Also a common phenomenon today is for some nationalities from South East Asian to breed with White Caucasians to produce less Asian (whiter)looking children. In countries like The Philippines & Thailand a high percentage of TV/Movie stars are from Eurasian background. I know from personal experience.
... thinking of it, how is this beneficial to your own gene pool? If I understood that right it's an attempt to fuse into a population due to popularity/cultural phenomenons or something like that, that's not even the same as outselecting certain traits within a population.
Concerning the animal cross-species thing, have a read at these examples: Mule Liger Zebroid
Also to explain why there is no biological foundation for any kind of racial separation of humans: human populations, when migrating out of Africa went through several bottlenecks, leaving the total human genepool pretty thinned out. Our species has a really low genetic diversity; for example, if you take randomly from two separate populations of orangutans in Borneo one individual each, they will statistically vary stronger than each individuum with another individuum of it's population. But human populations are so close that statistically, an African will statistically vary more compared with another African than with an European, for example.
I just saw an interview on CNN where they said incredibly ignorant, racist, things. I was shocked really. They said they didn't follow white man's laws, which they also said were america's laws.
A man is a man, regardless of his skin color. If one wants to be racist, let him. There's a distinct difference between turning down an employee because of race and arresting a man because of race. One is withing the confides of the law, and one is heinous criminal action. It is the right of the self to be able to judge, to allow feelings of others. Who are we to tell other people what to feel? Can you force me to be happy around some people? Of course not, you're not me. Can you force me to be sad around some people? Of course not, again, you're not me.
I say this as a man who is a White Anglo-Saxon Satanist Racist, and I'll be ****ed if my right to hate is taken away. Next thing, they take away my right to love. What is morality, it is all relative, no? If you take away my right to detest and despise, what's to stop you from taking away my other emotions, to be an automaton of The State (Here "The State" is used as a term to represent any form of gov't).
That is not to say that we should all hate each other. It is the free will of the self to love or hate, that's why we're born with sentience, with the ability to choose if we want Hotdogs or Hamburgers for dinner, or if we want to spend or save our money. But it should be within the limits of the law, the accepted righteous order kept within the population to enable an orderly environment where the free market and free will of the people can live and grow unhindered by interference from The State.
A bit off topic there, but here's the jist - Love your Black, White, Yellow, Red, (Purple?) neighbor, but only if you want to. If you don't... well I guess you won't be able to borrow sugar from that house for your Lemon Meringue Pie.
There's a distinct difference between turning down an employee because of race and arresting a man because of race. One is withing the confides of the law, and one is heinous criminal action.
And there we have a perfect example of the government sticking its hand where its not wanted. If a business owner decides to discriminate against Blacks and not hire them, that's his decision as a business owner. If it turns out that the black guy he just turned down was a pretty awesome worker, that's the owner's loss. It should be up to the owners of the business, not The State, to determine how to effectively run a business, with or without Racism included.