ForumsThe Tavern{Requested}April Fools

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896 posts

*Dum da ba da da dum da ba da dum daaaa* (That was an exciting little tune to signal the return of AfterBurner0)

Well. Shall we discuss April fools day that's coming up? I'd like some ideas for new pranks to pull. Also if you have any hilarious stories about a prank you pulled on someone feel free to share it too!

So I guess I'll get things started. A good prank to pull would be the classic 'Put plastic wrap in a doorway' joke. And as for a funny story... One time, I put salt in my dad's ice cream and he made ME eat it. > ... And now this OP awkwardly comes to a close. So let the discussion commence.

  • 122 Replies
1,900 posts

Except when you can get in because the door to the bathroom is locked. .___.

Occasionaly there will be a key on the top of the door of the room. Check, there are in my house anyway.
896 posts

Occasionaly there will be a key on the top of the door of the room. Check, there are in my house anyway.

Hey... You're right... hm. What're the odds.

hey i wonder what ag is going to do this year. im still struggeling to get over last years with all the "bieber games" and "friday" to cure it *shivers* it will haunt me forever.

They'll probably pretend to launch AG3. Heh heh. Wouldn't that be a hoot.
I think another prank I might pull is I might hide everyone's shoes. Then we'll all have to go to church with no shoes or not go to church at all. That would be absolutely hysterical.
1,900 posts

Here's another one:
replace shampoo with ranch.

2,487 posts

I don't recommend these unless you're very sadistic:

you could put a stink bomb in one of the return vents of your house. the reason why is self-explanatory.

you could also electrically charge a door knob.

the last thing I could think of is bake a chocolate cake filled with chocolate laxatives.

the reasons as to why I don't recommend these are rather self-explanatory.


896 posts

Here's another one:
replace shampoo with ranch.

Hahahaha. My immediate thought: "That's a waste of shampoo." Then I was like: "Oh wait, just put the shampoo in a different container... So yeah... That would be quite a prank. Or replace it with glue... That might get you killed. Well... The glue won't kill you, but the person who put the glue in their hair would kill you.
5,952 posts

i figured out what im going to do to my sister. first, i will go in her room while she is sleeping in my skeleton mask and wake her up and scare her. then i will stick a post it note to her for head and run away. on the post it not it will say, "i have hidden you teddy bear. if you want it back you will follow the instructions on the post it note. go to the kitchen table" then she will go down stairs to the kitchen table, where she will find another post it saying "go to the kitchen sink". while she aimlessly wanders around downstairs i have a window of oprotunity to set up the "water cup on door way" prank on her bedroom door, the one she just walked out of. i will make sure the post its keep her ocupied so have enough time to set up the prank on her door. mean while she will find a post it some where down stairs that says "go back to your bed room and look under the bed." naturally, she will come up the stairs and go into her room, only to be splashed with water. i hope to video tape it too. i will also try and set up the water in doorway prank on a few other doors for my parents. also, im going to switch all my dads drawers in his dresser around, so when he is looking where his pant should be, he would find shirts. also im going to sarran wrap a few open hallways. and another is im going to go and stand by the refrigerator and offer people water, then grab a water bottle from the fridge. this bottle i have already poked a hole in the top, so instead of giving them the bottle, i will squirt them with it. oh yeah i forgot, im going to take my families tooth brushes and put them in a cup of water. then i will freeze the tooth brushes inside the cup of water. they will love me for that. oh yeah and i will take away their stuff while they are in the shower. hehehe i will video tap most of these (not the shower one) for the reactions.

22 posts

That's one big TROLL face.

896 posts

i figured out what im going to do to my sister... ...hehehe i will video tap most of these (not the shower one) for the reactions.

Wow. You must really hate your family. XD jk. It sounds like you'll have a full day. Do you think your family will plan any revenge? One other thing you could do, is get a wide bucket, fill it with water, and put it beside someone's bed. Then when they wake up and step out of bed, they'll step in the water. XD

That's one big TROLL face.

I spit at your miniature post, scoff your thundering lack of rule-following skills, and cast a curse upon you and upon your entire line of descendants. This curse will make you and your descendants not able to lick their elbows.
1,900 posts

You guys are thinking way too small. *cracks knuckles* Here's some straight from the mind of the King. (me)

Take a golf ball, a bucket of water, some tin foil, a lighter, a stick, and some tape.
Make a circular cut on the top of the golf and fill it up with tin foil. Next, put that in a bucket of water near your parent's bathroom door (make sure the water is only a few centimeters deep, and none of it gets on the tin foil).
Put the lighter on the counter near the bucket, then attach the stick with some tape to the door, so that when it opens it pushes the lighter off of the counter. In the morning, before your parents/siblings wake up, turn on the lighter, then place it where it would fall into the golf ball (you can use another spherical shaped object, but make sure it's made out of plastic).

Do any of you know what I'm showing you to make?

That's right,

A miniature...

Smoke Grenade.

Happy Pranking.

572 posts

I suck at AF's

1,044 posts

Okay, once my family ran out of milk, so I filled the milk about a quarter of the way up before breakfast. So when my sister got some cereal she got water instead of milk. she only found out when I told her.... Happy pranking!!

407 posts

Best AF prank is using it on your girlfriend telling her your dumping her and she freaks out. xD

896 posts

Best AF prank is using it on your girlfriend telling her your dumping her and she freaks out. xD

The hard part is getting a girlfriend first. hahahaha.

I suck at AF's

Well that's good to know, now stop spamming with wimpy posts lest you suffer the thundering fury of the mods.
9,438 posts

The hard part is getting a girlfriend first. hahahaha.

The harder part is when she sobs to another guy that she was dump'd and goes out with him.
1,673 posts

A miniature...

Smoke Grenade.

I think I made a similar version to that using a pingpong ball.

oh wait...

(you can use another spherical shaped object, but make sure it's made out of plastic).
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