It exists and will always exist. This website proves it. I am neither a supporter nor an opponent of racial discrimination. To people that pull the race card all the time, stop being so god**** sensitive. To people that are stereotypical redneck racist, shut the hell up and get educated on what other races have done for your little "white" world.
People in my high school make "racist" jokes all the time and no one gets offended. Including the people of the race that the joke targets. And we have a high Mexican population, so Hispanic jokes aren't hard to come by at all. They laugh at it, offer their retort, and we all laugh. I can't see why anyone would get hurt by jokes. Insults maybe, but a joke offending someone is something I am not able to comprehend. Maybe people just need to learn to laugh at themselves.
Ah, yes, Stormfront. As a proud member, I can tell you that there are many types of people there. Sure, you'll get a few flat-out "death-to-non-white" types, all the way down to the typical white-pride types. Not every member of a group is a fruitcake. I'll say it, I'm a white pride, white nationalist. But no, I don't hate every single non-white there is. I get along very well with non-whites, but I'm just proud to be white, the same as blacks and Buddhists have a right to be so. And, Jefferysinspiration, what difference do you see in white pride compared to... say, Black Pride, Gay Pride, or Muslim Pride?
I think what Legion provided gives a good "alternate perspective" on how one views White Pride. There's definitely a difference between the terms "White Pride" and "White Power". I see nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, until it becomes an ego problem and conflicts with how one views other ethnicities. Black Pride, Gay Pride, and Muslim Pride are all being proud of who you are if they fit into that category. It isn't necessarily saying "This status is better and all others blow".
Ah, yes, Stormfront. As a proud member, I can tell you that there are many types of people there. Sure, you'll get a few flat-out "death-to-non-white" types, all the way down to the typical white-pride types. Not every member of a group is a fruitcake. I'll say it, I'm a white pride, white nationalist. But no, I don't hate every single non-white there is. I get along very well with non-whites, but I'm just proud to be white, the same as blacks and Buddhists have a right to be so. And, Jefferysinspiration, what difference do you see in white pride compared to... say, Black Pride, Gay Pride, or Muslim Pride?
I'll tell you what the difference is, they don't think that other people are lesser human beings. As a human being all are thought equal but their beliefs set them different. And more importantly, they don't call for annihlation of some race.
I'll tell you what the difference is, they don't think that other people are lesser human beings. As a human being all are thought equal but their beliefs set them different. And more importantly, they don't call for annihlation of some race.
You're severely confusing white pride with white supremacy. White pride is taking pride in being white. White supremacy is believing non-white races are inferior.
People in my high school make "racist" jokes all the time and no one gets offended. Including the people of the race that the joke targets
Jefferysinspiration, what difference do you see in white pride compared to... say, Black Pride, Gay Pride, or Muslim Pride
I think what Legion provided gives a good "alternate perspective" on how one views White Pride. There's definitely a difference between the terms "White Pride" and "White Power".
First of, racist jokes can be hilarious, as long as they're not done in bad taste, and i agree people who blow up over it when they know it was not intentionally to be actually racist annoy me too.
Legion, i answer you with what Frank said, in agreeance with you. Since i'm not a member of this website, and cannot see it's content, only the brief clipping (which i thought was more of a white power than white pride page) my view is on the former.
I think white power speels are disgusting, white pride however, no i do not think there's anything wrong with it, nor does it differ from any other pride as you so mentioned. I'm proud to be white, yes. The white power thing, does sicken me though.
The clipping showing was very negative though and showed the website as a white power site. Legion, do you want to counter it with a pride over power example from the site?
Be proud of who you are but don't be an ego maniac and don't think of others as inferior.
First of, racist jokes can be hilarious, as long as they're not done in bad taste, and i agree people who blow up over it when they know it was not intentionally to be actually racist annoy me too.
Will this be called a racial joke:- An Irish man caught his son doing coke. He"If I ever watched you again doing this, I'll shove it up your nose."
The second link that punisher gave didn't look like it was intended to be totally serious. I didn't go through the whole thing, but it seemed that it was just there to try to be funny, as some of the "facts" were so outlandish. And also the fact that the top said that there were 100 facts and one lie made it look like a BS joke webpage. If there was something that made it obviously white power please give me the number.