'd be sued and put in prison long before that. Apart from the risk to still produce inbreeding.

I noted I only addressed effectiveness, but not utility. What about utility then? Well, how useful is it for our species to breed humans with brown hair and blue eyes for example? You could try to breed for a certain trait that could be considered 'useful' in everyday life, but you'd loose control of other traits and anyway, it's all mostly about esthetics; nothing really all too useful to me.

Really you'd be much more successful simply using gentech, which doesn't include ethnic problems, but ethic ones indeed.
17 posts


"I noted some inconsistencies. First, selective breeding in humans is only seen in royal families who inbreed, because of bloodline reasons, not even for certain traits. I don't know of any other example."

Certain trait examples include(but not limited too);
Height, skin colour, eye colour & even neck length.
Many people take such traits into consideration whether it is right/wrong or done consciously/sub-consciously.

Also a common phenomenon today is for some nationalities from South East Asian to breed with White Caucasians to produce less Asian (whiter)looking children. In countries like The Philippines & Thailand a high percentage of TV/Movie stars are from Eurasian background. I know from personal experience.

"Is it useful? By simply breeding for certain traits we have too few control if we don't use any genetic technology for it, results take some time, and you'd be sued and put in prison long before that. Apart from the risk to still produce inbreeding."

People breed for certain traits naturally all the time(as mentioned previously) it is not illegal nor is inbreeding a necessary result. The results of interbreeding can often be noticed immediately. As for scientific genetic engineering it's already a reality & used to try & cure genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis (amongst other things).

"Also, different human races (in the correct scientific term) do not even exist, all you'd be selecting are different ethnies/populations of the same species/'race'."

Technically, if different races of human do not exist then consequently neither can racism & this whole thread is redundant.

"Racism in the animal kingdom? It sounds like a nice story, but is sadly wrong, since the examples you listed are different species, not races, and generally their offsprings are infertile. So, I'd put a big fat FAIL there."

If they were different species they would not be able to breed.
"In biology, races are distinct genetically divergent populations within the same species with relatively small morphological and genetic differences."

Humans are also part of the Animal Kingdom

8,256 posts

Certain trait examples include(but not limited too);
Height, skin colour, eye colour & even neck length.
Many people take such traits into consideration whether it is right/wrong or done consciously/sub-consciously.

Yeah, but that doesn't make it racist. It's natural variability, phenotypic plasticity as it's called, within humanity. And skin colour for example, despite being inheritable, is better correlated with latitude than with descendance. At least it was before people started mixing throughout the whole globe..

Also a common phenomenon today is for some nationalities from South East Asian to breed with White Caucasians to produce less Asian (whiter)looking children. In countries like The Philippines & Thailand a high percentage of TV/Movie stars are from Eurasian background. I know from personal experience.

Hmm.. I believe you tell the truth here, as crazy and stupid as it sounds; it sounds like something some people would do. But again that's esthetics.

As for scientific genetic engineering it's already a reality & used to try & cure genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis (amongst other things).

Yeah but it's not widely used for designer babies as of now, nor for specific breeding of whole populations.

Technically, if different races of human do not exist then consequently neither can racism & this whole thread is redundant.

If only... Racism is the belief that there are human races. This makes it very well a reality, even if it does not reflect reality. It's a discrimination of certain groups of people based on outdated and ignorant views.

If they were different species they would not be able to breed.

They are different species, that is why they do not produce fertile offsprings. But they're two close enough species to produce infertile offsprings. The definition of species is kinda blurry but here we have different species, simply closely related ones. If you think otherwise, back it up please.

Humans are also part of the Animal Kingdom

... your point being?
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