ForumsWEPRSan Antonio prep fans accused of racism over 'USA, USA!' chant

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421 posts

Ya, apparently chanting USA! USA!, is now racist? Ridiculous.

Here is the link

  • 37 Replies
5,043 posts

I can see how chanting, 'USA, USA', can come off as being racist. I can also see it as coming off purely patriotic. I can understand how someone can say this in a way where they want to feel pride as being an American in a positive way, and I can understand how someone can say this in a way in which they mean to belittle the other team for not being from the US.

Regardless as to what the students meant, the last people who should criticize these students are sports officials. Sports are all about supporting a team you don't play on based solely on where they're from, what school they go to, or the color of their clothes. There's no difference in chanting 'USA, USA' or chanting 'Go Bulls', or 'Go Lakers'. College basketball literally makes me sick to my stomach it's so disgusting, but that has more to do with wasted resources, heightened tuition, coach salaries, and the illusion of positive reputation based on having a good team.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I can understand how someone can say this in a way in which they mean to belittle the other team for not being from the US.

I get what you're saying, but in this particular case both teams were from the US. It was a regional tournament between high school teams in San Antonio, Texas. Thus, I'd wager that most players (of both teams) are American citizens.
Y'know, it wasn't a game between, for example, China and the USA.

Sadly, I'm afraid they meant it in a racist way.
5,043 posts

I get what you're saying, but in this particular case both teams were from the US. It was a regional tournament between high school teams in San Antonio, Texas.

Oh, right, I should have read better. Thanks for pointing that out.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Oh, right, I should have read better. Thanks for pointing that out.

No big deal.

Anyways, the story is:
A team that's mainly made up of kids of Mexican origin, in San Antonio (home of the Alamo) plays vs. a team that's mainly made up of anglo kids. And, the fans of the "American" (a.k.a. white) team chant "USA, USA".
I think its pretty clear why in this case the "USA, USA" chant can be considered somewhat racist.
5,129 posts

Ya, apparently chanting USA! USA!, is now racist? Ridiculous.

chanting usa! usa! usa! creates more enemys for you then people who like it.

whooooo we killed some1: USA! USA! USA!
whooooo we got a new president: USA! USA! USA!
whooooo it's new years day: USA! USA! USA!
whooooo we failed to win the war on terrorism: USA! USA! USA!
whooooo we are 99%: USA! USA! USA!
whooooo the police beats us: USA! USA! USA!
whooooo there is almost daily killing at the mexican border: USA! USA! USA!

shouting USA only makes you, your country and the rest of the americans look stupid.
like shouting retards.

be happy it becomes racist. by not doing this BS your country will get less enemy's.
421 posts

Look, you can be black, white, yellow, red, or green. If you live in America, you are an American. White doesn't mean "American".

Simply being patriotic isn't racism. If they wanted to be racist, they would have chanted some racial slur or something. Chanting USA! doesn't really mean that whites are better than anyone else.

These liberals (who obviously aren't patriotic) just want to mess around and make anything you do politically incorrect. I'm sick of this politically incorrect stuff.

1,627 posts

shouting USA only makes you, your country and the rest of the americans look stupid.
like shouting retards.

be happy it becomes racist. by not doing this BS your country will get less enemy's.

AAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnddddddd here comes the anti-American everything guns blazing. There is nothing wrong with being patriotic in general. You are steering this thread off topic by throwing out wild accusations left and right! Would you consider it "racist" if Dutch started shouting "Nederland! Nederland!" No. You would consider it patriotic. Would I consider it racist if a Canadian started shouting, "Canada! Canada!" No, I would consider it to be an outward display of patriotism. Yes, I feel that the chanting of "USA! USA!" was inappropriate at the time and place, however you misconstrue displays of patriotism in order to justify your argument that America should be hated.
5,043 posts

shouting USA only makes you, your country and the rest of the americans look stupid.
like shouting retards.

To be fair, many countries have turned football (soccer) fields into battle zones...
8,257 posts

Simply being patriotic isn't racism. If they wanted to be racist, they would have chanted some racial slur or something. Chanting USA! doesn't really mean that whites are better than anyone else.

In general I would have to agree, but that specific situation was very badly chosen for chanting, because then it basically said the other team wasn't considered to be American (although they are); I would not necessarily call it racist, but it is kinda discriminating.

Now, going to court for that seems slightly exxagerated (although I know in America people go to court for less than that), I would simply consider it very rude and disrespectful.

These liberals (who obviously aren't patriotic) just want to mess around and make anything you do politically incorrect. I'm sick of this politically incorrect stuff.

So now it's a crime to not be patriotic or what?
1,627 posts

Geez macfan, how is it that when we agree we disagree at the same time...

Simply being patriotic isn't racism. If they wanted to be racist, they would have chanted some racial slur or something. Chanting USA! doesn't really mean that whites are better than anyone else.

The issue was the context. An almost all-white school defeating an almost entirely Mexican American school. It wouldn't be considered racist if there were no feelings of animosity toward Mexicans, but considering the current views of Mexicans right now, I can see how it could be considered telling "them Mexicans to git out of 'Mrca!"

These liberals (who obviously aren't patriotic) just want to mess around and make anything you do politically incorrect. I'm sick of this politically incorrect stuff.

Obviously the lame-stream media is trying to contort your views so that Obama can take over as supreme dictator!!! That's why this story got coverage, not because it's an issue that came up at a sporting event between high schools, and most certainly not because one of the districts complained to the other, and most certainly not because it was reported on FOX NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but political correctness is needed. Do you think that we should just go around calling black people "******", asian people "*****" and mulattos "brownie?"'
9,504 posts

These liberals (who obviously aren't patriotic) just want to mess around and make anything you do politically incorrect.

Seriously? Are you really saying this?
2,413 posts

These liberals (who obviously aren't patriotic) just want to mess around and make anything you do politically incorrect.
*puts head through **** wall* Are you *blocked* kidding me? ARE YOU *blocked* KIDDING ME? I don't think this is racist at all, and you say that we just want to make anything you do politically incorrect? Get your head out of the sand, macfan, and realize not everyone's gonna have the same worldview as you.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

If you live in America, you are an American. White doesn't mean "American".

The problem is that said chant -pretty- clearly implies that the players of Mexican origin are not American.

Anyhoo, there is a lot of racial tension in San Antonio. You know, this chant just adds oil to the fire.
197 posts

I mean, it isn't anything to be up in arms about, but I can definitely see how it could be offensive. A mostly white team chanting "USA" after beating a predominately Mexican American team? I don't see any other reason for them doing that other than to imply the other team isn't American or illegal (or something of that sort). It's uncalled for, though it's definitely not racist, mostly just a bit xenophobic.

5,129 posts

Would you consider it "racist" if Dutch started shouting "Nederland! Nederland!" No. You would consider it patriotic.

1st of when i wrote it i only readed the 1st post. (giving my opinion on the OP) then i started to read the rest. and saw the point. i do agree it's not racist.
i also never did consider it racist befor. it's just that the OP was indecating thos. and i can't help it that i c those things from the usa sometimes because it's prety often some crazy,redicules news comes from the usa.
except whit this i was trying to find to good point if it would be considred from now on.

No. You would consider it patriotic.

no i would consider it stupid.

i mean WTF? shouting "nederland nederland" because a new president is elected? hello, that happens about 30 times a year. it's nothing special.

shouting "nederland nederland" because our army has killed some dude in war? being in war is not something to be proud of you know.
and yes that guy has also threaded my country whit attacks because of hirsi ali and geert wilders. and 2 or 3 times some guy's have been arrested for planning it. and we had 2 political shootings in the meanwhile.
thats all prety much for such a small country as ours. but we did not cheer when he died.

shouting "nederland nederland" because the police starts to arrest people during demonstrations? hmmm... shouldn't you be shouting about what you want to change? or who are the bad guys... ow wait now i remember, you were protesting against noting, whit no demands.

shouting "nederland nederland" because it's new year? pssssst. it's new year around the globe

the only time we shout "nederland nederland" or actualy we say "holland holland" for no real reason ( =S ) is in sporting events and 95% only whit soccer. then we do it not because we love our country so much, but it's ment to cheer up our guys on the field.


the line between patriotism and nationalism is very thin.
i would consider most of your people nationalistic not patriotic.
i can not know for sure who is what because i don't know any of ya in rl. however of curtian i'm almost sure.

To be fair, many countries have turned football (soccer) fields into battle zones...

yea lol.
if they would use the line only for a few things and not shout it at every random reason at hand. then it would becomes a way of cheering again. but now it's simply over used for the most senseless things. (see above for examples =) )


after along post we almost forget the topic, here is what i think of the topic now:

i do agree it's not racist.
i also never did consider it racist befor.
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